Taoist world

Chapter 4163 Go to my home

Dongfang Bo's words made Situ Jing and Xuanyuan Xing, who were practicing with their eyes closed, open their eyes immediately, with puzzled expressions on their faces. They didn't understand how the senior brother could come up with such words. Come.

The two looked at each other, and Xuanyuan Xing asked: "Elder brother, how did you know something happened to Master?"

"Besides, what can happen to Master?"

Dongfang Bo replied in a deep voice: "The fourth child came back specifically for Master this time!"

"You also know the character of the fourth child, who values ​​love and kindness the most."

"Senior Jiang, the spiritual master of the Mirage Clan, raised him up, and hundreds of people from Jiang Village accompanied him to grow up. In his heart, the Mirage Clan is his other family."

"When his family may face a disaster at any time, even if the emperor is in charge, with the character of the fourth child, he should stay there and coexist with the mirage clan."

"He will not leave with confidence until he is sure that the Mirage Clan has completely overcome the danger."

"But now, he just ran back to the All Heavens Gathering Area."

"This shows that in the All-Heaven Gathering Domain, there are things more important than the survival of the Mirage clan waiting for him to do."

"Previously, when he asked Senior Fengming about the whereabouts of his master, he asked in extremely detail."

"Later, I deliberately tested him a few times and asked him how long he would stay after he came back. He said that he would stay for two or three days before picking up Jiansheng and them. But in fact, if he hadn't been worried about our suspicion, he would have stayed for two or three days. He won’t even wait for any time.”

"Therefore, except that something happened to Master, I can't think of any other possibility."

"Besides, what Master did is not a trivial matter!"

"If I guess correctly, he won't say goodbye to us and will leave directly later."

"And his next goal must be the original world of Shaotian, to find the person named Yuan An, and then to inquire about the master's whereabouts back then."

"Then, go find the master!"

After listening to Dongfang Bo's analysis, Xuanyuan Xing frowned and said, "No way. I still don't know how strong the master is. How could something happen to the master?"

"Besides, if something really happened to Master, the fourth child should tell us!"

Dongfang Bo didn't need to answer. Situ Jing on the side had already spoken: "I don't know how strong the master is, but there are people outside the world, and there is a sky beyond the sky. The master is not invincible after all."

"Nowadays, the fourth child has come into contact with powerful people like the Great Emperor. Third Junior Brother, you are also a descendant of the Great Emperor, so the possibility of Master encountering a stronger person certainly exists."

"The reason why the fourth child didn't tell us is naturally because we are too weak now!"

"The fourth child is protecting us and doesn't want us to be distracted by Master's affairs."


Dongfang Bo nodded and said: "So I will tell him that senior brothers and sisters are useless. Not only can they not help him, but they have become a burden to him!"

Xuanyuan Xing was silent for a moment, then stood up suddenly and said, "I'll go ask him what's going on!"

"Don't go!"

Dongfang Bo shook his head and said: "The burden on the fourth child is already heavy enough. Don't let him know that we have guessed the news about Master's accident, lest he have to worry about us again."

Xuanyuan Xing hesitated and said: "Then after the fourth child leaves, we will also go to the original world!"

However, Dongfang Bo shook his head again and said: "Don't talk about going to the original world now. Even if you leave here, you may be killed at any time!"

"Don't forget, we are all just souls now, and our strength can only be regarded as the lowest level existence in the universe."

"It doesn't matter if we die, but the fourth child has sacrificed too much for us. If we die easily, we will be sorry for him."

Xuanyuan Xing gritted his teeth and said: "But the person who can make Master have trouble, even if the fourth child is gone, he is no match for him!"

"Moreover, do we know that the master is in danger and that the fourth child is going to take risks, so we just ignore it and just sit here and wait?"

Dongfang Bo smiled slightly and said, "Of course not!"

"After the fourth child leaves, I will tell you where we are going!"

At this moment, Jiang Yun had no idea that his senior brothers and sisters had guessed that his master was in danger. He was still immersed in what his grandfather told him.

In addition to being shocked, he was more worried! No matter what time it comes, the world of mountains and seas will always be the home recognized in his heart.

In the world of mountains and seas, I still have many friends and people I care about.

The level of cultivation in the entire Mountain and Sea Realm is too low. Even a monk who breaks the law can easily level the Mountain and Sea Realm.

However, now, there is an existence comparable to the Great Emperor, always hiding in the world of mountains and seas.

It would be fine if he had no ill intentions towards the Shanhai Realm.

However, since he had threatened his grandfather and deliberately kept it from himself, it meant that he was definitely not a kind person.

If he wants to harm the Shanhai Realm, it will be a disaster for the Shanhai Realm.

“Why does he want to stay in the Shanhai Realm?

What is there in the world of mountains and seas that attracts him? "

"Is it to find the entrance to the realm of suffering?"

There are two realms of mountains and seas. One is the original realm of mountains and seas, which was once located in the gathering area of ​​all heavens and where Jiang Yun truly lived in his first life.

Before Jiang Qiuyang realized that he could not resist the attack of the Angel Patrollers and others, he let Dao Wuming, Battle Ax and others hide Jiang Yun in the original realm of mountains and seas, and sent him to the first lower domain.

As a result, the original world of mountains and seas was discovered by Ji Kongfan, who hid it and created a new world of mountains and seas imitating the original world of mountains and seas.

Through chatting with his grandfather and others, Jiang Yun also knew that the major deities and angel patrols in the All Heavens Gathering Area had guessed that his father came from other areas.

Moreover, the road to other regions is hidden in the mountains and seas! Therefore, they each showed their magical powers and sent their clones or magic weapons into the first lower realm to find this way.

However, because old man Karma has always stayed in the first lower domain, they have not dared to act rashly for many years.

Therefore, it is very likely that the other party had the same purpose and had been hiding in Dao Wuming's body until the old man Qiu left, and he woke up first and entered the world of mountains and seas.

At this moment, Jiang Yun really wished that he could have two powerful clones, one to go to the master and the other to the mountain and sea world.

Looking at Jiang Yun's expression, Fengming Tianzun naturally knew what he was thinking, and comforted him: "You don't have to worry too much. The reason why I told you this is to let you be on guard."

"Besides, my clone has been near the Shanhai Realm. If something happens, I will definitely know about it."

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Okay, grandpa, I'll leave now, and I won't say hello to my senior brother or the others."

"After I finish my business in the All Heavens Gathering Area, I will return to the Mountain and Sea Realm."

Fengming Tianzun nodded and said: "Okay, be careful, I will send you away!"

Regarding Jiang Yun's departure, Fengming Tianzun didn't think much about it, nor was he too worried.

After all, Jiang Yun is within the All Heavens Gathering Domain, so he can know about anything at any time.

With the help of his grandfather, Jiang Yun left Fengmingtian directly.

Dongfang Bo, who was on top of the Hidden Peak, couldn't help but smile slightly when he saw Fengming Tianzun coming back alone: ​​"Senior Fengming, has my junior brother left already?"

Fengming Tianzun also smiled and said: "Yes, he said that he would come back as soon as possible anyway, so he won't say hello to you."

Dongfang Bo shook his head and said: "Senior Fengming, thank you for taking care of me these days, we have to leave."

Fengming Tianzun was slightly startled and said: "Where are you going?"

"Go where we should go!"

Dongfang Bodao: "When junior brother comes back, please tell junior brother, senior, that we will go find him!"

Although Feng Tianzun repeatedly tried to persuade them to stay, Dongfang Bo and the others had already decided to leave. In desperation, Feng Tianzun could only order people to send the three of them away.

After leaving Fengmingtian, Xuanyuan Xing and Situ Jing both looked at Dongfang Bo and said, "Elder brother, where are we going?"

Dongfang Bo looked in one direction and said: "Go to my home!"

"Your home?"

Situ Jing and Xuanyuan Xing couldn't help being stunned. They had never heard that the senior brother still had a family. Dongfang Bo softly uttered two words in his mouth: "Emperor's Mausoleum!"

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