Taoist world

Chapter 458: Not taking any penny

Although Qin Li's question was abrupt, Jiang Yun had already thought of it just now, so he was not surprised at all, but said calmly: "Brother Qin knows a lot of things!"

Qin Li did not deny it and said with a smile: "You do know more than others!"

Now that Qin Li has explained what he said, Jiang Yun simply stopped hiding it, nodded and said: "Yes, although I need Dao Qi, I still want all these treasures of Brother Qin!"

Jiang Yun didn't know anything about the ethnic group that the father and daughter belonged to, but it was not difficult to see that they must be extremely poor, not even as good as Xiao Cun.

Jiang Yun was too embarrassed to ask Qin Xiaoqi to find the treasures containing Tao Qi one by one, so he simply wanted them all, which could be regarded as a favor to the father and daughter.

However, Qin Li smiled and said: "Let's do this, I will give all these treasures to Jiang as an offering, and I won't take any money from you!"

Jiang Yun frowned and was about to refuse, but before he could say anything, Qin Xiaoqi beside him was already anxious. He pulled Qin Li's clothes and said, "Dad..."

Qin Li smiled and touched his daughter's head, telling her not to worry, and then said: "Don't worry, I didn't give these treasures to you in vain. Soon, I will go to Xiaocun in person to visit Jiang Zongfeng! "

While speaking, Qin Li also blinked at Jiang Yun.

This made Jiang Yun's heart stir, and he wondered whether Qin Li had something to hide, or maybe there was something he couldn't say here, so he had to wait until he went to Xiaocun in the future to tell him in person.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yundao said: "Brother Qin will be welcome whenever he goes to Xiaocun, but I'll give Brother Qin the Dibao money!"

However, Qin Li still shook his head and said: "Didn't you say that you still need some treasures? I'll see if I can find some more for you. I'll give them to you when the time comes!"

Jiang Yun really didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the Qinli gourd, so he had no choice but to agree.

After putting away all these treasures, Jiang Yun looked at the pitiful Qin Xiao, whose eyes were red, and said angrily: "Don't worry, big brother will not default on his debts. I will definitely give you all the spiritual stones next time." !”

"Yeah!" Qin Xiaoqi nodded with his mouth flat.

Qin Li cupped his fist at Jiang Yun and said, "Jiang Chongfeng, let's meet again then!"

The treasure was already in hand, and Qin Li was clearly issuing an eviction order, so Jiang Yun could only say goodbye and leave.

However, he did not go back to the stone house in Xiaocun, but started to go around the gathering of hundreds of families.

:) Watch/genuine/(chapter)$

This time, the attitude of various ethnic groups towards Jiang Yun was no longer as indifferent as before, but full of enthusiasm.

Obviously many people have guessed that those Tongtian Pills were refined by Jiang Yun.

No one wants to offend such an alchemist.

Jiang Yun didn't bother to pay attention to them. After purchasing a large amount of needed medicinal materials from several ethnic groups, he returned to the stone house in Xiao Village.

In the stone house, not only Xiao Wangjie and others had returned, but Li Yue also arrived with his people.

Obviously, Li Yue also knew that the Xiaocun Valley had been attacked and that his own people had been injured or killed, so he looked ugly and said nothing when he saw Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun originally wanted to ask him about Qin Li and his daughter, but now he had no choice but to give up.

After learning that Xiao Wangjie had notified everyone from door to door, Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Okay, let's go back now!"

Just when Xiao Wangjie and others were about to walk out, Jiang Yun called out to them. After closing the door of the stone house, he took out a few spiritual stones and quickly set up a teleportation array.

This scene once again showed doubts on everyone's faces.

Xiao Wangjie couldn't help but ask: "Jiang Chongfeng, is this a teleportation array?"

Although they all know about teleportation arrays, in this land of hundreds of families, only a few large ethnic groups can possess teleportation arrays. Most of the small ethnic groups like them have never even seen teleportation arrays.

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Yes, this will save a lot of time!"

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other, and the confusion on their faces turned into shock.

Jiang Yun had brought them enough surprises, but they didn't expect that Jiang Yun was also proficient in formations and could easily set up teleportation formations!

In this way, Jiang Yun's status in their minds naturally rose again.

"Let's go!"

Jiang Yun didn't waste any time. He led everyone into the teleportation array, activated the array, and then disappeared from the place, returning to the Xiaocun Valley in an instant.

Naturally, the teleportation array in this stone house completely disappeared as they left, leaving not even a trace.

After leading everyone back to Xiaocun, Xiao Wangjie and others were busy visiting their injured relatives, while Jiang Yun walked into the formation at the entrance of the valley.

Taking out all the treasures, Jiang Yun waved his sleeve and crushed them all!

I have to say that he was pretty lucky.

There are a total of forty-seven pieces of earth treasure. Except for thirty-one pieces that are empty, the remaining sixteen pieces contain some Tao Qi to a greater or lesser extent.

With the emergence of these Dao Qi, although Jiang Yun clearly felt the strong desire emanating from the monster eggs in his body, before he could absorb it, he saw that all these Dao Qi sank directly into the earth and disappeared in an instant. No trace.

Immediately afterwards, the light on this formation, which was already on the verge of collapse, became a little brighter, and this made Jiang Yun finally let out a sigh of relief.

The driving force behind the formation's operation is indeed Tao Qi!

Moreover, there must be something hidden under the earth of this formation!

"It's just that I don't have time now. When I have free time in the future, I must go underground to see what secrets are hidden underneath!"

Xiao Yun was the first to notice the change in the formation, which also made his eyes look at Jiang Yun even more fanatical like Xiaofu and the others.

You must know that their family relies on this formation to live to this day. The importance of this formation to them is self-evident.

If the formation really collapsed completely, it would definitely hit many people deeply. But now, Jiang Yun had only been sitting there for three days, but he had already found a way to keep the formation running.

This must be equivalent to giving them confidence and hope again. As long as the formation exists, they don't need to worry about attacks from foreign enemies!

However, Jiang Yun knew that if he wanted to extend the operation time of the formation, the dozen or so Dao Qi previously were not enough, and more Dao Qi was needed, so he looked at Xiao Yun and said: "Village Chief Xiao, what else can you find?" Earth treasure?"

Xiao Yun also saw Jiang Yun take out a bunch of earth treasures just now. He could vaguely guess that the earth treasures were related to the operation of the formation, so he nodded hurriedly: "It should be possible!"

"Is there any danger if you go looking for it?"

"No, the treasures are all hidden underground!"

"Then go find the treasures. The more, the better!"


Without saying a word, Xiao Yun immediately arranged for people to search for the treasure, while Jiang Yun returned to the back mountain hut and prepared to start refining the medicine.

However, he did not start refining the Tongtian Pill, but took out the medicinal materials for the Beast Body Pill.

Looking at these materials, Jiang Yun said to himself: "All ethnic groups in this world are extremely dependent on beasts. So, instead of attacking them one by one, it would be better to silently destroy your beasts." , everything becomes mine, Jiang Yun’s!”

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