Taoist world

Chapter 4192 His Eyes

By now, Jiang Yun had fully understood that Feng Beiling had met his master three times in total.

The first time was before the master entered the first lower domain. It was really a long time ago.

The second time was after he accepted himself and others as his disciples.

According to Jiang Yun's speculation, it should be after the master awakened in the Lower Realm and returned to the All Heavens Gathering Realm.

The third time, of course, was more than 20 years ago, after the master was kidnapped and entered here from the Huajiang Mountain in the original world.

Even Jiang Yun could guess that just like Master deliberately reminded Yuan An, he also deliberately came to Huajiang Realm, entered the illusion, and deliberately contacted Feng Beiling, probably just to use Feng Beiling's mouth to tell Something about myself.

After all, Feng Beiling is a quasi-emperor, and his strength far exceeds that of Yuan An.

Moreover, this is an illusion. The person who holds the master hostage can leave a piece of spiritual consciousness in Yuan An's soul, monitor Yuan An, and prevent him from telling the master's things.

But it should be impossible for the other party to also leave a piece of spiritual consciousness in the illusion to monitor Feng Beiling.

There is another possibility that the master hopes that the person holding him hostage, or even himself, can fall into an illusion so that he can get rid of the other person's hostage.

However, after thinking about it, the latter possibility did not come true. Neither the man nor the master fell into the illusion, and they should have left the Huajiang Realm.

Seeing Jiang Yun's excited look, Feng Beiling replied: "That person hid his true appearance from beginning to end and didn't talk to me."

"But at the end of the vision, I saw his eyes."

"His eyes are very strange. One is black and the other is white. The black is completely black, without any white in it, just like an abyss."

"But white is just the opposite. It feels like it is filled with endless light!"

Eyes, one black and one white!

This image, as well as Feng Beiling's description, made Jiang Yun's mind immediately think of a powerful ethnic group in the Destruction Domain, the Light and Dark Clan!

The light and dark tribe controls the power of light and darkness.

Although most of their tribesmen can only control one kind of power, there are also some geniuses who can control these two completely opposite powers at the same time.

The expression is that their eyes will appear one black and one white.

The Light and Dark Clan and the Creation Clan are the two major royal families that have emerged in the Destruction Domain after the Nirvana Clan.

The Creation Tribe became Jiang Yun's friends, while the Light and Dark Tribe became Jiang Yun's enemies, so Jiang Yun took the Creation Tribe and completely annihilated them.

It was said that it was complete, but it was not entirely true. Some members of the Light and Dark Tribe still escaped.

Jiang Yun didn't know anything about the other members of the Light and Dark tribe. The only member of the Light and Dark tribe that he remembered was called Baili Guangnan.

It is not difficult to tell from the other party's name that the other party is not only the hope of the entire light and dark tribe, but also has another identity. He is one of the reincarnations of Ji Kongfan!

Therefore, at this moment, when Jiang Yun heard Feng Beiling describing that the person who held his master hostage had one black and one white eye, Jiang Yun naturally thought of Baili Guangyan.

However, as soon as this idea appeared, it was rejected by Jiang Yun.

Because no matter how talented Baili Guangya is, no matter how good the opportunity is, let alone him, even Ji Kongfan, he can't hold Master hostage!

But except for Baili Guangyan, it is impossible for the other Guangdian tribesmen in the Destruction Domain to hijack the master.

Could it be that the Light and Dark Clan, like the Tiangu Clan, also have a so-called main clan in the All-Heaven Gathering Area?

The person who kidnapped Master was a member of their main clan?

"No, even if the light and darkness tribe really has a main tribe, it is impossible for a great emperor to be born in their tribe."

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun really couldn't figure out the reason, so he could only write down this doubt for the time being.

However, another thought broke into his mind.

"If it's really that Baili Guangdian, does Ji Kongfan know about this?"

Jiang Yun was very clear about Ji Kongfan's purpose, which was to find his Nirvana tribesmen who no longer knew whether they were still in the world.

Moreover, Ji Kongfan has searched all over the Lower Domain and all the Heavenly Gathering Domains, but has not found the whereabouts of his clan members.

If he knew that there was another Huan Zhen Realm and knew that Master could go to Huan Zhen Realm, then with his obsession, he might indeed be able to hold Master hostage and force Master to take him to Huan Zhen Realm to find his tribe members.

But again, no matter how strong Ji Kongfan is, he can't be stronger than his master!

After Jiang Yun was silent for a long time, he looked at Feng Beiling again and said, "What did my master say to you last time he came here?"

Feng Beiling said: "Last time he seemed in a hurry. He didn't stay in the illusion for too long. He just told me that he was going to the Eye of Illusion."

"However, one thing is very strange. He clearly knows the way to the Eye of Fantasy, but he specifically asked me what worlds he would pass through from the Huajiang Realm to the Eye of Fantasy."

Jiang Yun's eyes lit up. Master did not reveal to Feng Beiling that he was being held hostage and was in danger.

But the reason why he asked about which worlds he had to pass to get to the Eye of Illusion was probably to leave some clues for himself or others who were looking for him.

"Then did you answer?"

"Of course I answered!" Feng Beiling nodded and said: "Although I have never been to the Eye of Fantasy, I have already inquired about this route."

Next, Feng Beiling told Jiang Yun the detailed route from Huajiang Realm to the Eye of Fantasy.

The entire route is indeed very far away, but within this route, there are nine worlds that must be passed through.

These nine worlds are like markers. As long as you walk along these nine worlds, you will not get lost in the Realm of Illusion, and you will eventually reach the Eye of Illusion.

Among them, it also includes the demon heaven that Ku Zhu told Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun firmly remembered the names of these nine worlds and said in his heart: "Among these nine worlds, Master is likely to leave me another clue!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun said to Feng Beiling: "Brother Feng, has my master told you how to return to our world?"

Feng Beiling shook his head and said, "That's not true."

Jiang Yun nodded and continued: "Brother Feng, seeing that you have told my master's clues, we have written off your plot against me."

"I think you have also seen the situation of your Feng family. I have found a group of strong people as slaves for them, but I can't always help them, so they still have to walk their own path in the future."

Feng Beiling once again cupped his fists and saluted Jiang Yun and said, "Brother Jiang, I see everything you have done for our Feng family, and I am very grateful."

"I'm really sorry. I had no choice but to lie to you before, but don't worry, in the future, if you are of any use to me or our Feng family, just ask, and we will never look back."

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I hope Brother Feng can leave this illusion."

"I gotta go!"

Now that he knew his master's whereabouts, Jiang Yun naturally didn't want to waste any more time in the Huajiang Realm.

He had to set off quickly, maybe he could catch up with the master before he reached the illusion.

However, at this moment, Feng Beiling had a look of hesitation on his face and said, "Brother Jiang, has your master encountered any trouble?"

Although Gu Bu Lao did not tell Feng Beiling, Feng Beiling was also a powerful quasi-emperor, and by this time, he could naturally tell.

Jiang Yun didn't hide it: "Yes, it's a bit troublesome. That's why I'm here."

After Feng Beiling was silent for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said, "If this is the case, then there is something I want to tell you!"

Jiang Yun asked in confusion: "What are you talking about?"

"As for the two pauses when I spoke just now, your master didn't let me tell you because of these words."

Jiang Yun frowned and said, "Since Master doesn't want you to tell me, then you don't have to say anything."

Feng Beiling shook his head and said: "No, if your master is fine, then I won't say anything, but since your master is in danger, I must tell you this!"

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