Taoist world

Chapter 4099: The Muming Clan’s Son

A thousand miles away, for Mu Luo and the two elders, they had arrived in an instant.

And when they were in the air and had not yet landed, they suddenly discovered that the boundless jungle where the spiritual tree was located was completely filled with the rich power of wood.

The exuberant vitality was terrifying, making all the trees in the jungle grow to varying degrees and lusher than when they left.

So much so that even Mu Luo and the others couldn't enter the jungle with their spiritual consciousness.

Such a strange change made the three of them look at each other in confusion, wondering what had happened here in the past half a year.

Fortunately, they knew the specific location of the spiritual tree, so they were not affected by the power of the tree. They found the place in an instant and landed next to the spiritual tree from the air.

Just when they were about to ask Mu Zhengjun and another old man what happened, they found that these two people did not pay attention to the arrival of themselves and others, and just stared at Ling Ling. The direction of the tree.

The three people also looked over hurriedly. At first glance, their eyes widened and their mouths opened wide, and they could no longer close them.

Because, they saw that Jiang Yun was still standing next to the spiritual tree, still maintaining the same posture as when they left more than half a year ago, without any change.

However, at this moment, an extremely wide black road appeared above Jiang Yun's head.

The road has no end and extends into nothingness.

The main road is surrounded by traces of flames, and on both sides of the tree are the spiritual trees of the Mu family... Naturally, they all know that this is the prototype of the road to the Great Emperor! In fact, this is not enough to surprise them. What really surprises them is the three artistic conceptions contained in this road to the emperor! Fire, earth, wood! There are three artistic conceptions on the Imperial Road. Let alone seeing them, even if they were asked to think about them, they would not dare to think about them.

But now, they have seen it with their own eyes! And the most shocked person was Mu Zhengjun! Because it was more than half a year ago that he saw with his own eyes the prototype of Jiang Yun's path to becoming emperor, and there were only two artistic conceptions on it.

But now, I saw it again, and there was an additional artistic conception.

However, he knew better than Mu Luo and others that the reason Jiang Yun had an extra artistic conception was to verify what he had said to Jiang Yun.

If Jiang Yun takes a piece of the root of a spiritual tree, he might be able to understand the artistic conception of wood.

It was just his imagination at the time, and he never imagined that in just over half a year, his words would have become a reality! This is naturally because his family's spiritual tree gave Jiang Yun too many roots.

After a long period of silence, Mu Luo suddenly spoke softly: "Where are the descendants of Mu Chenzi and Mu Zhenglong now?"

Mu Zhengjun was slightly startled, wondering how the clan leader could properly mention the descendants of two deceased clan elders at this time.

But among the three old men, one of them had already stood up and said: "I know, I will go and leave no one behind!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man's figure had already risen into the sky.

Mu Luo looked at Mr. Yu's retreating figure and spoke again: "Abolish all their cultivation, cut off their fate, drive them out of the Mu family, and let them fend for themselves. Leave them alive!"

After hearing these words, the old man who was walking away nodded and disappeared.

Mu Zhengjun's body couldn't help but tremble slightly, his eyes showed a look of horror, and he finally understood what the clan leader meant.

At this time, Mu Luo's eyes happened to fall on him, and he said with a smile: "Zhengjun, from now on, you are the elder of my Mu family, and Mu Ming is the son of my Mu family. !”

"You can be responsible for whatever affairs you want. If you don't want to, it doesn't matter."

"If you don't want to live in the master's house, you can go wherever you want."

"If you want to live in the main house, you can choose any place in the main house."

"By the way, your son and daughter-in-law have been away from home for a long time."

"In the past few days, I will send people to inquire about their whereabouts, bring them back, reunite your family, and stop running away."

"If Dongfang can cure Mu Ming, that would be the best. If he fails, then the entire Mu Jia will continue to look for a way to cure Mu Ming."

"Even if I can't find it, I will try my best to ensure that Mu Ming is safe and sound throughout his life."

"No one can shake his identity as a clan member, not even my descendants!"

Listening to every word spoken by the patriarch, Mu Zhengjun's heart was beating so fast that he couldn't even speak out and could only nod silently.

He knew full well that after seeing Jiang Yun's path as an emperor with three artistic conceptions, the clan leader had completely changed his attitude towards Jiang Yun.

Before, the clan leader seemed to be amiable and kind to Jiang Yun, but there was always a trace of grudge and dissatisfaction.

After all, Jiang Yun killed Mu Chenzi.

But now, the patriarch not only wants to do everything possible to resolve the grudge between him and Jiang Yun, but also wants to win over Jiang Yun and become friends with Jiang Yun.

Therefore, the clan leader did not hesitate to destroy all the descendants of Mu Zhenglong and Mu Chenzi and wipe out their fate, so that they would never be able to trouble Jiang Yun again and eliminate the root cause of Jiang Yun.

On the other hand, the patriarch allowed himself to become the elder of a powerful clan, and allowed Mu Ming, who was almost a useless person, to become the son of the Mu family, so that his son and daughter-in-law could return and the family could be reunited.

All this is because Jiang Yun is Mu Ming's master, and Jiang Yun gave birth to three emperors' artistic conceptions.

Although Mu Zhengjun couldn't accept the clan leader's change for a while, he also understood that it was not the clan leader who followed the trend, but that every person in power would do the same.

At a young age, a monk with the prototype of the path to becoming an emperor in three artistic conceptions was born, and he was worthy of any family to win over in any way.

What's more, one of the artistic conceptions on Jiang Yun's Imperial Road comes from the Mu family's spiritual tree.

Based on this calculation, the relationship between the Mu family and Jiang Yun is really very close.

Mu Luo moved his eyes away from Mu Zhengjun and did not look at Jiang Yun. Instead, he looked at Lingshu and said softly: "Lingshu, we understand what you mean."

"Anyone who can be recognized by you will naturally be recognized by our Mu family!"

The spirit tree's recognition of Jiang Yun not only gave Jiang Yun countless roots to allow Jiang Yun to realize the artistic conception of the tree, but also personally protected Jiang Yun during the process of realizing it, preventing Mu Luo and others from approaching. .

Especially now, Jiang Yun's path to becoming an emperor has emerged, and the spiritual tree has released powerful wood power, permeating the entire jungle to prevent anyone from discovering it and protecting Jiang Yun.

Even members of the Mu family have never enjoyed this kind of treatment.

As if the spirit tree understood Mu Luo's words, the entire crown of the tree shook slightly in response.

This also made the light in Mu Luo's eyes shine brighter, and he said to Mu Zhengjun: "Zhengjun, you will guard Dongfang here. The two elders and I will go around to protect him."

After saying that, Mu Luo and the two elders had all taken off into the air and rushed in three different directions, leaving only Mu Zhengjun alone.

Mu Zhengjun looked at Jiang Yun with a complicated smile on his face.

He was the first person to discover Jiang Yun, and his initial thought was to ignore Jiang Yun and let him fend for himself.

But Mu Ming insisted on saving Jiang Yun, and that was how a series of things happened next.

It can be said that Jiang Yun's appearance changed the fate of Mu Ming and his family.

It may even change the fate of the entire Mu family! Mu Zhengjun murmured: "The luckiest thing about Mu Ming's life is not that he was a genius when he was born, but that he has such a good master like you!"

"Perhaps, one day, you can really become the Emperor of the Five Elements!"

Just as Mu Zhengjun finished speaking, Jiang Yun, who had been standing motionless for more than half a year, finally slowly opened his eyes!

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