Taoist world

Chapter 4620 Wu Yaohua arrives

The reason why Jiang Shan appeared just now and stopped Jiang Luo from slashing at Jiang Yun with his long knife was because he saw that the blood Jiang Yun spat out after being hit by a boulder was actually golden!

Jiang Yun was also injured before, but the blood he spat out was red!

Although Jiang Yun may have deliberately turned his blood into gold in order to impersonate Jiang Qiuyang's son, under such circumstances, Jiang Shan believed that Jiang Yun would never have the energy to change the color of his blood.

Therefore, there is only one possibility for Jiang Yun to spit out golden blood, that is, his blood is already golden!

Although those with golden blood may not be members of the Jiang clan, when the seven Jiang Chunyu people first appeared, they specifically named Jiang Yun's identity.

In addition, through Jiang Yun's previous behavior, Jiang Shan felt that something was not right when the clan elder told him about Jiang Yun pretending to be Jiang Qiuyang's son.

Therefore, Jiang Shan finally made a judgment!

A short and fat man sneered and said: "Jiang Shan, you are mistaken. It was not us who killed you, but Jiang Yun!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he and another companion rushed towards Jiangshan.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was still pressed under the boulder, unable to move or self-destruct.

I don’t know what kind of magic weapon this huge stone is, but it is most suitable for suppressing people.

In addition to its astonishing weight, and being pressed under it, Jiang Yun's whole body seemed to be sealed. Even the Impermanence Jue lost its effect, making it impossible for Jiang Yun to regain his strength by absorbing the blood of others.

And the only trump card he has left is the Laughing Bee.

But under the current situation, he couldn't even release the Laughing Bee.

However, because his posture was almost lying there, he could clearly see the entire scene in Fateful Heaven!

He saw the three quasi-emperors in Fenglingji domain defecting in the face of battle.

Although he once told Territory Lord Feng Ling that if this happened, even if he died in the battle, he would drag them to be buried together.

But now, he couldn't even move, so how could he have the ability to drag the three quasi-emperors to be buried with them.

He also saw Liu Peng, his disciple, desperately trying to rush towards him, but was forcibly sent away by Zhenque Tianzun using the teleportation array.

He also saw his grandfather, who was already covered in blood and scarred, and saw his third uncle, whose body had become completely transparent and was almost about to dissipate.

He even saw the All Heavens Gathering Territory, which was already defeated like a mountain.

At this moment, almost all the monks in the All Heavens Gathering Area have given up any hope of winning, and they cannot even escape.

However, under such despair, they finally burst out the last bloody passion in their lives!


A shrill roar came from the Great Heavenly Lord Leiyin, who once had a grudge against Jiang Yun. Under the siege of four Great Heavenly Lords, his body suddenly expanded and made a loud noise that shook the sky.

Lei Yin, self-destruct!

Lei Yin's self-destruction is not the end, but just the beginning.

The Demon Spirit Heavenly Lord followed closely behind him, and died together with the three Great Heavenly Lords surrounding him.

The sounds of self-destruction started to sound one after another from all directions in the area.

Breaking Dharma Realm, Dependent Dharma Realm, Reincarnation Realm, Heavenly Lord, Great Heavenly Lord...

No matter how high or low your cultivation level is, no matter what your identity is, as long as you can find a chance to breathe under the enemy's attack, you will choose to self-destruct regardless of your own safety.

In the end, even the quasi-emperor in the Demon Tomb Area was helpless and exploded!

The second quasi-emperor's self-destruction once again brought the battlefield to a brief stagnation.

This time, it was not because of shock, but because he did not want to be affected by the quasi-emperor's self-destruction power.

Jiang Yun, who saw all this clearly, suddenly burst into laughter!

He knew that there was really no hope in the All Heavens Gathering Area, and he also had no hope.

The cause of all these consequences is not the weak strength of the All-Heaven Community, nor the lack of unity among the monks in the All-Heaven Community, but because of the Jiang family!

Or rather, it’s because of myself!

Without his own existence, the Jiang family, no matter whether it is a collateral line or a direct lineage, would not target the All Heavens Gathering Area.

At this moment, Jiang Yun already hated the Jiang family to the core!

If he could move, he would no longer care about people coming from the Bitter Territory. He would kill all the Jiang clan members here.

Even if he had enough strength, he would go to the Bitter Territory to seek revenge from the Jiang family!

"Xue Wuchang, help me!"

"As long as you let me win this battle, I will let you copy me. No, I can agree to any of your conditions and help me!"

Jiang Yun finally made a request to Xue Wuchang.

There is no other way, now blood impermanence has become his only hope.

However, Xue Wuchang remained silent and did not respond to Jiang Yun's words.

Perhaps, under this situation, even he could not turn things around and let Jiang Yun win this war.

At this time, Jiang Chunyu, who also had a panoramic view of everything on the battlefield, took a long breath and showed a relaxed look on his face.

At this point, he was sure that there would be no more surprises in this battle.

Everything is going according to his plan.

The All Heavens Gathering Domain is no longer able to recover, and it is only a matter of time before the domain is destroyed.

Although Jiang Shan still has the strength to fight, there are five Jiang clan members fighting against him.

Then he killed Jiang Yun, and then all seven of them deployed the magic weapon of clearing the area, and wiped out all the creatures in the six major areas.

At that time, the seven of them can retire, return to the Jiang family, and report all the events to their respective clan leaders, in exchange for a smooth career in the future.

Jiang Chunyu finally looked at Jiang Yun again, with murderous intent in his eyes, and said via voice transmission: "Jiang Yun, you know, I have never killed anyone of my own race. You are lucky to be the first!"

"Now, let me ask you a question. Although you will definitely not tell me, I still hope to be able to tell you. In that way, I will end the pain of this gathering of heavens as soon as possible."

"Where is your father, Jiang Qiuyang, now?"

If Jiang Chunyu is worried about his plan this time, then it is Jiang Qiuyang who is worried!

Jiang Qiuyang, as the eldest brother of the sixth generation Jiang clan, will he leave any spiritual consciousness or other things in Jiang Yun's soul?

If so, would it be possible for the other party to know about it while killing Jiang Yun?

Jiang Yun simply ignored Jiang Chunyu's words. He just stared at the battlefield, staring at the disappearing faces of the monks from the All-Heaven Gathering Area, some familiar or unfamiliar.

"If you don't tell me, forget it!"

Jiang Chunyu smiled coldly, raised his hand, and pressed Jiang Yun's head.

But at this moment, his eyes flashed. An extremely huge centipede, at least a thousand feet long, suddenly appeared in front of him. The two huge claws clamped towards him fiercely.

"What's this!"

Jiang Chunyu's expression changed. He never expected that a centipede would appear inexplicably at this time.

He felt the dangerous aura from the centipede, and he didn't care about killing Jiang Yun anymore. He hurriedly retreated and opened the distance between him and the centipede.

The centipede did not continue to pursue, but stayed on the spot, surrounding the boulder, clearly protecting Jiang Yun.

A young woman suddenly emerged from the centipede's head. She bowed to Jiang Yun and said, "Sir, I'm late!"

The person who came was naturally Wu Yaohua!

She first came to the domain gate easily under the escort of the spirit master.

And just as she stepped into the domain gate, before she could react, she heard a voice speaking to her urgently: "Quick, I'll send you to rescue Jiang Yun."

Immediately afterwards, she appeared here and saw the scene where Jiang Chunyu was about to kill Jiang Yun, so she hurriedly took action and finally saved Jiang Yun at the last moment.

The arrival of Wu Yaohua made Jiang Yun's eyes light up and said: "Ask your people to quickly help the monks in the All Heavens Gathering Area."

"You try your best to help me break this stone!"

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