Taoist world

Chapter 4934: Give you a gift

After witnessing the madness and cunningness of his great ancestor, Jiang Yun had already made up his mind. No matter what the other party said, he would not be tempted or change his mind.

However, he was also afraid that the great ancestor would really make some offers that he could not refuse, so he chose to leave the Jiang family quickly and leave this scheming great ancestor.

However, because Jiang's clan protection formation has been activated, although it will not attack him, it will affect his speed and prevent him from leaving instantly.

As for the words of the ancestor of the Jiang family, Jiang Yun acted as if he had never heard them at first.

Every time the Great Ancestor said something, Jiang Yun would take a step outside the Jiang clan's territory.

When he saw that Jiang Yun could take one more step out of the Jiang clan, the last two words of the great ancestor reached his ears, causing him to stop involuntarily.

Jiang Yun has weaknesses and obstacles, not in the realm of suffering, but in the realm of gathering of heavens, and with the people he cares about.

Jiang Yun didn't care about the other conditions mentioned by the Great Ancestor, whether it was the secret of the Flameless Puppet Lamp and Guantian Palace, or the truth about his father's trip to the All Heavens Gathering Area.

However, it is impossible for him to ignore senior brother's affairs!

Xue Wuchang said that there is something hidden in Jiang's burial place that should be related to the Four Realms Tibet, which may be helpful to his senior brother.

Therefore, Jiang Yun really wanted to enter Jiang's burial place.

It's just that you can't enter the burial place if you want to. In fact, no one from the Jiang clan has been able to enter for a long time, so Jiang Yun thinks that even if he stays in the Jiang clan, he will not be able to enter the burial place.

However, now the great ancestor has given him a guarantee that he can enter the burial ground.

This condition finally impressed Jiang Yun.

In fact, it was not so much that he was moved by the Great Ancestor's conditions, but rather that he was willing to temporarily put aside his grudges with the Great Ancestor and the Jiang family for the sake of his senior brother.

All the Jiang clan members, including Jinxiu from the Tai Sui Sect, were watching Jiang Yun silently, waiting for Jiang Yun's final decision.

Even Jinxiu is ready.

As soon as Jiang Yun stepped out of the Jiang clan's territory, he would immediately step forward and take him to the Tai Sui Sect.

After all, the purpose of his visit this time was to take Jiang Yun away.

Although she was shocked by the crazy behavior of the ancestor of the Jiang family, she didn't pay too much attention to it.

Even if the ancestor of the Jiang family attacked him just now, he could still retreat safely.

At this moment, seeing Jiang Yun finally stop, many members of the Jiang clan had looks of anticipation on their faces.

Now that they know the truth of the matter and know that Jiang Yun, a direct clan member, has always been passively suppressed and targeted by Jiang Jingxi and even the Third Ancestor, their hatred for Jiang Yun has naturally decreased.

More importantly, they have not forgotten that just now, it was Jiang Yun who unceremoniously scolded the Taishi family and other forces, making Jiang feel a little proud.

If Jiang Yun can really stay in the Jiang clan and become the head of the family, then maybe one day, all the Jiang clan members, not to mention reprimanding the major forces like Jiang Yun, can at least make the Jiang clan people live with more self-respect than before. Some.

Especially Jiang Qiuyue!

She really hopes that Jiang Yun can change his mind and continue to stay in the Jiang family.

With the previous conditions given by the Great Ancestor, Jiang Yun's character, and the support behind the Great Ancestor.

She knew even more clearly that although Jiang Yun would definitely not be able to solve Jiang's problem in a short period of time, Jiang's situation would at least get better day by day.

Given time, Mr. Jiang will be able to return to the past.

Even more than before!

However, she also knew that at this time, as Jiang Yun's aunt and the closest person here, she could not speak and had to let Jiang Yun make his own decision.

The Grand Ancestor's voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Elder Ge, who had always been invisible: "Uncle Clan, are you really not going to persuade me?"

"He should listen to you."

Elder Ge closed his eyes and said calmly: "Although you call me uncle, you have to know that I am the only one left in my lineage."

"Since I didn't interfere when the Jiang family started to be in chaos, I still won't interfere now."

"However, I would like to remind you that keeping this boy behind may bring some hope to the Jiang family, but the price to pay is also quite high."

The Great Ancestor nodded and said: "Of course I know, but just because I couldn't do it myself, so all these years, I just watched silently and did almost nothing."

"I also think I did the right thing. At least I allowed the Jiang family to survive until now."

"However, Jiang Yun's appearance made me realize that I was indeed wrong."

"Therefore, I hope Jiang Yun stays, and I hope he can act boldly on the terminally ill Jiang."

Mr. Ge was silent for a moment and then said: "You are still a bit pedantic."

"This son is very affectionate!"

"Since you can't keep Jiang Yun alone, let others who are willing to keep Jiang Yun keep him together!"

Hearing Elder Ge's words, Great Ancestor's eyes suddenly lit up.

The next moment, the wife of the rich man suddenly said to Jiang Yun: "Jiang Yun, stay with the Jiang family!"

"Although I know that you are dissatisfied with the Jiang family and the Great Ancestor, but for your own consideration, staying here will only benefit you, and there will be no harm!"

As the old lady finished speaking, behind her, hundreds of tribesmen, led by his son Jiang Xing'an, all bowed to Jiang Yun with fists in their hands, and said in unison: "Stay with the Jiang family!"

After them, Jiang Shan whispered: "Brother, can you consider staying in Jiang's family?"

Then, the elders of the three clans, the Sixth Ancestor, and even all the direct clan members suddenly spoke, hoping that Jiang Yun would change his mind and stay in the Jiang clan.

Listening to these people's pleas to stay, Jiang Yun didn't know that they were moving towards him.

After a long silence, although Jiang Yun did not turn around, he also asked the great ancestor through voice transmission: "Don't you need to have certain qualifications to enter Jiang's burial place?"

The Great Ancestor replied: "Since I dare to make this condition to you, then I will definitely be able to let you in."

Jiang Yun also knew that it was impossible for the Great Ancestor to deceive him in this matter.

If he was telling lies, they would be exposed quickly.

When the time comes, it will deepen my dislike for him.

Jiang Yun finally turned around and looked at the Great Ancestor and all the Jiang clan members who had asked him to stay.

"Grand Ancestor, your conditions impress me, but this is just a deal."

"If you want me to stay in the Jiang family forever, if you want me to clean up the Jiang family's mess, if you want me to really become the clan leader of the Jiang family, that is impossible!"

"So tell me what you want!"

This time it was the Great Ancestor's turn to be silent for a moment and then said: "Help all the Jiang clan members to increase their bloodline concentration."

Jiang Yun said calmly: "Except those who want to kill me, including their clan members!"

Jiang Yun only caught Jiang Jingxi and allowed the Third Ancestor to escape.

The other ancestors have now appeared, but the seventh ancestor has not appeared, so I believe the seventh ancestor must have escaped.

Although they escaped, their respective descendants were still among the Jiang family, and it was certainly impossible for Jiang Yun to help these people increase their bloodline concentration.

The great ancestor said without hesitation: "Okay!"

Jiang Yun then asked: "What else?"

The Great Ancestor was silent for a while and then said: "If the Jiang Family needs you, I hope you can help the Jiang Family!"

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "Grand Ancestor, this condition is a bit too general. If the Jiang family needs my help every day, then I might as well not do anything."

The great ancestor stretched out three fingers and said: "Three times!"

Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes and said, "Only three times?"

The Great Ancestor said calmly: "If Mrs. Jiang is still unable to help her, it will be useless even if you help her a hundred times!"

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Yun finally nodded and said: "Okay, deal!"

Although Jiang Yun didn't know when the Jiang family would need his own help, the two requests made by the great ancestor were not excessive compared to the secrets in the burial ground.

With Jiang Yun's agreement, most of the Jiang clan members breathed a sigh of relief.

And at this moment, four people suddenly appeared in front of him.

Naturally, they are the four powerful men from the Shadow Pavilion.

Looking at these four people, the figure of the Great Ancestor immediately appeared beside Jiang Yun.

Facing the appearance of the Great Ancestor, the four of them ignored it at all and just stared at Jiang Yun.

The leader of the emperor said: "Jiang Yun, I am entrusted by our pavilion master to give you a gift."

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