Taoist world

Chapter 4710 After I Die

At this moment, all the monks in the All Heavens Gathering Area finally had a clear understanding of the strength of the quasi-great emperor, that is——

The power of one person can destroy an entire region!

Now the overall strength of Zhutian Jiyu is actually not weak.

At least compared to other gathering areas, especially the eight gathering areas that were previously supervised by the eight Jiang clan members, even the Northern Saint gathering area is definitely not weak.

But facing the first domain of Tiangang, facing this thunder net that the quasi-emperor Han Shiru seemed to throw out casually, any monk in the domain of all heavens, let alone resisting, could not even self-destruct.

Because at this moment, Fengming Tianzun is thinking about self-destruction.

He has been taken seriously. If not for Jiang Shan's sudden attack, he would probably be dead by now. Therefore, at this time, he is preparing to explode with his quasi-emperor cultivation, thus weakening the power of this thunder net as much as possible.

However, the pressure brought by this net not only suppressed everyone's bodies, but also further suppressed everyone's cultivation.

In short, if this thunder net cannot be blocked, not only everyone in the entire Heavenly Gathering Area will be killed, but no one above the level of Heavenly Lord will be able to survive.

And after losing the powerful men above Tianzun, only the monks in the reincarnation realm and the law-breaking realm are left. The All-Heaven Gathering Domain has no chance of winning in the next domain battle.

This is Han Shiru's revenge for Jiang Yun's killing spree in the first area of ​​Tiangang!

Although he had to rush back to save Taishi Yan now, before leaving, he had to make the All-Heaven Community pay a heavy price and let Jiang Yun know the consequences of offending Tiangang First Domain.

Han Shiru stood outside the domain formation with his hands behind his back, looking calmly at the many creatures in the All-Heaven Gathering Domain, waiting for anyone to come and save them.

If the soul of the nightmare beast takes action, then he can be sure that there is something wrong with the soul of the nightmare beast in the gathering area of ​​​​the heavens.

And if the other party doesn't take action, then this collection of heavens will be destroyed.

Seeing that the thunder net had arrived in front of everyone, even the body of the Great Heavenly Lord who was closest to the net had been silently torn apart by the aura emitted by the thunder power.

However, at this moment, there was a trembling sound that suddenly sounded.

And what appeared along with this voice was a huge statue, and standing on the shoulders of the statue... Ji Kongfan!


The statue under Ji Kongfan suddenly raised his hand and pointed towards the huge thunder net in the air.

This pointed out that for an instant, time seemed to stand still.

An extremely powerful force that made even Han Shiru feel a tremor in his heart surged out from the statue's fingers and hit the thunder net hard.


The thunder net suddenly stopped, trembled violently, exploded with a bang, and turned into countless golden thunders as thin as gossamers, wandering in all directions, and soon disappeared without a trace.

All the monks in the All Heavens Gathering Area, especially the Fengming Tianzun and others, all let out a sigh of relief, knowing that their lives were saved.

And when he saw Ji Kongfan, who had been cut by himself with the thunder net and beaten into nothingness, reappeared, although Han Shiru's face had no expression, deep down in his heart, he felt a little uneasy.

There is no other reason for this, because he used all his strength to attack Ji Kongfan just now!

Even in terms of power alone, the thunder net he unleashed on Ji Kongfan exceeded the thunder net currently facing nearly a hundred cultivators from all heavens.

In addition to having great power, the thunderbolts that make up the net are also able to distinguish the aura of the attacked person on their own, and then launch a chain attack.

It's a bit similar to cutting off the fate.

To cut off the relationship is to follow the other party's destiny and find all the people and things related to it.

And this thunder net can find people related to the other person's aura based on the other person's aura.

Han Shiru has already participated in a domain battle and encountered many powerful people, including many monks who had many clones similar to Ji Kongfan.

What's more, all monks who practice to a certain level will have their own clones.

Many times, they appear as clones, while the real person is hiding.

It is really too troublesome to kill the clone and then find the real person.

Therefore, Han Shirucai created this kind of thunder net based on the artistic conception of thunder, which can destroy the enemy's original form and clone at the same time.

However, seeing Ji Kongfan appear intact again, I have to say that it really shocked him and made him even more curious about Ji Kongfan.

As for the statue under Ji Kongfan, Han Shiru also heard about it from Han Yuan and knew that it also had powerful power, but he didn't take it too seriously.

After all, any collection area will have its own unique heritage.

That statue is obviously one of the foundations of the All Heavens Gathering Domain!

But he really didn't expect that the power contained in this statue would be so powerful, so powerful that even he could feel threatened.

In short, this collection of heavens is indeed not simple!

Looking at Ji Kongfan who was also watching him, Han Shiru had no chance to take action again.

A sneer appeared on his face and he said: "What a gathering of heavens!"

"Next time, when we meet again, both you and the All Heavens Gathering Area will disappear completely!"

After saying these words, Han Shiru turned around, stepped into the domain formation behind him, and disappeared without a trace.

The six strong men from Tiangang's first domain finally left, allowing the All-Heaven Gathering Domain to escape disaster again.

However, everyone still stood there, staring at the dark hole that had disappeared, and everyone remained silent.

Although they survived this time and the casualties were not too great, the thought that they and others would face such terrifying opponents in the future gave most of them a sense of powerlessness.

Only six people defeated the entire All Heavens Gathering Area, and they were completely unable to parry.

Once the opponent comes with more powerful people, the destruction of the All Heavens Gathering Area will happen in an instant.

Is there really hope for my own Heavenly Gathering Domain to survive this domain war?

Ji Kongfan did not take action to stop Han Shiru and the others from leaving. Like everyone else, he just calmly watched the location where the other party disappeared.

The reason why Han Shiru failed to kill Ji Kongfan was because he didn't know that Ji Kongfan was a body of annihilation and had the ability to divide and combine.

Although the fusion of the body of annihilation and the way of separation and union is different from Xuanyuan Xing's ability to live and die, it is really difficult to completely kill Ji Kongfan!

All of Ji Kongfan's clones are his true form, and as long as one clone is immortal, he will not die.

As for how many clones he has in total, no one knows except himself.

At this time, Ji Kongfan's ears suddenly heard the voice of the nightmare beast's split soul: "It's a bit of a waste if you use this statue now!"

Although Ji Kongfan was not dead, he was already in a state of exhaustion, and it was impossible to destroy Han Shiru's thunder net, so he had no choice but to use the Sky Patrol Statue.

Although the Sky Patrol Statue is a secret that angel patrollers of all generations are reluctant to use easily, Ji Kongfan, the angel patroller, is somewhat different from the angel patrollers of the past generations.

He respects the ideas of Angel Patrollers and others, and admires their persistence, but he will not make the same choice as them.

In his opinion, since this sky surveying statue exists to protect the gathering area of ​​the heavens, it must be used when it should be used, and there is nothing to be reluctant to part with.

As for leaving it to future generations, leaving it until the All Heavens Gathering Domain can completely get rid of this endless reincarnation, this idea, in Ji Kongfan's opinion, is pedantic!

At this moment, after hearing the words of the nightmare beast's soul, Ji Kongfan was silent for a moment and then replied lightly: "After I die, I won't care about the flood!"

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