Taoist world

Chapter 4155 Ancient Hunting Madman

The reason why Jiang Yun wanted to enter the forbidden area from the outer world actually had some selfish motives of his own.

Because his real purpose in coming to Tianwaitian is to find his parents.

But now, with the news that his master is in danger, it is naturally impossible for him to stay in Tianwaitian any longer.

And he finally got into Tianwaitian as Fan Xiao, and with the help of his outstanding performance in the hunt, he also got the attention of the general Mo Ze, and even had the opportunity to become a partial general.

If he just left without saying goodbye, left Tianwaitian, and left the Four Realms, although Tianwaitian would have no way of knowing his true identity and would never cause trouble for him, if he wanted to enter Tianwaitian again in the future, everything would have to be done. Just start from scratch again.

Therefore, if you disappear after entering the forbidden area from Tianwaitian through hunting ancients, then even if this passage is closed, even if you come back to Tianwaitian after a few decades, you will at least have a reasonable excuse and reason.

You can say that the time you disappeared was spent in the forbidden area.

From what Gu San said, it was not difficult for Jiang Yun to tell that the Forbidden Land had indeed reached a consensus with Tianwaitian and acquiesced to the existence of Liegu.

Otherwise, how could Gu San know the exact location where Tianwaitian entered the forbidden area.

"Okay!" Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Senior Gu, let's meet at Wuning Peak tomorrow!"

Gu San smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, although I am a little confused, I will naturally do what I promised you."

"I will enter the body of this mirage tribe member now. When he wakes up, just tell him and let him take me back to their mirage tribe."

"After I send you away, I will also go to my friend and ask him to separate a spiritual consciousness and go to the Mirage Clan."

"As for Su Qianchen and Gu Bingyan, just let them leave on their own."

Jiang Yun cupped his fists and bowed to Gu San again and said, "Thank you, Senior Gu."

When he raised his head, Gu San's figure had disappeared, apparently entering Jiang Ming's body.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Ming, Gu Bingyan and Su Qianchen all opened their eyes, with a look of confusion on their faces. They didn't know why they suddenly fell into coma.

Jiang Yun did not explain too much to them, but just said to Su Qianchen and Gu Bingyan: "Senior Gu has something to do and has left first. Let me tell you that after you wake up, you can return to the forbidden area immediately."

Su Qianchen and Gu Bingyan looked at each other with a look of surprise on their faces, nodded, turned around and walked out without saying anything.

Jiang Yun didn't know Gu San's status in Gu Zhong, but the two of them knew it very well, so they didn't dare to disobey Gu San's words.

After watching the two people leave, Jiang Yun said to Jiang Ming: "Uncle Ming, I'm in a hurry. I'm afraid I will have to return to the All Heavens Gathering Area soon."

"That ancient senior just now is in your body now."

"However, you don't have to worry. He has a very close relationship with my master, so he promised that during the period of my departure, not only would he temporarily stay in the Mirage Clan to protect the safety of the Mirage Clan, but he would also notify his subordinates. A friend also sent a spiritual consciousness into the mirage clan."

"With their two seniors in charge, the safety of the Mirage Clan can at least be more guaranteed, and I can leave with peace of mind."

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Jiang Ming couldn't help but be a little surprised.

He was only unconscious for a moment, but the Mirage Clan received help from the two great emperors' consciousness without any problems.

However, he also knew that all of this must be Jiang Yun's credit.

There is no friendship between my mirage clan and Gu!

As for Jiang Yun, he no longer needed to be polite, so he nodded and said, "I understand, but what's the urgent matter for you that you have to go back suddenly?"

"Is there any trouble?"

In fact, Jiang Ming could naturally guess that Jiang Yun's sudden rush to return to the All Heavens Gathering Area must be related to Gu Bu Lao.

But since Gu San had just knocked himself into a coma, and now his consciousness was in his body, it was inconvenient to ask directly about some things.

Although Jiang Yun did not regard Uncle Ming as an outsider, he did not want him to worry about him, so he smiled and said: "It is indeed related to my master, but there is no danger. My master is still a very powerful existence in the All Heavens Gathering Area."

"Anyway, during my absence, Uncle Ming, you and Yuerou and the others must be more careful!"

Jiang Ming opened his mouth, intending to say something, but in the end he just stretched out his hand, patted Jiang Yun's shoulder heavily and said, "Don't worry, we will wait for you to come back safely!"


Jiang Yun returned to Tianwaitian, ignoring Liu Meng who was already laughing when he saw him, and locked himself in the room alone, recalling everything Gu San told him today.

It has to be said that the origin of the master really brought Jiang Yun a huge surprise.

Although Gu San did not clearly explain his master's strength back then, as a respected figure in the ancient world, it was not difficult for Jiang Yun to guess that his master at that time must have been a great emperor.

But for the sake of ancient times, Master even gave up all his cultivation, entered reincarnation again, and walked the path of cultivation again.

How much courage and perseverance it takes for a great emperor to make such a decision.

Especially now, Master doesn't know what kind of danger he is in and whether he is still alive.

As soon as this thought appeared, Jiang Yun forced it out of his mind and said to himself: "No, Master must still be alive and waiting for me to save him!"

Early the next morning, under the leadership of Liu Meng, Jiang Yun came to the Military Palace again.

But this time, the number of monks gathered in front of the main hall far exceeded that of the previous hunting.

Looking around, there are thousands of people.

Although ancient hunting is extremely dangerous, the military merit achieved is far greater than that of hunting.

Therefore, Tianwaitian guards who are truly confident in their own strength prefer to participate in ancient hunting.

Liu Meng said to Jiang Yun: "It's spectacular. I really don't know what these people think. They just want to live a good life, but they want to risk their own lives."

"However, brother Fan, you are different from them. I have a strong feeling that when you come back from this ancient hunt, my small temple will definitely not be able to accommodate a great god like you."

Just when Jiang Yung was about to respond, a burst of noise suddenly sounded in the distance.

Jiang Yun followed the sound and saw that a middle-aged man appeared in front of everyone surrounded by a group of guards.

As this man appeared, a large number of guards immediately bowed to the man with clasped fists and said in unison: "Greetings to General Yan Tian!"

The one who came was Yan Tianqi, the leader of the generals!

Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Yan Tianqi, who looked elegant and looked like a frail scholar, but exuded a strong aura, and nodded secretly.

Although Jiang Yun could not tell his true cultivation level, with his keen sense, Jiang Yun could conclude that Yan Tianqi's strength was definitely far superior to Mo Ze's.

"General Yan Tian is here again!" Liu Meng said with emotion: "This General Yan is indeed a madman hunting ancients!"

The reason why more and more monks are participating in ancient hunting is actually because of Yan Tianqi!

Yan Tianqi participated in almost every ancient hunt, so he was called an ancient hunter by the guards.

A guard can become a general in the sky, and then rely on his own strength to become the leader of the generals. Such a person will be respected everywhere.

In particular, Yan Tianqi was able to reach this point. Although it was indeed Tianshuai who gave him a chance, the more than 90 million military merits he later obtained were all earned with his own life.

His deeds are like legends in the outer world, making countless guards yearn for him.

Jiang Yun felt a little regretful at this moment.

If it weren't for the fact that he wanted to return to the All-Heaven Gathering Domain, he would have really wanted to take this opportunity to hunt for ancient times and compare himself with General Yan Tian to see who could obtain more military merit.

After shaking his head, Jiang Yun withdrew his gaze and ignored Yan Tianqi.

However, there was a sudden chill in his heart, as if he could faintly sense a murderous intention passing through him!

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