Taoist world

Chapter 4143: Missing Military Glory

After Moze's eyes glanced at everyone's face one by one, he continued: "You people, either the survivors of this hunt, or the generals and generals, are all my people. They are all my subordinates, Moze!"

Jiang Yun couldn't help but look at the people around him who he didn't know again. Unexpectedly, they were all generals and generals, not even centurions and junior commanders.

"I very much hope that you really have no idea what happened during this hunt, let alone why I called you here."

After hearing Mo Ze's somewhat incomprehensible words, most people had blank expressions on their faces and had no idea what Mo Ze meant.

What do you mean by not wanting yourself and others to not know what happened during the hunt?

However, they could hear a hint of murderous intent in Moze's voice.

Only Jiang Yun, Shen Chaojun and other thirty-nine guards knew full well that Mo Ze wanted to find the person who had colluded with the man among these generals and generals!

No matter he is a general or a partial general, even a small centurion, he does not want anyone among his subordinates to collude with the prisoners and do something that is outrageous to both humans and gods.

As for the reason why only the commander-in-chief and partial generals were called in, it was naturally because the hunting matter needed to be carried out across regions. Only officers responsible for multiple regions, that is, officers at the commander-in-chief level, were qualified to intervene.

There was a dead silence in the main hall. No matter whether they understood or didn't understand, no one dared to speak at this time, and even held their breath involuntarily.

A moment later, it was Moze's voice that broke the dead silence in the hall: "In recognition of your years of service to me, I will give you a chance to surrender!"

"Now, as long as one of you is willing to take the initiative to stand up and admit everything, then I will give you a lighter sentence."

"If you are found by me, then not only will you be punished by death, but all of your relatives and clan members will also enter my outer world!"

"I'll give you some time to think about it!"

As Moser finished speaking, a guard lit an incense stick.

Moze also closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the chair, as if falling asleep.

There was still a dead silence in the main hall, and everyone did not dare to whisper or discuss. They could only stare at the burning incense with their own eyes.

Jiang Yun was observing everyone's reactions, especially Commander Fang.

The person Jiang Yun originally suspected the most was the other party.

After all, he was the one who distributed the pills that could let the prisoners know their location and others.

Although this way, after the incident, he is indeed the most likely to be suspected, but this hunting, I am afraid that there is no possibility of failure at all if they think about it.

As long as he and others are all killed, naturally no one will doubt this hunting, and no one will imagine that the elixir can reveal his position, let alone the other party's commander-in-chief will have the slightest suspicion.

However, Jiang Yun's deliberate stimulation and testing of the other party's commander three days ago made Jiang Yun less suspicious of him.

At this moment, Commander Fang, like everyone else, was frowning and looking at Xiang.

And when his eyes collided with Jiang Yun's, there was still anger on his face.

Just like that, after the incense was burned, no one in the hall spoke.


At this moment, a cold snort suddenly sounded.

The sound was like a biting cold wind, passing through the entire hall and everyone's body, making everyone shiver and all looked at the person who snorted, Mo Ze.

Mo Ze said with a serious face: "Okay, everyone has a lot of backbone. They would rather bring harm to the whole clan than admit it!"

"Now, I'll let you know what's going on!"

"Fan Xiao!"

Hearing Mo Ze suddenly call out his name, Jiang Yun couldn't help being stunned, but he hurriedly walked out, cupped his fists and saluted Mo Ze, "Here you are!"

Mo Ze said coldly: "Tell them in detail your experience during the hunt, except for the passage. Especially the things you suspect, tell them in detail."


Jiang Yun turned to face the crowd and began to tell his experience for the second time.

Everyone, including Shen Chaojun, Li Mo and others who were already aware, pricked up their ears and listened intently to every word Jiang Yun said.

After Jiang Yun finished speaking, everyone's faces suddenly showed expressions of understanding, and they understood why Mo Ze was so angry.

This kind of thing is really a taboo in the military!

As Jiang Yun stepped aside, Mo Ze spoke again: "Shen Chaojun, do you and the other thirty-eight people have any objections to what Fan Xiao said?"

Thirty-eight guards walked out together, clasped their fists and saluted: "No, what Fan Xiao said is similar to our experience, and every word is true."

Moze waved his hand and said, "Okay, you guys step aside first."

Then, the cold light in Moze's eyes suddenly grew, and he looked at the commanders and generals coldly and said, "Now, is there still no one willing to admit it?"

By this time, although everyone had understood what Mo Ze meant, no one dared to stand up.

Suddenly, an old man with a scar on his face came out, clasped his fists and saluted: "Sir, I have followed you for many years and have been with you through life and death. If others don't understand us, how can you still not understand us!"

"Could it be that this matter was not betrayed by someone in our First Level Army, but was done by other members of the army?"

As soon as the old man finished speaking, the big man with a sinister face stood up and said, "Sir, General Lin is right."

"The rules restricting cultivation were jointly formulated by us, and only after your approval did we notify the Tianwu Hall to refine the corresponding elixirs."

Hearing this, Moze sneered and said, "Why, you think I am the most suspicious."

"No, no, no!" The big man waved his hands repeatedly and said, "The general will not dare. Naturally, the most suspicious people in this matter are the general and Fang Ming."

"The last general is Fang Ming's direct superior, and all those pills were distributed by Fang Ming."

"The general just wanted to ask whether the people from the Tianwu Palace had tampered with the elixir."

Mo Ze said coldly: "There will naturally be people from Tianwu Hall to investigate."

"To tell you the truth, this matter has alarmed Mr. Tianshuai, and everyone in the entire Tianwai Tian wants to investigate."

"It seems that you all won't shed tears until you see the coffin. Today, I will pull you out with my own hands."

Mo Ze looked at Jiang Yun and others and said, "Take out the heads of the prisoners you hunted."

Shen Chaojun and Li Mo each took out fifty-five heads and placed them on the ground.

Shen Chaojun boldly said: "Master Tianjiang, these heads were all killed by Fan Xiao, and all military merits should go to Fan Xiao."

Hearing these words, the chill on Moze's face melted a little, and he nodded and said: "I know, you guys step aside first."

Looking at Jiang Yun who was motionless, Mo Ze couldn't help but frown and said, "Fan Xiao, where are the two heads you hunted!"

Although Jiang Yun gave the other heads to Shen Chaojun and the others, he took the heads of an old man in the reincarnation realm and that man with him.

At this time, he also took out the two heads and placed them on the ground. He hesitated for a moment and suddenly said: "Sir, of these two people, one is the principal offender and the other is an accomplice, and their cultivation has not been restricted, so , their heads should be worth more than a thousand military merits!"

Jiang Yun's words caused the entire hall to fall into silence again, and even Mo Ze had a look of astonishment on his face.

Obviously, no one expected that at this time, Jiang Yun was still thinking about military achievements!


Mo Ze burst into laughter, looked deeply at Jiang Yun and said, "Fan Xiao, let me ask you, are you satisfied with just tens of thousands of military achievements?"

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