Taoist world

Chapter 4188 A Friend

Feng Hong's body couldn't help but tremble slightly, his eyes gradually lit up, and his face showed a deep look of yearning.

Over the years, no one knew how painful and helpless he felt as he was the only one who knew the true origin of his family as he watched his family decline day by day and his clan members dwindle day by day.

Whenever this happens, he misses the glory of the Feng family in the past and the ancestors of the Feng family.

He once risked falling into an illusion and entered the illusion to see the ancestor, but he never saw it.

At this moment, after hearing Jiang Yun's invitation, especially Jiang Yun's previous experience and speculation about the illusion, he also believed that if he went this time, he would definitely see his ancestor.

But in the end, the light in his eyes dimmed, and he even closed his eyes, sighed, shook his head with difficulty and said, "I won't go!"

"Now, with the help of little brother, my Feng family has been reborn, and I have gained nearly a hundred years of life."

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm worried that if I fall into an illusion, everything the Feng family gained today will be lost, so I won't go!"

Jiang Yun understood that if Feng Hong really saw Feng Beiling, it would be difficult to control his emotions and not talk to Feng Beiling, otherwise he would fall into an illusion.

Therefore, Jiang Yun naturally would not force himself, smiled and nodded: "Then wait until I come back from the illusion!"

After leaving these words, Jiang Yun's figure had already risen into the air, flying towards the place where he first entered the illusion that day.

Although the illusion will cover the entire Huajiang Realm, when it appears, it will not really cover every inch.

A valley like the one where the Feng family lives is an area that cannot be covered by illusions, and there are many areas like this in the entire Huajiang realm.

If the illusion is really completely covered, it is estimated that the Huajiang Realm has long become an empty realm.

Watching Jiang Yun leave, Feng Hong sighed again. He really wanted to ask how Jiang Yun could leave the illusion safely.

If you can learn it yourself, you can see your ancestor more often.

"Master Feng!"

At this moment, Kuzhu's voice suddenly sounded in Feng Hong's ears.

As soon as Feng Hong turned his head, he saw Ku Zhu standing beside him at some point. He was also looking up at the direction Jiang Yun was leaving and said, "Master Feng, where are you going?"

"The illusion is about to appear. It would be dangerous for him to leave now!"

Feng Hong knew very well that Ku Zhu was trying to find out what he was saying and didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

Although Feng Hong is not afraid of Ku Zhu, Ku Zhu has now recognized Jiang Yun as his master, and is very likely to leave with Jiang Yun in the future, so Feng Hong does not want to be too hostile to him, so he can only answer lightly: "I have no idea."

Kuzhu didn't mind Feng Hong's attitude at all. He looked away from the sky and continued with a smile: "Master Feng, this place where your Feng family lives is a bit too shabby. Why don't you go to my place!"

"Our environment there is much better than this broken valley."

"What's more, I will be leaving with you soon. It would be a waste to leave that place empty."

Feng Hong was really tempted by this suggestion.

Kuzhu and the others have been running rampant in the Huajiang Realm for so many years, so the place they chose is naturally the best.

However, Feng Hong decided to wait for Jiang Yun to come back and ask his opinion, so he shook his head and said, "Let's wait until Brother Jiang comes back to discuss this matter!"

After saying that, Feng Hong ignored Ku Zhu and turned around to enter his house.

Kuzhu, however, still stood there, raised his head again, looked at the direction Jiang Yun left, with a sneer on his face.

The reason why he suddenly wanted to leave with Jiang Yun before was because he guessed that Jiang Yun should be a cultivator from the outside world and had many secrets hidden in him.

Secondly, he was really worried about the demon mark in his body. If Jiang Yun died outside, wouldn't the demon mark be with him for the rest of his life?

Thirdly, even in the Huajiang Realm, he was tired of staying there, and it didn't matter what he wanted.

However, the appearance of the illusion made him dare not risk leaving the Huajiang Realm.

And he is also very interested in the Eye of Fantasy, and even suspects that the illusion may not affect it there. Perhaps, the Eye of Fantasy is still the same as before, with sufficient source energy and a comfortable illusion. .

Now that Jiang Yun is going to the Eye of Fantasy, he might as well take advantage of this opportunity and join Jiang Yun.

The most important point is that if Jiang Yun goes to the Demon Heaven Realm, then maybe he can regain his freedom there.

Because in the demon world, there is a demon emperor.

Once the Demon Clan Emperor knew that Jiang Yun was a demon refining master, there was no need to instigate him. The Demon Clan Emperor would definitely kill Jiang Yun!

At this moment, Jiang Yun had arrived at the place where he first entered the illusion. He did not deliberately search for the specific location. He just found a place to sit down and waited for the illusion to appear.

In fact, he still needs to take certain risks when entering the illusion this time, and he is not really sure that he can leave smoothly.

Because he was not very sure whether the way of guardianship worked when he left the illusion for the first time.

If you make a mistake in your judgment, you will be in big trouble.

But if the way of guardianship can really allow Jiang Yun to enter and exit the illusion freely, then in this illusion realm, he will be in a far more advantageous position than anyone else!

However, now Jiang Yun is more concerned about whether his speculation about the illusion and Feng Beiling's behavior is true.

While Jiang Yun was waiting, buildings suddenly rose up one after another in front of Jiang Yun, and the illusion finally came again.

Looking at the busy streets and the bustling crowds around him, Jiang Yun slowly stood up and looked around.

In the illusion, after separation from Feng Beiling, Jiang Yun spent a few days wandering around Huajiang City in order to become familiar with the environment of Huajiang City.

Therefore, now he can easily determine where he is, and coincidentally, it is near Wanghu Tower!

Looking up at the Wanghu Tower standing not far away, Jiang Yun stepped forward without hesitation.

As soon as I stepped into Wanghu Road, a familiar guy came up to me and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Jiang, you are here again, please come in quickly!"

Seeing that the waiter recognized him, Jiang Yun couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

He is not the person in the illusion, but the guy can still remember him.

This shows that in the boy's memory, not only the memory of the last illusion is retained, but also has its own existence.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "Man, when was the last time I came here?"

The clerk was stunned for a moment, but then he smiled and said: "Master Jiang is taking an exam for me. You came here four days ago!"

Indeed, four days ago, he came here exactly to prepare to invite Feng Beiling back. At the same time, it was also the time when the last illusion ended!

Jiang Yun then asked: "Then do you remember what I wanted to do when I came last time?"

The waiter nodded and said, "Of course I remember. The last time you came here, you wanted to treat Mr. Feng to dinner. As a result, Mr. Feng came and you left. We didn't even see how you left!"

"Has Brother Feng been here in the past few days?"

"Come here, Mr. Feng is in the private room now, and he has brought a friend with him. I will take you there right now!"

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