Taoist world

Chapter 4200 Belongs to a Difficult Situation

Although Ku Zhu didn't know what was going on with Jiang Yun's backbiting, he was still very happy to find a world and enter the illusion to absorb some source energy.

Therefore, Kuzhu immediately agreed and immediately increased his speed. In an instant, he had already passed Jiang Yun and disappeared from Jiang Yun's sight.

Kuzhu is about to break through and become an emperor-level powerhouse. Whether it is true strength or speed of movement, he is far superior to Jiang Yun.

If there was no demon seal of life and death in his body, it would be impossible for Jiang Yun to take Kuzhu as a slave.

Looking at the direction in which Kuzhu disappeared, Jiang Yun let go of his palm and looked at the Emperor's Origin Stone in his palm, with a look of surprise on his face.

Although Jiang Yun has entered this Realm of Illusion for more than a month, this is the first time that he has absorbed the source energy from the Emperor Source Stone here.

It was only then that he discovered that although they were both called Emperor Source Stones, the Emperor Source Stones here were very different from the Emperor Source Stones hidden in the Four Realms.

This difference lies in the fact that they are both the source of power called Origin Qi. They are two completely different things.

The Origin Qi contained in the Emperor's Source Stone in the Four Realms Collection can, to put it simply, be regarded as the power of heaven that contains a tiny amount of the Emperor's Source.

Of course, it is a bit more pure than the power of heaven.

However, the Emperor's Source Stone in the Huanzhen Domain contained a type of Source Qi that Jiang Yun had never absorbed before.

The most important thing is that the power converted into this source of energy is far greater than any other source of power.

Jiang Yun muttered to himself: "This source of energy should be the same as spiritual energy, the power of domain destruction, and the power of heaven, but it is a higher level source of power."

"In other words, this Realm of Illusion should belong to the realm of suffering!"

The accumulation of suffering destroys the Tao and the four realms.

In fact, the best way to distinguish it is to see what the source of power contained within it is.

Although the Great Emperor exists in the Four Realms Store, it seems to be higher than the All Heavens Gathering Realm, but the source of power within it is also the power of heaven, so strictly speaking, it should also belong to the Gathering Realm.

Jiang Yun really didn't expect that this Realm of Illusion would be in a state of misery.

Therefore, Jiang Yuncai wanted to find a world and enter the illusion to absorb some source energy to see if it was the same as the source energy in the Emperor's Origin Stone.

At the same time, another thought came to Jiang Yun's mind: "If this place really belongs to the realm of suffering, could it be the realm of suffering that Wanglao said, that is, the realm of suffering where my Jiang family lineage is located?"

At this moment, Kuzhu's voice came from far away: "Sir, there is a world nearly a million miles away in the southwest."

Jiang Yun temporarily put away his thoughts, immediately turned around, and flew away in the direction of Kuzhu's voice.

After just a few breaths, Jiang Yun and Ku Zhu had entered a world.

The illusion in this realm is somewhat similar to the illusion in the Huajiang realm. Where the two of them entered, there was a rather large city.

Jiang Yun didn't care where he chose to absorb the source energy. Anyway, he entered the illusion and he believed in his way of protection and could still leave.

But Kuzhu couldn't do it, so he looked around condescendingly and said, "Sir, let's find a place with fewer people."

"To the monks in this illusion, we are strangers."

"Especially with our cultivation, absorbing Origin Qi will definitely cause fluctuations in Origin Qi. Even if we ignore them, they will come to us and ask us about the purpose of coming here."

"If we don't say anything, they will definitely attack us and we will fall into an illusion."

Jiang Yun also looked around, then pointed to the top of the tallest building and said, "Go there!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun took a step forward and landed directly on the roof of the building, regardless of whether Ku Zhutong agreed or not.

Kuzhu couldn't help frowning, thinking, on the roof, couldn't the monks here find the two of them?

However, the next moment, his eyes suddenly widened.

Because he was shocked to see that after Jiang Yun threw a few Emperor Origin Stones casually, his figure disappeared from his eyes!

"Array!" Kuzhu's eyes lit up, and his face suddenly lit up with joy. He hurriedly followed, landed on the roof, and whispered: "My lord, my lord, let me join the array!"

In the air, a mist entrance slowly opened, and Kuzhu swayed and got in.

Standing in the formation, Kuzhu turned his head and looked around, saying with amazement: "I didn't expect that Sir is actually proficient in the formation."

"Moreover, the power of this formation should be extremely powerful!"

Jiang Yun, who had already sat down, said calmly: "Hurry up and absorb the source energy, we will be on our way soon!

Kuzhu nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes!"

At this moment, Jiang Yun had absorbed a large amount of Origin Qi into his body, which allowed him to be sure that his guess was correct.

The Origin Qi in the illusion is exactly the same as the Origin Qi in the Emperor's Origin Stone.

If you can always absorb this source of energy, your cultivation will improve faster than anywhere else.

In short, this Realm of Illusion is an excellent cultivation treasure land for Jiang Yun, and even for monks from all the heavens gathering areas and the four realms.

"After rescuing Master, I can practice well here for a while."

"However, this little time now cannot be wasted!"

Jiang Yun opened his eyes, glanced at Kuzhu who was some distance away from him and said, "Sit closer to me."

Kuzhu was stunned and said, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "Of course it's good for you!"

Although Ku Zhu didn't believe that Jiang Yun would benefit him at all, he didn't dare to be disobedient and could only sit next to Jiang Yun. Nine colored marks suddenly appeared in Jiang Yun's eyes and said: "Don't resist my power. ,look into my eyes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the nine colored marks in his eyes began to rotate.

Kuzhu didn't resist. Anyway, his life was already in Jiang Yun's hands, so he was instantly brought into the dream by Jiang Yun.

Looking at the unchanged environment around him, when Ku Zhu was about to ask what was going on, his expression suddenly changed and he said: "The time here..."

Jiang Yun said calmly: "I believe it will be good for you now!"

"Ten days here, one day outside, and one month later, we set off!"

Since the Origin Qi here was of great benefit to him, Jiang Yun naturally couldn't waste any time. He deliberately arranged a dream that changed the speed of time and practiced quickly.

Looking at Kuzhu again, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets, and the gaze he looked at Jiang Yun was even more dazzling.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was no longer annoying in his eyes, but had become a rare treasure!

Formations that can hide one's body shape, dreams that can change the speed of time, Jiang Yun's existence in this realm of illusion is simply the best help for cultivation!

Forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart, Kuzhu hurriedly sat down and took the time to start absorbing Origin Qi.


Time flies, and four years have passed!

Jiang Yun and Ku Zhu traveled quickly through the realm, and Ku Zhu said to Jiang Yun with a smile on his face: "Boss, with one more day ahead, we can reach the Guiyi Realm!"

Although Jiang Yun originally hoped to reach the Guiyi Realm within three years, after discovering the benefits of the Origin Qi of the Illusion Realm, he was still delayed for a year.

However, in the past four years, he and Kuzhu spent nearly fifteen years on practice!

It also brought them great gains.

Now he has entered the fourth level of reincarnation, and Kuzhu is about to break through to the emperor level!

Kuzhu smiled and continued: "Boss, we have been traveling for a month. I have nothing to do, but boss, do you need to replenish your source of energy?"

"When we enter the Guiyi Realm, why don't we practice for ten days and a half before continuing on our way!"

In the past four years, Kuzhu has tasted the sweetness. Now even if there is no demon mark in his body, even if Jiang Yun drives him away, he will never leave.

However, Jiang Yun seemed not to hear his words at all. Even his flying speed slowed down unconsciously. He stared straight ahead and said as if he was dreaming: "How can I It feels like Master is... nearby!"

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