Taoist world

Chapter 4356 Put it to the end

Outside Jiang Yun's mansion, more than 3,300 guards had lined up neatly and were waiting there.

Seeing Jiang Yun walking out of the mansion, everyone clasped their fists and said loudly: "Greetings, sir!"

Ever since the battle against Meng Yue, these more than 3,300 guards had truly become convinced of Jiang Yun and were determined to do so. They were proud to serve under Jiang Yun.

Not having seen Jiang Yun for more than two years not only did not weaken their support for Jiang Yun, but actually made Jiang Yun's prestige in their hearts even deeper! Lin Ruiguang also walked up to Jiang Yun, handed Jiang Yun a piece of jade slip and said, "Sir, this is the list of people from our first district participating in the competition."

Although this competition is a continuation of the unfinished competition, considering the interval of several years, it is almost like starting over again, so all guards are allowed to continue to register.

As a partial general, Jiang Yun should have been responsible for both his own registration and the registration of his guards.

But because he was in seclusion in Tongtian Pavilion, Lin Ruiguang took care of all these things.

Even though this was somewhat against the rules, even the master of the Military Palace did not say a word of dissatisfaction about it, let alone the slightest complaint.

Fan Xiao's name, in the eyes of most of the guards in Tianwaitian, is equivalent to the status of a general.

It would not be so stupid to offend a future general and the master of the Military Palace for such a trivial matter.

After Jiang Yun's consciousness swept over the jade slip, his eyebrows suddenly raised slightly, and a surprised light flashed in his eyes.

Then, he raised his head, glanced at the different faces in front of him, and said with a smile: "This time, our Lower Thirty-Third District of the First Heaven will once again shake the Outer Heaven."

Jiang Yun said this before the last gambling fight with Meng Yue, but few of the many guards at that time believed it.

But this time, as Jiang Yun finished speaking, the eyes of all the guards lit up with dazzling light.

There is an invisible momentum on the body, slowly rising.

This light is called confidence; this momentum is called fighting spirit! Therefore, in this competition, among all the guards in front of Jiang Yun, some of them signed up to challenge the competition, and some signed up to advance to the competition.

But without exception, they will all participate in the competition! Ever since the military competition began, not to mention all the guards in a large area participating in the competition, even if there were hundreds of guards in a small area, all of them would not participate.

The reason why the guards in Jiang Yun's area went against their normal behavior and made such an astonishing move was naturally because the gambling fight with Meng Yue had boosted their morale and made them crazy.

Jiang Yun softly uttered two words: "Let's go!"

During the last competition, it was Liu Meng and Jiang Yun who sneakily arrived at the place where the competition was held.

But this time, Jiang Yun, who was already a general, attracted the attention of countless eyes when he appeared in front of the Military Palace with his guards.

Some of these looks were filled with envy, some with jealousy, and some with hatred.

Jiang Yun and others did not pay attention to the crowd at all, nor did they compete with others. Instead, they followed the order and teleported to the world where the competition was held.

Compared with the last competition, except for the lack of those monks who did not belong to Tianwaitian, there were basically no changes.

All the guards arrived first, stood in their respective positions, and waited patiently.

After a while, the Nine Heavens will appear one after another! After each general arrives, his eyes will scan everyone.

Especially he would stay on Jiang Yun's body for a few more breaths.

As for Yan Tianqi, he didn't look at anyone else at all, he just stared at Jiang Yun.

And when he saw the calmness on Jiang Yun's face and eyes, his eyes couldn't help but flicker.

"Has Fan Xiao really been subdued by Hua Can?"

The last time Yan Tianqi saw Jiang Yun was when he taught Jiang Yun a lesson at Tongtian Pavilion.

After Jiang Yun returned safely from Hua Can, Yan Tian originally wanted to find a chance to meet Jiang Yun.

But Jiang Yun stayed in Tongtian Pavilion all the time, so that he never saw him.

Now, when he saw Jiang Yun again, he felt that Jiang Yun didn't look like he was subdued.

And this also made him sneer in his heart: "It doesn't matter whether you have been subdued or not, I will not let you have an easy time in this competition!"

Yan Tianqi has been able to reach this day and become the leader of the generals. How can he be the kind of person who is willing to be manipulated by others?

Although Hua Can told him not to target Jiang Yun again, Emperor Zun still summoned Yan Tianqi to find an opportunity to kill Jiang Yun.

Therefore, Yan Tianqi specially made some plans for Jiang Yun this time.

Finally, Tianshuai Leng Yichen arrives! However, the most surprising thing was that although Emperor Xing did not come, Mr. Jia, who was guarding Tongtian Pavilion, was by Leng Yichen's side.

Leng Yichen stood in the air, looking down at all the guards and said: "In the last competition, Mr. Xing Emperor reversed the order of the competition."

"This time, we will still follow the previous competition order."

Emperor Xing didn't want to wait long, so he asked to change the order of the competitions, but for many guards, many signed up for both competitions.

The difficulty of challenging the competition is definitely higher than that of advancing to the competition.

If the challenge competition is held first, many guards may lose their ability to continue participating in the promotion competition.

Therefore, Leng Yichen's arrangement was quite in line with the wishes of many guards.

Leng Yichen continued: "However, because there are so many people who signed up to participate in the competition this time, we will conduct the competition at the same time in a round with hundreds of people."

While speaking, Leng Yichen had already raised his hand and waved it towards the huge competition platform below.

Suddenly, a loud "rumbling" sound was heard. The originally complete competition platform was neatly divided into fifty pieces by Leng Yichen! Most of the guards were confused about Leng Yichen's words.

Even if there are more people signing up for this competition, it won’t be much more than in previous competitions.

Why do hundreds of people need to compete at the same time?

It was not until Wen Jintian started to collect the registration tokens that everyone suddenly realized, and they all looked shocked.

Because, including Jiang Yun, more than 3,000 guards in the 33rd District of the First World actually threw out their respective tokens! Many guards couldn't help but talk about it, and most of them couldn't figure out why they were doing this.

"Is their area crazy?"

“Everyone participates in the big competition?

Don't you even want to die? "

"In the competition, life or death is not a concern!"

However, some people said lightly: "What's the point? There are more than 3,000 of them, and even ten thousand people from the sixth heaven dare to challenge it. Now, what can they not dare to do in this one-on-one challenge!"

This sentence suddenly made all the discussions gradually quiet down.

Indeed, if you are not afraid of one against three, why be afraid of one against one! Wen Jin also condensed red and gold words on each token, representing the order of promotion to the competition and challenge to the competition.

Others may not notice anything during this process, but Jiang Yun noticed that Wen Jin's eyes would glance over his body from time to time.

But when he went to see her, she immediately looked away.

It seems that he doesn't dare to look at himself.

Jiang Yun didn't think much about Wen Jin's strange behavior at first, but when he got his token back and saw the numbers displayed on it, Jiang Yun sneered in his heart.

The number is twenty-seven! There were only twenty-seven guards participating in the challenge this time.

In other words, I was the last one to challenge! Among these twenty-seven people, three belong to the Nine Heavens, and even more belong to the Yan Tianqi lineage.

Jiang Yun held the token and said to himself: "If I guessed correctly, this Wen Jin has been bribed by Yan Tianqi, so he secretly put me at the end."

"I want to see how many people will challenge me today!"

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