Taoist world

Chapter 4165 Master and Brother

Although this Yuan An is also a monk, his cultivation level is not high, he is only in the Void Realm.

In addition, he is already quite old, so his cultivation path in this life may stop here.

Therefore, he simply gave up his practice and became a storyteller with some eloquence.

By reading stories in this restaurant every day, I can earn some spiritual resources and support my family.

However, compared to practicing, he is obviously more talented in storytelling.

In addition to his good eloquence and his ability to talk about books with emotion and excitement, the books he talks about are things that most people are interested in.

Especially for some anecdotes and even mysteries that have been circulating for a long time, he will use his imagination to make up some explanations and explain them so clearly that people will even know that what he said is made up. But I still listened with relish.

In this way, he gradually gained some fame.

Almost all monks who come to the original world will come to this restaurant. Listening to him talk about the previous chapter can be regarded as another scenery in the original world.

Even the Slaughter God was extremely interested in him. After coming to listen to his books several times, he sent a guard to protect him secretly.

Because of this, his information channels are also very well-informed.

In particular, his eyesight and memory are excellent, and he can truly be called a photographic memory. Anyone who has been seen and remembered by him will not forget it for a long time.

This is also the reason why people from the Fengming Tianzun Sect would find his head and ask him for information.

Not only the Fateful Heavenly Lord, but also many people from the entire All Heavens Gathering Area came to him for information.

However, his temper is rather weird, which is not seen by ordinary people at all.

Even if he saw it by force, he would ignore it.

And with the Killing Heavenly Lord backing him, no one dared to do anything to him.

Jiang Yun naturally did not disturb him at this time, but found a seat, ordered wine and food, and listened to him quietly like other diners.

At this moment, what Yuan An was talking about was how Jiang Yun faced the siege of thirteen Great Heavenly Lords including the Angel Patrollers in the Linggu Domain, and finally turned his life into a door and entered the All Heavens Gathering Domain.

Although this experience can be said to be known to almost everyone in the entire Zhutianji region, the words coming from his mouth still made the diners around him feel comfortable listening to it.

However, Jiang Yun smiled a little after hearing this.

Because Yuan An has obviously beautified himself a lot.

As for the thirteen Great Celestials, they made some ugly remarks, describing themselves as weak monks who were bullied and oppressed, and the thirteen Great Celestials as unreasonable people who covered the sky with one hand.

How unyielding I was, I finally succeeded in entering the All Heavens Gathering Domain tenaciously.

Jiang Yun didn't know whether the Great Heavenly Lords, including the Killing Heavenly Lord, had heard what Yuan An said, and he didn't know what they would think after listening to it.

However, come to think of it, these high-ranking beings will not get to know a being who is like an ant in their eyes.

Finally, Yuan An knocked down the wake-up wood heavily and said: "I know what will happen next, and I will listen to the next chapter to explain!"

Someone among the diners shouted loudly, "Yuan An, please say another sentence!"

Someone else echoed: "That's right, it's still early today. Let's talk about Jiang Yun's experience after entering the Gathering Domain of All Heavens."

Someone else shouted: "Don't talk about the experience of the All-Heaven Gathering Area, let's talk about his performance in the All-Heaven Trial, especially the part where Old Man Karma appeared during the final trial!"

It is not difficult to see that Jiang Yun's experience is still very attractive to these monks.

Especially coming from Yuan An's mouth, it is even more fascinating.

However, Yuan An stood up, bowed his hands to the many diners present, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your support, but for the experiences you mentioned about Jiang Yun, I still need to go back and prepare. Do your homework, we can only talk about it next time!”

After saying that, Yuan An turned around and walked off the high platform towards the outside of the restaurant.

This is also Yuan An's rule, he only talks once a day.

After that, no matter how much money you give him or if you offer any conditions, he won't say anything.

Therefore, although many diners were reluctant, no one tried to stop Yuan An forcefully.

Jiang Yun did not immediately get up and chase Yuan An. Instead, he dispersed his consciousness and stared at Yuan An, watching him walk all the way to a remote courtyard in the south of the city.

Then, Jiang Yun stood up, dropped his drink money, walked out, and also came to Yuan An's residence.

Standing outside the closed door, Jiang Yun looked around and found that there were indeed several monks who broke the law and noticed his arrival.

However, these people did not show up to stop him.

It seems that there are many people like Jiang Yun who have found Yuan An's residence.

As long as it is not harmful to Yuan An, they will not interfere. Jiang Yun naturally did not hide it deliberately, and said loudly: "My father-in-law Yuan is here. I am here to visit him."

Yuan An's voice soon came from the room: "The little old man is just an ordinary storyteller. He can't be called a visit and has no reputation, so I won't waste my time."

"If the guests want to hear about it, please come early to the restaurant tomorrow."

Obviously, Yuan An was not prepared to meet Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and changed his voice to say: "My father-in-law's book is indeed very exciting."

"It's just that you just talked about my experience for a long time. I think there are some untrue things in it, so I want to meet my husband and discuss it with him."

After a moment of silence in the room, Yuan An's voice sounded again: "The content in the book was originally fabricated and adapted by me based on the rumors circulating. Naturally, it cannot be taken as accurate, and there is no need to discuss it with you."

Jiang Yun's eyes couldn't help but narrowed. Even though he had revealed his identity, the other party still refused to see him.

"Since I don't want to see you, Jiang will have no choice but to offend me!"

After the words fell, Jiang Yun took advantage of the moment when the consciousness of the monks who broke the law moved away, and appeared directly in the room, where he saw Yuan An sitting cross-legged on the bed.

Originally, Jiang Yun didn't want to break in, but it was related to the whereabouts of his master, and Yuan An didn't want to see him, so he had to force his way in.

Even Jiang Yun was prepared to search for his soul if the other party refused to tell him.

As for whether he would offend the Slaughter God, he couldn't control that much.

Yuan An was not surprised at all by Jiang Yun's entry. He opened his eyes, looked at Jiang Yun, and suddenly sighed and said, "Little friend Jiang, why do you have to force others to do something difficult for you!"

Jiang Yun cupped his fists at Yuan An and said, "I'm here just to ask my husband about a life-threatening matter. I don't have any ill intentions."

"As long as my father-in-law is willing to tell the truth, Jiang will be deeply grateful!"

Yuan An smiled bitterly and said, "Young friend Jiang thinks so highly of me. I'm just an ordinary storyteller. What can I know?"

Jiang Yun was too lazy to talk around Yuan An and said straightforwardly: "More than twenty years ago, did I see a person who looked like a boy in the Yuanjian world?"

The bitter smile on Yuan An's face turned into a look of surprise: "Are you here to inquire about that boy too?"


Jiang Yun was stunned at first, but then he realized that his grandfather had also sent someone to ask him about his master before, so he nodded and said, "Yes."

"To be honest, my husband, that boy is actually an old man, a very important elder to me. Now he has disappeared for more than 20 years, and I am really worried about his safety."

"And my father-in-law may be the last person to see him, so I took the liberty to come here and ask him carefully."

Yuan An smiled slightly and said: "The person who came to me last time said he was the old man's master and brother, and now you say that the old man is your elder."

"Who is this old man? In a few days, other relatives of the old man will also come to me to find out!"

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