Taoist world

Chapter 4936 Jiang’s Transformation

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In the Jiang clan, looking at Jiang Yun who had entered the realm of mountains and seas, the ancestor of the Jiang clan remained silent.

At this time, several other ancestors and clan leaders gathered beside him, all with the same solemn look on their faces.

The four great emperors from the Shadow Pavilion just arrived and gave Jiang Yun a life-killing coffin. Naturally, they all saw it clearly and knew what it meant.

Before, some of them wouldn't have cared too much.

But it’s different now!

Although they didn't know what kind of conditions the Great Ancestor finally offered that made Jiang Yun change his attitude and be willing to stay in the Jiang clan, they all listened to the conditions that the Great Ancestor said in front of all the Jiang clan members. clearly.

Although Jiang Yun did not accept those conditions, since the great ancestor spoke, it means that from now on, Jiang Yun's status in the Jiang family is actually equivalent to that of the clan leader!

Let alone those from the side who want to kill Jiang Yun, it is impossible even for them, the ancestors, to touch Jiang Yun.

However, now Shadow Pavilion actually sent Jiang Yun a life-killing coffin!

Even the masters of the Ku Temple and the elders of the Lingkong Sect, such powerful beings, could not escape the pursuit of the Shadow Pavilion. Can Jiang Yun escape?

Similarly, from now on, Jiang Yun will also face the constant pursuit from the powerful men of the Shadow Pavilion, truly relentless!

If the Shadow Pavilion really appeared upright and challenged Jiang Yun one-on-one, they would also have confidence in Jiang Yun.

But what Shadow Pavilion is good at is assassination!

What's even more terrifying is that no one knows the true identities of the killers in the Shadow Pavilion.

The Jiang family, in particular, is like a sieve, riddled with holes. A large number of clan members have been secretly manipulated by other forces and used as pawns.

All the ancestors can be sure that among them, there must be some people bribed by the Shadow Pavilion.

It is even possible to secretly join the Shadow Pavilion.

In this way, even in the Jiang family, Jiang Yun would always face assassinations from the Shadow Pavilion.

If Jiang Yun is killed, then all the efforts made by the great ancestor, including killing a large number of monks such as the Taishi family and the blood clan, will be in vain.

On the contrary, it will accelerate other forces’ attacks on Jiang!

Then the Jiang family is really not far away from annihilation.

Therefore, these ancestors are really anxious.

Facing the gazes of everyone, the Great Ancestor naturally understood their thoughts. After a moment of silence, he suddenly took steps towards the depths of the clan.

Several ancestors looked at each other, wondering what the ancestor meant, but they did not dare to ask, so they could only follow him silently.

The Great Ancestor appeared next to Jinxiu, clasping his fists at her slightly and saying, "Miss Jinxiu, Emperor Liushao's love for Jiang Yun is seen by both the old man and the Jiang family."

"In the future, Jiang Yun will definitely come to visit and say thank you."

"Next, I, Mrs. Jiang, have some housework to deal with, so I won't keep Miss Jinxiu here."

Although Jinxiu didn't want to leave, she also knew that it was not appropriate for her to stay in the Jiang family as an outsider.

In addition, Mrs. Jiang should not harm Jiang Yun, and her mission has been completed, so she nodded and said: "Okay, then I will leave."

After Jinxiu left, Dazu continued to the original square.

At this moment, the Jiang clan members are still gathered here.

They also saw the arrival of the four people from the Shadow Pavilion, but due to the Great Ancestor's intentional obstruction, they did not know what happened specifically.

However, they don't care either.

They are all a little confused and scared now.

Because although Jiang Yun should have agreed to stay in the Jiang family, everything that happened today had a huge impact on them.

Jiang Yun’s thirteen thousand feet of bloodline light;

The three dignified ancestors, the Taishi family and others united to deal with Jiang Yun;

The Great Ancestor, who had not appeared for many years, suddenly appeared and killed nearly a thousand monks from other forces in one fell swoop...

This makes them wonder what will happen to the Jiang family next, and where they and others will go.

Seeing the Great Ancestor finally appear, everyone looked over hastily.

The Great Ancestor's eyes swept across all the Jiang clan members one by one, and then he said calmly: "Just now, someone from the Shadow Pavilion gave Jiang Yun a life-killing coffin!"

Upon hearing these words, everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

Jiang Qiuyue's eyes immediately erupted with surging murderous intent.

As monks from the Bitter Realm, of course they all understand the significance of the life-killing coffin.

The Great Ancestor continued: "I don't know why Shadow Pavilion wanted to kill Jiang Yun, and we can't stop it."

"But you must remember that from now on, Jiang Yun's position in the Jiang family is more important than mine."

"If I die, even if we all die, he can't die!"

Everyone was not surprised by the Great Ancestor’s words.

Maybe some of them felt uncomfortable hearing it and were unconvinced, but unless their blood concentration could surpass Jiang Yun.

The Great Ancestor spoke again: "I can't control others who want to kill Jiang Yun, but if someone in the Jiang family dares to kill Jiang Yun, then whether he is a direct lineage or a collateral lineage, the clan to which he belongs will be directly removed from the Jiang family by me. erase!"

If one person kills Jiang Yun, the entire clan will be buried with him!

This punishment was indeed extremely severe, and it made all the clan members lower their heads.

But some people boldly said: "Great Ancestor, if Jiang Yun wants to kill us, can't we fight back and have to be killed by him?"

The Great Ancestor looked at the speaker indifferently and said, "If you don't provoke him, why would he kill you?"

How could the great ancestor not see that Jiang Yun was not the kind of person who killed innocent people indiscriminately.

"To put it bluntly, among the entire Jiang family, the only people worthy of Jiang Yun's action are old guys like us."

These words were indeed shocking, but considering Jiang Yun's unfathomable strength, everyone knew that what the Great Ancestor said was right.

The Great Ancestor said to the Sixth Ancestor: "Sixth Ancestor, please do me a favor and temporarily imprison the Third Ancestor, the Seventh Ancestor, and Jiang Jingxi's clan members, and hand them over to Jiang Yun for disposal."

As soon as the Great Ancestor finished speaking, a group of Jiang clan members suddenly turned pale, and they all knelt down towards the Great Ancestor and began to beg.

The Great Ancestor, however, ignored these people at all and said to Jiang Xing'an: "Xing'an, you are still the clan leader. Go and tell the entire Bitter Territory that from today on, the son of my Jiang clan has been decided, and he is Jiang Yun."

"Any force or individual who has enmity against Jiang Yun can come to my Jiang family for revenge, and I, the Jiang family, will accept them all."

"In addition, the third ancestor, the seventh ancestor, including Jiang Tianyou, betrayed the clan, and I, the Jiang family, are willing to offer a heavy reward to find their whereabouts."

Just as Jiang Yun thought, the Seventh Ancestor had also secretly escaped long ago, and even took Dao Tianyou away quietly.

Finally, the Great Ancestor's eyes fell on Jiang Qiuyue and said: "Girl Yue, go and bring your brothers back!"

"When they come back, I, the Jiang family, will be granted the title of clan!"

"Okay, everyone should leave first!"

Listening to the order issued by the Great Ancestor, which is equivalent to change, some people in the Jiang clan are happy and some are sad.

Those who are happy are naturally those who sincerely hope that their family will be well.

For so many years, the Great Ancestor almost ignored Jiang's affairs. His purpose was to ensure that Jiang's big tree would not fall, but he did not take care of the inside of the big tree, including the roots, which were already rotten. maggot.

And now, he finally decided to make a change.

No matter if it's a little late, it's at least a good start.

Everyone quickly dispersed, leaving Dazu standing there alone, waiting for Jiang Yun.

At this moment, Elder Ge's voice sounded in his ears: "Are you planning to let Jiang Yun enter the burial ground?"

The Great Ancestor did not hide it, nodded and said: "Yes!"

Mr. Ge was silent for a moment and said: "Entering the burial ground will definitely be beneficial to him, but the danger is not small."

"Jiang Yun's bloodline concentration is so high, those people in the burial ground..."

Before Ge Lao finished speaking, he stopped and was replaced by a helpless sigh.

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