Taoist world

Chapter 4938: The dove takes over the magpie's nest

Xue Wuchang's words made Jiang Yun shake his head and say, "I don't understand!"

There had been a battle between the Great Emperors in Sijingzang, and Jiang Yun knew that it must be a fact.

Because his senior brother, second senior sister, Jiansheng, and grandpa are all still in the imperial mausoleum.

Even the monks in the Four Realms Tibet knew that some strange creatures were born in the Emperor's Mausoleum, which they named Emperor You Emperor Corpse, and they were extremely powerful.

In order to prevent these creatures from escaping from the imperial mausoleum, they also specially used an emperor-suppressing sword, which was always firmly inserted into the imperial mausoleum and suppressed the emperor's mausoleum.

However, what does the imperial war in the Four Realms have to do with the great emperors of the nine tribes staying in the outer world, and Xue Wuchang and the others?

Xue Wuchang explained: "The cultivation of the Great Emperor requires a source of power, which is extremely terrifying!"

"It stands to reason that the source of power existing in heaven and earth can form an endless cycle through the monks' practice and death."

"But the Shijingzang, no matter how special it is, its area is really small."

"The source of power it contains should originally only be used by those monks who were born in it."

"But, suddenly, there were not only eighteen more of us, but also the Tibetan Elders Association, and Gu!"

"Not only has the number of monks increased greatly, but there are also so many great emperors among them."

"It is conceivable that its source of power is not enough."

"Originally, if it is not enough, we can use the power of those great emperors to open up space, such as annexing the All Heavens Gathering Area to increase the source of power."

"But I didn't expect that there was a strong man in ancient times who used his body and strength to completely seal the entire four realms."

Hearing Xue Wuchang say this, Jiang Yun's heart moved, and he naturally knew that this strong man was his master, Gu Bu Lao, the ancient Zun Gu!

"Therefore, if those people from the Tibetan Laohui want to make themselves stronger and in turn restrain the Nine Clans Emperors, they can only launch the so-called Imperial War to eliminate the Emperors of the Four Realms Tibet first."

Jiang Yun finally understood!

Just like the original Shanhai Realm!

The reason why the Mountain and Sea Realm was weak at the beginning was because the spiritual energy within it was almost exhausted.

Without the source of spiritual energy, monks cannot practice and improve their strength.

The area of ​​the Four Realms Store is indeed not small, but compared to the Suffering Realm, it is much smaller, so the source of power within it is limited.

There can be many great emperors coexisting in the Bitter Territory, but the Four Realms Cang cannot accommodate so many great emperors.

Especially for those like the nine great emperors, whose strength far exceeds that of other great emperors, the number of sources of power they need to absorb is even more majestic.

Therefore, after the emperors of the Tibetan Laohui realized that there were some emperors in Tianwaitian who were more powerful than them, they tried every means to launch an imperial war.

In the end, there were only four great emperors left among the monks in the Four Realms, one for each race.

The great emperors of the nine clans in the sky and the sky were unable to absorb any source of power, and thus gradually weakened, and in turn were imprisoned by the Tibetan Elders Association.

In short, all changes in the Four Realms of Zang are secretly controlled by the great emperors of the Tibetan Elders Association from the Bitter Territory.

The ultimate benefit recipient is also the Tibetan Laohui.

Not only did they occupy Shijingzang, but they also blocked the path of the emperors of the monks in Shijingzang. The real Jiu occupied the magpie's nest and suddenly became the master of Shijingzang.

Xue Wuchang continued: "Also, there is that tower in the sky outside the sky that is specially used for cultivation."

"And the extraterrestrial power in the mysterious bead you got is actually the power of us people."

"Even if we are the Great Emperor, our strength far exceeds that of the monks in your fantasy realm."

"But just by releasing power, we cannot absorb power to replenish it. As time goes by, our strength will naturally become weaker and weaker."

"When one day, the Great Emperor of the Nine Tribes and us are really exhausted, that will be the time for those people from the Tibetan Elders Association to take action against us."

Jiang Yun nodded.

From this point of view, the emperors of the Tibetan Elders Association are really far-sighted and cruel.

In order for them to go to the True Domain, they abandoned their respective families and sects, and even killed so many great emperors in the Four Realms.

However, Jiang Yun suddenly thought of the sacred objects of the Nine Clans.

Is it possible that the holy relics of the nine tribes were originally in Tianwai Tiannei and were carried by the emperor of the nine tribes to suppress Xue Wuchang and others.

However, after they knew the purpose of those in the Tibetan Elder Society and that they and others were indeed in trouble, they deliberately sent the sacred objects of the nine tribes out of Tianwaitian.

I hope that the holy objects of the nine tribes can absorb some sources of power, or help them break out of their predicament!

As for the nine tribes in the Four Realms, are they just like the nine tribes of Annihilation in the All Heavens Gathering Area? They are a group of uncivilized aborigines sought by the nine tribes' sacred objects.

After all, Jiang Yun knew that the fastest way for the Nine Tribes' holy objects to regain their power is to accept the worship of their respective tribesmen, which is the corresponding power of the Nine Tribes!

After the birth of the nine tribes, they disappeared one after another, or even were exterminated. The person who secretly did this was also the Zanglaohui.

The Tibetan Laohui may have noticed that the Nine Tribes were related to Tianwaitian, or they may have been wary of the Nine Tribes, so they secretly suppressed them and sent them to forbidden areas to explore ancient secrets.


Jiang Yun softly uttered these three words. He really didn't expect that this Tibetan Laohui would be so capable.

Especially the founder of the Tibetan Elders Association is an ancestor of the Jiang family!

Jiang Yun was ready to go back to the ancestor and ask him who he was.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun then asked Xue Wuchang: "But, since you are from the True Realm, why did you go to the Four Realms Zang and the All Heavens Gathering Realm?"

Xue Wuchang shook his head and said, "I don't know about this either."

"If you have the chance, you can ask your senior brother, he may be able to know something."

Big brother!

The eldest brother has always stayed in the imperial mausoleum, and his strength suddenly became terrifyingly powerful. What role does he play in the Four Realms?

"Okay, let's get down to business!"

Xue Wuchang interrupted Jiang Yun's thoughts and said: "This Dark Star is one of the nine people imprisoned in Tianwaitian!"

Dark Star, the Emperor of Darkness!

Perhaps his strength is not the strongest in the True Domain, but in terms of mastering the power of darkness, if he considers himself second, then no one would dare to say he is first!

Blood Impermanence’s introduction to Dark Star is very simple.

Because he and Dark Star did not know each other originally, they had only heard each other's names and some deeds.

Even Xue Wuchang was not very clear about who the nine people imprisoned with him were.

"The nine of us are not mediocre people. Naturally, we are not willing to be imprisoned in Tianwaitian forever, so we also show our magical powers and think about escaping from Tianwaitian."

"Dark Star should have successfully escaped before me."

"Of course, he must have only escaped partially and formed a clone. The real person is still imprisoned in Tianwaitian."

"Furthermore, he somehow entered the Bitter Realm and created the Shadow Pavilion."

Since Jiang Yun already knew that Xue Wuchang had successfully escaped from Tianwaitian with a drop of blood, the escape of the Dark Emperor was not unimaginable.

However, Jiang Yun asked with some confusion: "When did you start guessing that this Shadow Pavilion Master is Dark Star?"

Xue Wuchang replied: "I have guessed it since I heard about the Shadow Pavilion."

"Because the original Dark Star was also doing things similar to assassinations in the True Domain."

"And I guess that he probably killed someone he shouldn't have killed, which is why he was imprisoned in Tianwaitian."

"Now, after seeing this Tribulation Sky Cauldron, I am even more certain."

"Presumably, when you first stepped into the Bitter Realm and the Shadow Pavilion sent the quasi-emperor warriors to hunt you down, Dark Star had already noticed you."

"After all, others may not know that the Four Realms are hidden in the All Heavens Gathering Area, but Dark Star should have some clues."

"Even when you go to Taishi Family and Zhongchun Realm, Dark Star may be secretly monitoring you."

"When he sees your Sky Tribulation Cauldron, he will be able to recognize your identity and want to kill you!"

"Of course, he has no grudge against you. He hates the Emperor of the Jie Kong Clan."

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