Taoist world

Chapter 4120 The Desolate Pattern Disintegrates

Naturally, there is nothing good in the prison. This is just because Jiang Yun wanted to see if the withered weeds were really related to the Desolate tribe.

At the same time, it was also his test of Liu Meng, or in other words, the entire Tianwaitian.

As for the secrets of Tianwaitian, so far, Jiang Yun only knows that this place can lead to the forbidden area, but he does not know the other secrets at all.

But he believed that Liu Meng, who had been kidnapped and became a centurion, must know more secrets than he did.

So, if Liu Meng dared to go to the prison alone with him, it meant that Tianwaitian, or the Tibetan Elders Association, allowed the guards to enter the prison during times other than patrolling.

Even, they don't monitor everything going on in every prison all the time.

Of course, it is also possible that not even Liu Meng knows about the surveillance of every prison by Tianwaitian and Tibetan Laohui.

But Jiang Yun really couldn't suppress the doubts in his heart. Even if he took some risks, he had to find out whether the withered weeds were barren patterns.

If it can be proven that the withered weeds are really the desolate pattern of the Desolate Clan, and that it was not deliberately created by the Zang Laohui and Tianwaitian to lure people like him into taking the bait, then the meaning behind the appearance of the desolate pattern will be revealed. Even more intriguing.

Liu Meng was also impatient. Since he had decided to go, he didn't waste a moment and took Jiang Yun directly to the prison again.

Standing in the air, Liu Meng asked anxiously: "Brother Fan, where are the good things hidden?"

After thinking about it last night, Liu Meng really believed Jiang Yun's words, thinking that Jiang Yun should have learned from somewhere that there were good things hidden in Tianwaitian, especially in the area he was responsible for.

Otherwise, Jiang Yun has no choice but to pretend to be the cowardly and incompetent Fan Xiao! Jiang Yun was no longer in a hurry. He deliberately turned his head and looked around, with a cautious look on his face and said: "Master Liu, now I suddenly feel that that good thing may have been deliberately arranged by someone above." trap?"

"Do you think they are watching us now?"

Seeing Jiang Yun's cautious look, Liu Meng showed a sarcastic smile and said, "I didn't expect that you would be scared sometimes."

"I thought you were really not afraid of heaven or earth. Even if you are the handsome and powerful emperor, you didn't take it seriously!"

In the past few days, Liu Meng had been suppressed by Jiang Yun, and now he finally found a chance to fight back.

Jiang Yun didn't care about Liu Meng's attitude, shook his head and said: "Forget it, although the thing is good, you have to be alive to get it."

"If this is really a trap, wouldn't we have fallen into a trap? Not only would our things be taken away by others, but we might also become prisoners and be locked up here!"

"Forget it, Master Liu, just pretend that I didn't say anything, let's go back!"

"You're so scared!"

Liu Meng finally couldn't help but growled: "Do you think the people above are so idle?"

"To tell you the truth, the first level is divided into nearly a hundred areas. We are only responsible for one percent of the area."

"Not to mention the emperor, even a general will not be so idle as to monitor every area with his spiritual consciousness all the time."

"Besides, we only hold prisoners with the most minor crimes in the first level, and they will be released soon."

"Not to mention far away, since I became a centurion, in just a hundred years, there have been two or three batches of prisoners here."

"Anyway, just keep your heart in your stomach. If there is really any danger, there is no way I would bring you here!"

After listening to Liu Meng's words, Jiang Yun couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

When he asked Liu Meng about Tianwaitian the day before yesterday, he didn't tell him any of this information. He obviously concealed it deliberately.

However, now Jiang Yun didn't bother to trouble Liu Meng, but started thinking rapidly in his mind.

It turns out that the first level of the sky is actually divided into nearly a hundred areas, that is, nearly a hundred separate worlds.

Moreover, the prisoners in this area have been changed two or three times, so the prisoners he sees now cannot be from the Desolate tribe.

At this time, Liu Meng urged again: "Brother Fan, why are you still in a daze? Tell me quickly, where is that good thing?"

Jiang Yun pointed at the mountains and said, "It's over there, follow me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Yun flew out first, followed naturally by Liu Meng.

A few breaths later, Jiang Yun was already standing on top of the withered weeds. Looking down again, he became more and more certain that those weeds indeed formed a barren pattern! The Desolate Clan does not cultivate spiritual energy or martial arts, they only cultivate the Desolate Patterns! With the desolate pattern, they can also cast various spells. Anyway, most of the spells of Taoists have no effect on them! They can even use the desolate pattern to mark other living beings, thereby making other living beings become desolate slaves.

The strength of a Desolate tribe member depends on the number of Desolate Marks on his body.

But the prerequisite for the birth of a desolate pattern is that one must have a desolate pattern as a seed.

However, there are two ways to obtain such seeds, one is by others planting them for you, and the other is by planting them yourself! The former can only become a slave of the wilderness, while the latter can truly control the power of the wilderness.

Jiang Yun's desolate patterns were planted and painted by himself, and his desolate patterns were the most powerful among the desolate tribe.

Because Jiang Yun's desolate pattern is the "desolate" of the desolate tribe! At this moment, Jiang Yun did not recognize the desolate patterns condensed on this piece of desolate grass.

However, this is also normal.

The desolate patterns perceived by each member of the Desolate Tribe are different.

Liu Meng had also arrived beside Jiang Yun and looked down with him.

Although he also saw the withered weeds, he turned a blind eye and still asked: "Brother Fan, where is the thing?"

Jiang Yun said calmly: "When I came yesterday, I only felt it roughly, and it was difficult for me to find it in front of other people, so I still need to look carefully for the specific location."

"Master Liu, please be patient and don't disturb me."

While speaking, Jiang Yun suddenly glanced at Liu Meng, and nine colored rays of light suddenly bloomed in his eyes, imprinted in Liu Meng's eyes. Liu Meng suddenly seemed to have lost his soul and stood motionless in the air. .

Jiang Yun ignored Liu Meng who had fallen into a dream, fell from the sky, stood in the withered weeds, and sat down.

After sitting quietly for a moment, Jiang Yun didn't notice anything special, nor did he feel the unique power of Huang.


After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun's brows slowly showed signs of desolation that had not appeared for a long time! Ever since Jiang Yun came into contact with the power of heaven when he was in the lower domain, especially since his strength continued to improve, he has almost never used the desolate pattern or the power of desolation.

Because the cultivation realm of Huang Wen is just like that of Taoist cultivators, the most powerful monk of the Huang clan that Jiang Yun knows, Huang Junyan, is only at the realm of Eleven Huang, which is really far away from the cultivation realm of the All Heavens Gathering Area. , so it’s not very useful.

With the appearance of the barren lines between Jiang Yun's eyebrows, starting from this barren line, continuous barren lines suddenly began to spread on Jiang Yun's face and skin, covering his entire body in an instant.

The desolate pattern was still spreading rapidly and had separated from Jiang Yun's body, spreading towards the grass beneath him and even towards the earth below.

In fact, Jiang Yun's consciousness had already spread under the earth. Apart from the dark soil, there was nothing special about it.

However, Jiang Yun believed that since there were desolate patterns here and nothing could be seen on the ground, if there was an accident, it would only be in the earth.

After a long time, Jiang Yun's desolate patterns had almost penetrated hundreds of thousands of feet into the ground. They could no longer spread, and he had to take back the desolate patterns.

But at this moment, his expression suddenly changed.

Because, my own desolate pattern disintegrated silently!

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