Taoist world

Chapter 4093: Too Small-minded

Mu Zhengjun's sudden appearance didn't make much sense to others.

But the expressions of Mu Chenzi and Mu Zhenglong changed involuntarily.

Especially when they saw Mu Linyuan being held in Mu Zhengjun's hands, they knew full well that their plan to kill Mu Zhengjun had been exposed.

Mu Chenzi glanced at Mu Zhenglong with a sinister look. In addition to fear, the latter also had confusion in his eyes, because just now he clearly heard a message from his son, saying that he had killed Mu Zhengjun, and Destroy corpses and destroy traces.

Then he notified Mu Chenzi, so that Mu Chenzi would take action against Jiang Yun.

But now, why did Mu Zhengjun appear unscathed.

Not only has the sealed cultivation level been restored, but he has also captured his own son! "grandfather!"

Mu Ming, who had always been firmly protected by Jiang Yun, cried out in surprise when he saw Mu Zhengjun.

Mu Zhengjun looked at his grandson and smiled kindly, but then he moved his eyes to Jiang Yun and nodded at Jiang Yun.

Although he didn't speak, his face was full of gratitude.

Jiang Yun also smiled lightly and nodded.

He was not surprised at all that Mu Zhengjun appeared at this time.

Because, just before he started counting down to Mu Chenzi, he had already heard Mu Zhengjun's voice transmission.

Mu Zhengjun told Jiang Yun that he was safe and would show up later.

Although Jiang Yun didn't understand what was going on at the time, he immediately understood when he saw Mu Luo, the head of the Mu family, appear.

Mu Luo must have appeared at the critical moment and rescued Mu Zhengjun.

At this time, Mu Zhengjun had turned to look at Mu Chenzi and Mu Zhenglong, and said with an angry look on his face: "Big clan elder, Mu Zhenglong, for my silver needle technique, not only did you join forces to frame me, , and even asked Mulin to kill me to silence me!"

"Thanks to the clan leader's timely appearance, stopping you Mu Linyuan and saving me."

"Now, why don't you just surrender and plead guilty?"

After listening to Mu Zhengjun's words, everyone suddenly understood and looked at Mu Zhenglong and Mu Chenzi.

Mu Zhenglong looked pale and had lowered his head, not daring to meet anyone's eyes.

Now that things have happened, with all the witnesses and material evidence, even if I want to argue, I can't change the facts.

Then, this also means that he, his children and grandchildren, and even members of his own clan will be punished by his family.

I'm done! Mu Luo's voice sounded again: "You two, what else do you want to say now?"

Mu Zhenglong had nothing to say, but Mu Chenzi suddenly spoke: "Clan leader, I asked Mu Zhengjun for the silver needle technique. Although I was instigated by Mu Zhenglong, I did it out of greed. Something stupid happened."

"However, even if I want the silver needle technique, I have never had the intention to kill Mu Zhengjun, let alone let anyone kill him."


As soon as Mu Chenzi finished speaking, Mu Zhenglong suddenly raised his head and stared at Mu Chenzi fiercely, with flames about to burst out of his eyes.

Mu Zhenglong had been worried before, if the Dongchuang incident happened, Mu Chenzi would blame all the murders on himself.

But now, what he worried about has become a reality.

Mu Chenzi slowly turned his head, looked at Mu Zhenglong, and said with a heartbroken face: "Zhenglong, although you and Zhengjun have never gotten along, we are all a family after all, even if the bones are broken, the tendons are still connected!"

"Even if you are dissatisfied with Zhengjun, you should not let your son kill him!"

"How could you do such a stupid thing? What would you do to your grandson and the people of your tribe?"


Mu Chenzi sighed forcefully, shook his head, and closed his mouth.

To others, these words sounded like Mu Chenzi was furious at Mu Zhenglong, but to Mu Zhenglong, who was too familiar with Mu Chenzi, he knew clearly that the other party was hinting to him. You have to shoulder all the responsibilities yourself.

Otherwise, the lives of his grandson and the people of this tribe will all be in danger.

Although Mu Zhenglong was filled with hatred and wanted to tell all the truth, he suffered from the lack of any evidence.

Therefore, after a brief weighing, Mu Zhenglong sighed deeply, took a step forward, and said to Mu Luo: "Chief, I plead guilty."

"Almost everyone knows that Mu Zhengjun and I don't get along, and I have long wanted to kill him."

"This time, taking advantage of the rich clan's birthday, I encouraged the rich clan's elder Mu Zhengjun to give the silver needle technique as a gift."

"I also know that Mu Zhengjun will definitely refuse, and then deliberately anger him and force him to take action, thereby imprisoning him."

"Today, Dongfang asked us to hand over Mu Zhengjun. I was worried that Mu Zhengjun would tell the truth, so I had murderous intentions, so I secretly ordered Mulinyuan to kill him."

Just when Mu Zhenglong finished speaking, Mu Chenzi's voice sounded in his ears again: "Zhenglong, commit suicide!"

"Only if you commit suicide can you save me, and as long as nothing happens to me, nothing will happen to your son, grandson, and your tribe!"

Mu Zhenglong's body trembled uncontrollably.

He didn't expect that even though he had resisted all the crimes, Mu Chenzi would still commit suicide.

However, after thinking for a moment, he also thought that committing suicide now would be of great help to Mu Chenzi.

He had already admitted his mistake. If he committed suicide again, he should be able to appease the anger of the clan leader and Mu Zhengjun.

Among the five elders of the Mu family, one of them died. The clan leader would probably not be willing to kill Mu Chenzi anymore. The most he could do was demote him as the elder of the powerful clan and impose a little punishment.

As time goes by, after the storm of this incident has passed, he might be able to become an elder of a wealthy family again.

Then he will naturally be able to protect his children, grandchildren and clan members.

But, can I trust him?

Mu Chenzi's voice sounded again: "Hurry up, even if you don't commit suicide, you still have to abolish your cultivation and drive out the Mu family. It's better to die now in exchange for my protection of your clan!"

Mu Zhenglong suddenly gritted his teeth, raised his head, looked at Mu Luo and Mu Zhengjun and said: "In short, everything was done by me alone, and I am willing to accept any punishment."

"But I also ask the clan leader to show his caution and be lenient to the elder clan leader and my son Lin Yuan."

"I am willing to die to apologize!"

After the words fell, a muffled sound came from Mu Zhenglong's body, and blood suddenly flowed out of his seven orifices.




Seeing this scene, Mu Linyuan and others were immediately shocked and exclaimed.

Mu Chenzi also had a look of surprise on his face. In a flash, he came to Mu Zhenglong's side, dragged his body and said: "Zhenglong, what are you doing? You are so stupid!"

Mu Zhenglong stared at Mu Chenzi, lifeless! "Zhenglong, Zhenglong!"

Mu Chenzi roared sadly.

Mu Zhengjun and Mu Luo were both stunned, and they obviously did not expect that Mu Zhenglong would die to apologize.

Mu Zhengjun loosened his palms and allowed Mu Linyuan to rush out.

Suddenly, a group of people gathered around Mu Zhenglong's body and cried loudly.

Mu Chenzi stood up, looked at Mu Luo with tears streaming down his face, and said, "Clan leader, Zhenglong is now willing to die to apologize. Although my crime is not worthy of death, I am willing to accept any punishment."

Mu Luo remained silent.

Although when he first knew the truth, he wanted to kill Mu Chenzi and Mu Zhenglong.

But seeing that Mu Zhenglong was really dead now gave him a big shock, making him a little confused about what to do with Mu Chenzi.

Looking at Mu Luo, Mu Chenzi's eyes flashed with pride.

Mu Luo's reaction was what he expected! However, at this moment, a voice with a slight smile suddenly sounded in everyone's ears: "In addition to protecting my shortcomings, I have another advantage, that is, if I am too small-minded, I will retaliate!"

"I don't care how your Mu family punishes you, but you just wanted to kill me."

"And for those who want to kill me, I have always wanted to take revenge and eradicate them!"

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