Taoist world

Chapter 4055: Come to me for an argument

Outside the mirage clan, Jiang Haochu and Emperor Xing stood face to face. Emperor Xing looked at Jiang Haochu with a smile and said, "Haochu, where is that place?"

"When I came here last time, I remember that there didn't seem to be such a small village, right?"

Jiang Haochu raised his eyes and said with a smile: "Oh, that is a retreat place for our ancestors."

"The last time the Great Emperor came to my mirage tribe was tens of thousands of years ago. This small village was just built not long ago, so the Great Emperor naturally doesn't know about it."

Emperor Xing raised his eyebrows and said: "Jiang Wanli is the great emperor, and your mirage clan is the number one demon clan in our four realms. Why did you find such a shabby little village as a retreat place?"

"Don't tell me that Jiang Wanli is returning to his original nature and pursuing minimalism."

Jiang Haochu said with a wry smile: "Sir, as a junior, I can't guess what the ancestor is thinking."

"I don't know why our ancestors built such a village."

Emperor Xing smiled slightly and said: "You are a junior, so it is not convenient for you to guess his thoughts, but he and I are both great emperors and we are friends with each other, so why not let me help you guess!"


As Emperor Xing's words fell, he saw the boundless storm of Emperor Xing's consciousness suspended above Jiangcun, suddenly pressing down heavily.

In the entire Jiang Village, all the houses collapsed under the pressure.

Screams came out one after another, coming from the people in Jiang Village inside the house.

Jiang Haochu's expression suddenly changed, his eyes showed coldness and he said: "Xing Emperor, what do you mean!"

Emperor Xing shrugged his shoulders and said, "I told you, I just want to show you what Jiang Wanli means by creating such a village."

"However, I didn't expect that this village would be so fragile, so the attack was a little harsh."

"Fortunately, no one died!"

Emperor Xing's last words made the coldness in Jiang Haochu's eyes gradually recede.

Naturally, he could also see that although all the houses in Jiang Village collapsed and everyone in Jiang Village was injured, no one died.

This is already showing Emperor Xing's mercy! Otherwise, with Emperor Xing's strength, he could easily kill everyone.

Jiang Haochu also had a smile on his face again and said: "I wonder if the emperor has seen what the ancestor meant!"

Emperor Xing looked in the direction of Jiang Cun and said, "We don't know yet, because there is another room hidden very deep!"

As soon as the words fell, Emperor Xing's eyes suddenly turned cold.

He saw the storm of his consciousness suddenly condensed into a huge finger, pointing towards the deepest part of Jiangcun.


Along with another loud noise, the small house that was hidden by the people in Jiang Village with the power of layers of dreams slowly emerged! Jiang Haochu's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "This room is where the ancestor retreats. I hope the emperor will show mercy."

"If we destroy it too, Hao Chu will not be able to explain to the ancestor when he returns in the future."

Emperor Xing turned to look at Jiang Haochu and said meaningfully: "Jiang Wanli, will you come back?"

Jiang Haochu nodded and said, "Definitely!"

Emperor Xing suddenly laughed loudly and said, "Okay, then when he comes back, let him come to me to argue."

"I'll give him an explanation!"


As Emperor Xing finished speaking, the fingers pressed against the house tightened again.

The entire room seemed to have turned into an orange, with the walls slowly peeling away little by little, revealing the situation inside.

At the same time, Jiang Haochu's palms were quietly clenched.

"Who is so bold as to touch the ancestor's house!"

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the room, and an extremely huge shadow rose from the room, turning into an old face, looking up and glaring at the finger.

Jiang Haochu said coldly: "Old Mirage, please don't be arrogant, Lord Xing Emperor is here!"

This shadow is clearly Mr. Mirage.

After hearing Jiang Haochu's words, Mr. Mirage's face was slightly startled, dissipated, and turned into a human form. He stood in the room, facing upwards, cupping his fists and saluting: "It turns out to be Lord Xingdi!"

Emperor Xing, however, ignored Mr. Mirage at all. His two gazes, like sharp swords, penetrated deeply into the hut. He saw some simple furniture, a wooden barrel, and a man sitting cross-legged. There, Jiang Ming said nothing, with a look of sorrow and anger on his face.

That's all! After Emperor Xing stared at it for a moment, he nodded slightly and said, "It seems that my information was wrong, but I wrongly blamed you!"

"In that case, Chief Jiang, I hope you will forgive me for any offense I have offended!"

After saying that, in the sky above Jiangcun, the finger transformed by divine consciousness exploded instantly and turned into a storm again. It quickly left and returned to his body faster than when it appeared.

"Chief Jiang, I'll take my leave then!"

Emperor Xing stopped talking nonsense, turned around and left. He took one step and disappeared without a trace.

Just as he left, three places in the huge mirage let out a scream.

The bodies of three monks belonging to the Eight Inner Tribes exploded at the same time without any warning.

Jiang Haochu, who was still standing outside the mirage clan, faced the void in front of him, clasped his fists in the distance and said, "Sir Xingdi, please walk slowly, Shu Haochu will see you off not far away."

Jiang Haochu also heard these three screams and knew that these three people were spies set up by Emperor Xing.

Naturally, it was the three of them who told Emperor Xing about Jiang Yun.

After Emperor Xing came in person but found nothing, he was so angry that he killed these three people to vent his anger.

Although these three people were dead, Jiang Haochu knew full well that there were definitely spies planted by Emperor Xing and even other ethnic groups in the entire Mirage City.

After standing quietly for a moment, Jiang Haochu turned around, stepped into the clan, and came directly to the sky above Jiang Village.

In the distance, many members of the Mirage clan appeared.

However, they were watching from a distance and did not dare to come over.

Because Jiang Village is a forbidden area among the Mirage Clan, no clan member is allowed to approach it without permission.

Today's Jiangcun has completely turned into ruins.

In fact, even the ground where the village is located has sunk down by more than several feet.

Seeing the tragic situation in Jiang Village, Jiang Haochu waved his sleeve, and all the ruins suddenly rose into the sky, revealing the people of Jiang Village who were buried deep inside.

After scanning with his spiritual consciousness and confirming that no one was in danger, Jiang Haochu came to the deepest room, looked at Mr. Mirage and Jiang Ming and said, "Where are the people?"

"I am here!"

Before Mr. Mirage and Jiang Ming could speak, Jiang Haochu felt his eyes blur as Jiang Yun appeared in front of him.

Looking at Jiang Yun who was intact, Jiang Haochu couldn't help but frown slightly and said with a hint of surprise: "How did you escape Emperor Xing's consciousness?"

Jiang Haochu naturally knew that Jiang Yun was hidden in this hut, but Emperor Xing was also aware of it, so he did not hesitate to take action himself, destroying the entire Jiang Village, injuring all the people in the Jiang Village, and easily breaking the mirage The art of inseparability.

Although Elder Mirage used his own power to provide another layer of protection for Jiang Yun, he was still unable to withstand Emperor Xing's consciousness and was forced to show up.

However, Jiang Yun was still not discovered.

Even Jiang Haochu, who was standing here just now, didn't notice Jiang Yun's aura, which naturally made him a little surprised, and he didn't understand how Jiang Yun hid himself.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's face was covered with frost. He did not answer, but was busy scanning the people in Jiang Village with his spiritual consciousness.

Although he always hid in the house, when Jiangcun was destroyed, he knew that other people must have been implicated by him.

Jiang Haochu noticed Jiang Yun's worry and said, "Don't worry, they are just injured, but their lives are not in danger."

After confirming this in person, Jiang Yun withdrew his consciousness and said, "I hid in a room that my parents left for me."

"The house your parents left you?"

Jiang Haochu's eyes narrowed slightly. He also knew something about Jiang Yun's parents.

The strength of Jiang Yun's parents is not as good as his own, but certainly not as good as Jiang Wanli's.

Even the power left by Jiang Wanli could not be hidden from Emperor Xing. The room left by Jiang Yun's parents was actually able to be hidden from Emperor Xing...

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