Taoist world

Chapter 4205 Continuous Questioning

Jiang Yun could never mishear his master's voice, so at this moment he was extremely sure that the voice that just spoke was his master's voice.

However, this made him unable to believe that the master was actually hiding on the Everlasting Mountain!

The shock was so great that Jiang Yun stood frozen on the spot for a moment, as motionless as if he had turned into a statue.

His eyes were just fixed on the closed door, looking at the Eternal Mountain standing outside the door.

After a long time, Jiang Yun finally recovered from the shock. He didn't care what to say to Yue Shan anymore. His whole body swayed, and he was directly outside without even opening the door.


Kuzhu, who had been waiting outside, saw Jiang Yun appear and hurriedly rushed to greet him with a smile on his face.

However, Jiang Yun didn't hear his voice at all, and still stared at the Eternal Mountain.

Before, when Jiang Yun stepped into the house, he vaguely felt that there seemed to be a gaze watching him on the Everlasting Mountain.

But now, he finally understood that that look must belong to the person who just spoke!

The next moment, Jiang Yunzi was already walking slowly towards the Everlasting Mountain.

The old man named Yue Dong frowned and deliberately wanted to stop him.

But as soon as he lifted his feet, Yue Shan's voice rang in his ears: "Let him go!"

Yue Dong hurriedly took back his feet and bowed with his fists in front of Yueshan's house.

Kuzhu looked hesitant when he saw Jiang Yun walking towards the Everlasting Mountain.

Although he wanted to follow Jiang Yun, his experience told him that as long as he followed, what was waiting for him would be Jiang Yun's "go back"!

Therefore, after hesitating, he shook his head and gave up his plan to follow. He could only stand where he was, watching Jiang Yun together with all the Fu Lao tribe members, and walked towards Fu Lao Mountain step by step.

The faces of all the Fu Lao people showed envy and surprise.

Because even they, as the guardians of the Immortal Mountain, are not qualified to set foot on the Immortal Mountain on weekdays, and are not even allowed to get close.

Because there is an envoy of God on the Everlasting Mountain. Stepping onto the Everlasting Mountain is like stepping on the envoy of God. That is disrespectful.

But now, an outsider is allowed by the clan elders to go to the Everlasting Mountain and is about to set foot on it.

Standing at the foot of Bulao Mountain, Jiang Yun raised his head and looked at the top of the mountain, which was ten thousand feet high, with a sudden sparkle in his eyes.

On the originally empty mountain top, at some point, a figure appeared.

Although they were thousands of feet apart, and there was mist halfway up the mountain, Jiang Yun couldn't see the figure clearly.

However, he could vaguely see that the figure was not tall, like a child!

After taking a deep breath, Jiang Yun finally took another step.

With one step, he crossed the vast distance and stood on the top of the Everlasting Mountain.

And in front of him, there was indeed a small figure with his back turned to him!

Looking at this figure, Jiang Yun didn't speak or take any action, he just widened his eyes and watched silently.

He was worried that his eyes were blurry or that he was trapped in an illusion.

He was worried that the figure in front of him would suddenly disappear.

Until, the figure finally slowly turned around and showed his front face in Jiang Yun's eyes.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's body trembled heavily, and with a "pop", he knelt on the ground and said in a trembling voice: "Master!"

The person standing in front of Jiang Yun was Gu Bu Lao!

However, just as Jiang Yun knelt down, the boy calmly said: "I am not your master!"

Jiang Yun's head that had just been lowered suddenly raised again, looking at Gu Bu Lao, with a look of confusion on his face and said: "Master..."

The boy shook his head and said, "I told you, I'm not your master!"

Jiang Yun's excitement finally calmed down quickly after the other party's two denials, and he stared at the other party.

But this time, Jiang Yun also noticed something was wrong.

Although the boy in front of him was exactly the same as his master in appearance, voice, and even temperament, the feeling he gave Jiang Yun was indeed not the same as facing his master.

The other party is really not his master!

Jiang Yun slowly stood up from the ground and said softly: "Yes, you are not my master, you are the envoy of God."

"It's just, who are you!"

The boy was silent for a moment and then replied: "I am the Everlasting Mountain!"

"Eternal Mountain!"

Jiang Yun suddenly remembered that Yue Shan had just said that their magic pattern was passed down to them by the Immortal Mountain. He should be referring to the person in front of him who was exactly the same as his master, who was the Lord God Envoy in their mouth.

And Master, in their mouths, is God!

A god, a messenger.

Two different titles represent two completely different identities!

However, Jiang Yun couldn't understand the other party's claim that he was the immortal mountain.

Even when facing the other party at this moment, Jiang Yun could not feel the slightest bit of evil in the other party.

Since there is no demon energy, there is no demon in the Everlasting Mountain, and life cannot be born.

So what kind of existence is this divine envoy?

Why are he and his master so similar?

Could it be that this Immortal Mountain, like the spiritual tree of the Mu family in the Four Realms Zangnei, also has a demon seal in its body, so it perfectly hides the aura of the demon clan, making it impossible for me to detect it.

Just as these thoughts were quickly passing through Jiang Yun's mind, Bulaoshan had already spoken again: "Who is the person who came with you? Is he also a fellow sect of yours?"

Jiang Yun was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "He is not my fellow sect, but one of my subordinates."

Bulaoshan frowned slightly and said, "Then you entered this Realm of Illusion alone?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun nodded.

Bulaoshan then asked: "Then have you become emperor?"

Although the other party's tone clearly contained a hint of questioning, because the other party had an ancient appearance, Jiang Yun did not feel uncomfortable. He shook his head and said, "No!"

Bulaoshan asked for the third time: "Then what are you doing?"

This time, without waiting for Jiang Yun to answer, he continued: "You are alone and not very strong. Even if you find the Lord of God, what can you do?"

Bulaoshan's series of questions made Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly light up: "Have you met my master recently?"

The divine master mentioned by the other party must be the master.

The reason why the other party said these words to him was that he obviously knew that the master was in danger and thought that he was too weak to save the master.

Bulaoshan nodded and said: "About ten years ago, the Lord God passed through the Guiyi Realm."

"However, he did not enter. He just told me that if someone comes to look for him, no matter who the person is, if there is no Emperor Cheng, then don't continue to look for him, because his life will be in danger."

The light in Jiang Yun's eyes became brighter.

Not only did Master really come to Mount Everlasting, but now he also has a specific time.

Ten years ago!

According to his original speculation, the master should have entered the Realm of Illusion and the Huajiang Realm more than thirty years ago.

So from the Huajiang Realm to the Guiyi Realm, it originally only took three to five years, but it actually took Master more than twenty years.

"I understand. Master must have deliberately taken Baili Guangdou on a detour to delay time!"

"That's not right!" Jiang Yun suddenly raised his head and looked at Bulao Mountain and said, "Ten years ago, Master came here alone?"

Bulaoshan said: "Two people!"

Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Since we are two people, how did Master tell you what you just said?"

Regardless of whether the person who captures the master is a hundred miles of light or darkness, the opponent must be at least as strong as the Great Emperor.

When he was in Huajiang Realm, Master didn't say much to Feng Beiling, even with the help of the illusion.

However, in this Guiyi Realm, Master was able to tell Bulaoshan these words without anyone entering the realm.

Isn't Master afraid that Baili Guangyao will hear it?

Bulaoshan smiled slightly and said: "Although I am not the God Lord, I was born because of the God Lord. You come with me!"

Jiang Yun asked in confusion: "Where to go?"

Bulaoshan said: "Go and see me!"

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