Taoist world

Chapter 4958 How to break it

Looking at the blazing flames on Jiang Yun's guardian figure, a monk in the crowd stammered and asked: "Is this Jiang Yun also a dual-empty phase?"

In fact, this question does not need anyone to answer it at all.

Even the person who asked the question knew the answer clearly.

However, he really couldn't believe it and couldn't accept it.

Not only him, but most of the people present felt the same way.

It's not that every one of them has a grudge against Jiang Yun, but because of their origin!

All of them were born in the realm of suffering and grew up in the realm of suffering!

Jiang Yun is from Jiyu.

Even though everyone already knew that Jiang Yun was a member of the Jiang clan in Kuyu, from the bottom of their hearts, they still believed that Jiang Yun belonged to Jiyu.

Coming to the Bitter Territory was a high climb for Jiang Yun.

And they have always regarded Jiyu as a world where ants live, and the creatures in Jiyu as ants.

This made them instinctively reject and look down upon Jiang Yun.

The better and more powerful Jiang Yun was, the more they couldn't accept it.

However, Jiang Yun brought them accidents and "surprises" again and again.

Especially now, Jiang Yun actually showed two empty phases. This surprise was really too big, to the extent that they were really unwilling to accept it.

Jiang Yun didn't care whether they accepted it or not. The reason why he showed two empty appearances was not to show off to others, but because he was happy to see him.

Dark Three's method of controlling the void phase gave Jiang Yun a lot of inspiration.

In addition, the strength of Dark Three is not weak, so Jiang Yun also showed the empty phase of fire, hoping to imitate the practice of Dark Three, so that he can also control the two empty phases to fight together.

Choosing the empty phase of fire is not arbitrary.

When the Dark Three combined the two empty phases to fight, the two empty phases actually possessed each other's attributes.

The power of darkness is about concealment, but the countless sharp blades it turns into have the properties of gold and are extremely sharp.

The black sword was supposed to move forward in an indomitable way, but at this moment, in the darkness formed by the power of darkness, it disappeared and its sharpness was reduced.

After careful consideration, Jiang Yun chose the empty phase of fire.

On the one hand, fire overcomes metal; on the other hand, flames emit light and can also illuminate darkness.


The flames on the guardian figure surged again, turning the surrounding area into a sea of ​​fire, quickly dispelling the darkness.

There was a ball of flame in it, which turned into a fist and suddenly hit a black sword that was exposed without the cover of darkness.


The big sword opened the pavilion vertically and horizontally, and although it split the flaming fist into two halves, the hot flames on the fist also melted the blade of the big sword.


The darkness that had just separated once again condensed into a huge black figure, opened its mouth, and spewed out a stream of black air, which in turn invaded the sea of ​​fire.

In short, Jiang Yun and An San started a battle of empty phase!

Such a battle is not only extremely spectacular, but also as dangerous as the actual battle.

The empty phase represents the path of a monk, which is the aggregation of a monk's cultivation, and is the place where a monk is second only to his soul.

Once the empty phase is damaged, it represents a decline in cultivation.

Once the emptiness is destroyed, the monk will instantly fall from the heights to a common man.

even death!

Everyone was watching the battle between the four empty phases intently, mesmerized.

Both sides of the battle also had serious expressions on their faces, controlling their respective emptiness.

It seems that the strength of the two is about the same, but not many people know that this is the first time Jiang Yun has fought with someone in this way.

Therefore, Jiang Yun spent most of his time studying and trying.

In other words, he regarded the hidden three as a training object, and through fighting with the hidden three, he could become proficient in the use of the empty phase as soon as possible.

As time gradually passed, everyone watching the battle and the dark three finally realized that something was wrong.

Especially the dark three, he tried his best, but still couldn't defeat Jiang Yun's empty phase, and even started to turn around, and was gradually suppressed by Jiang Yun.

This is naturally because Jiang Yun has become more and more familiar with the empty phase.

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't want to expose his trump cards too much, Jiang Yun would really want to change into two more empty phases to get familiar with them.

"We can't delay it any longer!"

Finally, An San's eyes revealed a look of determination.

And his Kongxiang, which was once again burned by Jiang Yun's Kongxiang Fire, was left with only a small black spot, suddenly exploded.


The black spots exploded and turned into infinite white light, overwhelming the sky and filling everyone's eyes.

Everything must be reversed!

When darkness reaches its extreme, it is pure light.

The sudden appearance of light surprised everyone, and it also stimulated them all to close their eyes or look away.

Even their consciousness was filled with endless white light at this moment.

Jiang Yun's empty appearance, the huge guardian figure and the burning flames on his body were also covered in light, as if his figure was frozen, and they temporarily stopped.

At this moment, a small black spot appeared in the light, like lightning, shooting towards Jiang Yun who also closed his eyes.

At the same time, the figure of An San also disappeared from the place and appeared in front of Jiang Yun. A black sword appeared in his hand and stabbed Jiang Yun between the eyebrows.

Turning the darkness and space into light, and then hiding the darkness in the light, the main body and the space phase attack at the same time. This is the strongest attack of Dark Three!

Only a few people present could see clearly what An San was doing, and they couldn't help but look horrified.

Even if Jiang Yun can dodge one attack, he may not be able to dodge another attack.

No matter what kind of attack it was, as long as Jiang Yun was hit, he was completely defeated.

But just when the attack of An San and his empty phase was about to hit Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun's motionless guardian figure suddenly disappeared from the place and appeared behind Jiang Yun, stretching out his hand. He grabbed the black spot formed by the three dark and empty phases.

Jiang Yun's true self also raised his hand, easily grasped the black sword in An San's hand, and shook it hard.


The black sword instantly broke into two pieces.

The black dot formed by the three dark aspects of the sky also disappeared into the hands of the guardian figure and disappeared without a trace.

An San's body trembled heavily, and a mouthful of blood slowly spilled out from the corner of his mouth. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Jiang Yun in front of him, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Outside the world, a great emperor said with a solemn face: "His empty phase is ruined!"

Yes, the emptiness of the Dark Three has been completely shattered.

And if the empty phase is broken, it means that the cultivation level is completely lost!

Although An San is not dead at this moment, he has become an ordinary person, and it would be better to die happily.

Another great emperor frowned and said, "Just, how did it break?"

"Even though Jiang Yun also has two empty phases, and even though he is more powerful than An San's empty phase, he will not be able to destroy the two empty phases of An San so easily!"

Although these great emperors had extraordinary eyesight and powerful spiritual consciousness, they clearly saw the final confrontation between An San and Jiang Yun, but they did not know how Jiang Yun destroyed An San's Kong Xiang in just an instant. of.

The answer to this question is known only to the Dark Three!

This was also the reason why there was a look of disbelief in his eyes and face at this moment.

Because, at the moment before his empty phase was shattered, he vaguely felt that there were at least ten different powers in Jiang Yun's physical empty phase.

Therefore, you can easily shatter your own emptiness.

And this means that Jiang Yun has at least ten empty phases.

How can Dark Three believe this!

Now, he really wanted to tell everything he felt to others, especially the people in the Shadow Pavilion.

Because he knew that he was going to die, and after his death, his senior brothers would definitely come to Jiang Yun for revenge.

That is not revenge, but death!

Unfortunately, he no longer had the chance to speak.

Because Jiang Yun's palm had already penetrated into his body and captured his soul.

And, Jiang Yun's voice sounded in his ears: "I'll send you to accompany your sister!"

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