Taoist world

Chapter 4308: Too Wise and Almost Demonic

After listening to Lin Ruiguang's explanation, Jiang Yun looked deeply at the other person and fell into silence.

It sounds like it's not difficult for Lin Ruiguang to guess what's bothering him, but in fact, there are a lot of things involved.

Lin Ruiguang's ability to guess it not only proves that he is extremely thoughtful, but also proves that he is well-informed both inside and outside the world.

He even knew that Mo Ze awarded him one hundred thousand military merits!

After a long time, Jiang Yun spoke again: "Then, do you have a solution?"

Lin Ruiguang nodded and said, "Yes!"

Jiang Yun has met many smart people, and his own intelligence is not low.

But now that he met Lin Ruiguang, he had to admit that among all the people he had met, only Tie Runan should be able to compete with him mentally.

However, Tie Runan is very smart, but in terms of strategy, he is definitely not as good as Lin Ruiguang.

After all, the two of them lived and grew up in different environments.

This Lin Ruiguang, as a human race, must have his own ethnic group and clansmen in Sijingzang, but he became a subordinate of the demon emperor and successfully established himself in Tianwaitian.

Moreover, his foothold was still in the area controlled by Yan Tianqi, the leader of the generals who colluded with Emperor Zun.

Being able to stay here safely until now, and finally getting the consent of two superiors to apply for transfer to him, all of this proves that Lin Ruiguang is terrible.

The most important thing is that this person has never mentioned Mo Qinghong to him until now.

This also made him a little unsure for a moment. Did he know that Fan Xiao was Jiang Yun and came to him specially, or was his sudden appearance arousing his curiosity and so he could defect to him.

If it is the latter, it means that this person must have some plans for him.

But if it's the former, it means that this person doesn't want him to keep him because of Mo Qinghong's relationship, but wants to impress him with his true ability and let him stay.

This also shows his confidence from another aspect!

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Okay, as long as you can help me solve this troublesome matter of mine, then I will let you stay by my side and serve as the commander-in-chief!"

Lin Ruiguang suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed outside the palace door and said, "The more than 3,000 guards under your command can help you earn a lot of military merit in a short period of time."

Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I would like to hear the details."

Lin Ruiguang said with a smile: "Twenty days ago, the guards under your Excellency were often bullied."

"But in the past twenty days, not only did you enter Tongtian Pavilion to practice in seclusion, but almost none of the guards left except for patrolling."

"Although I don't know what they are doing specifically, but with the character of an important person who dares to carry a coffin to other generals, I will never let my subordinates be bullied and ignore them."

"Therefore, it is not difficult for me to surmise that before leaving, you should have taught them some way to save their face."

"As long as you have confidence in them, you can get a lot of military glory at your fingertips!"

Lin Ruiguang's words made Jiang Yun realize once again how terrifying he was. He was truly so wise as to be a monster!

Jiang Yun stood up and said, "How?"


As Lin Ruiguang spat out this word, Jiang Yun also had a look of surprise on his face!

Go bet with the other guards in the sky!

Betting on strength, betting on victory or defeat, it's like a big competition!

Although Tianwaitian is in the form of an army, it is not a real army after all, so private gambling and fighting are not prohibited.

Especially among the guards, the superiors were happy to see the gambling battles to compete for strength.

There is even a rule of thumb in Tianwaitian. As long as someone invites you to gamble, it is like a challenge. The person who receives it must accept the challenge.

If you don't fight, you will be ridiculed by other guards.

After all, this kind of gambling can motivate the guards and increase each other's strength.

If you lose, then continue to practice hard and try to win back.

Even if you win, you won't dare to slack off. You will also work harder to practice in case you lose next time.

Although Jiang Yun had heard about gambling and fighting, he had not been in Tianwaitian for a long time, so he did not think about it at all.

But when Lin Ruiguang mentioned it now, he understood.

Indeed, I believe that no matter whether they have bullied other Zhongtians or those who have not bullied their guards, they will never think that the strength of their guards can be greatly improved in just twenty days.

So as long as he invites them to gamble, in their eyes, it is a fat sheep coming to their door. How can they not agree?

After thinking about this, Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said: "Okay, I will do what you want and make a bet with them."

However, Lin Ruiguang waved his hand and said, "Sir, you must not come forward in this matter."

"Now that your reputation is so famous in Tianwaitian, even the Eight Heavenly Generals don't dare to do anything to you. If you come forward to bet with them, I'm afraid no one will dare to bet with you."

"Therefore, it is best to leave this matter to your men."

"Of course, if your Excellency can trust me, then I am willing to handle this matter for you, which can be regarded as my letter of submission to you!"

After Jiang Yun stared deeply at Lin Ruiguang for a moment, he walked up to Lin Ruiguang, reached out and patted his shoulder, and said with a smile: "Then I'll leave this matter to you!"

"The more military honors you help me win, the more I will use you!"

Lin Ruiguang cupped his fists at Jiang Yun and saluted: "I am willing to serve you, but if necessary, you still need to come forward and shock me."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Of course this is what we should do."

"Don't worry, as long as it is within the scope allowed by military regulations, I will support you in everything."

"Come on, now, I will take you to see their achievements in the past twenty days."

Lin Ruiguang said with a hesitant look on his face: "Sir, strictly speaking, I'm not your subordinate. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to go see those guards now!"

"It doesn't matter!"

Jiang Yun never took the Nine Blood Continuous Formation seriously, but generously passed it on to many people.

Of course, only people he trusts can give him the essence of the formation.

Unless there are really other formation geniuses, otherwise, even if others see it, there is no way they can imitate it.

Jiang Yun took Lin Ruiguang to the martial arts arena in the 33rd District.

Liu Meng, who had known Jiang Yun would come for a long time, saw Jiang Yun appear and was about to gather all the guards, but Jiang Yun shook his head to stop him.

At this moment, all the guards, in groups of nine, formed a nine-blood chain formation and were practicing continuously.

Some were practicing on their own, while others were playing against each other and did not notice Jiang Yun's arrival.

Jiang Yun didn't want to disturb them for the time being, so he silently spread his consciousness, covering everyone's figures, and observed them carefully.

If Jiang Yun gave them the Nine-Blood Continuous Formation before, it was just to let them fight for their reputation, but now, because of the large amount of military merit, he had to pay more attention to it.

Lin Ruiguang is also watching the drills of all the guards?

And he was obviously a knowledgeable person. After looking at it for a moment, his eyes lit up and he whispered to Jiang Yun: "Sir, you will definitely win this bet!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "This is not enough!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun winked at Liu Meng, who immediately shouted: "The general is here, gather quickly!"

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