Taoist world

Chapter 4035 Voice of Discussion

At this moment, the very simple, even dilapidated village that appeared in front of Jiang Yun was the Jiang Village that was deeply engraved in his memory! However, this Jiang Village is not built in a small mountain and sea boundary, but in the mirage clan land that is shrouded in clouds and fog, like a fairyland! Such a simple village is really incompatible with the scenery of the Mirage tribe, but it also increasingly illustrates the deep feelings of the people who built this village for this village.

Naturally, this was built by everyone in Jiang Village back then.

Since they can still build Jiang Village and live here, it is enough to show that they still remember Jiang Village and the ordinary life of the sixteen years in Shanhai Realm.

This also made Jiang Yun's inner timidity, fear and other emotions disappear.

He really never expected to see Jiang Cun here, how could he not be excited.

Looking at Jiang Yun's reaction, Jiang Yuerou on the side had a proud smile on her face, but her eyes were also wet.

Naturally, she already knew about the situation here, but she deliberately did not tell Jiang Yun, just to give Jiang Yun a surprise.


Jiang Yuerou suddenly took a deep breath, jumped on Jiang Yun's back, hugged Jiang Yun's neck with both hands, and then suddenly shouted: "Uncle Ming, Aunt Ming, all relatives in Jiangcun, please hurry up Come out and see who is back!"

Jiang Yuerou's move of jumping on his back and the sudden shout made Jiang Yun startled, but he smiled and instead of stopping her, he even reached out and hooked Jiang Yuerou's leg.

Because when I was in Jiangcun, every time I took Jiang Yuerou out to play in the village, when she came back, she would complain that she had no strength and could not walk, so she had to carry her on her back.

As soon as she arrived at the entrance of the village, she arrived before she arrived, insisting that everyone in the village know that she was back.

As Jiang Yuerou's voice fell, people could be seen walking out of the simple houses in the village one by one.

These figures, old and young, male and female, all had helpless smiles on their faces and shook their heads.

Especially an old man with gray hair who was walking at the front was picking his ears and sighing: "Girl Rou, can you change the rules you set?"

"Isn't this your home? Come back as soon as you come back. Can you please stop shouting like that every time? It scares people to death!"

Jiang Yuerou shouted again: "Uncle Ming, it's not me who's back this time. Look who I brought home!"

The old man, together with all the people in Jiangcun, all raised their heads and looked at the entrance of the village. They saw the middle-aged man standing there quietly with a smile on his face. They saw him lying on the man's back, facing him and others. Jiang Yuerou waved her hand vigorously.

This scene made everyone in the village feel as if they were being electrocuted, and they all trembled heavily.

Time seemed to stand still for an instant! The next moment, in the eyes of everyone in Jiang Village, time began to move crazily backwards.

They seemed to have returned to the small mountain village hidden in the majestic mountains hundreds of years ago, and saw the brother and sister who had returned from playing outside the village... After a long pause, Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and gently pushed away Jiang Village's ajar door, carrying Jiang Yuerou on his back, stepped in, until he walked in front of the gray-haired old man, and said with a smile: "Uncle Ming, we are back!"

Before the old man came to his senses, Jiang Yun continued to walk forward, came to everyone, called out their names with a smile, and greeted them.

In this way, Jiang Yun carried Jiang Yuerou on his back and walked step by step through the narrow path and the entire Jiang Village, and finally came to the hut in the deepest part of the village.

This is the house where he has lived for sixteen years! Looking at the closed door, although Jiang Yun knew that there was no one inside, he and Jiang Yuerou still shouted loudly: "Grandpa, we are back!"

In Jiang Yun's eyes, he seemed to see the door of the house slowly opening, and grandpa walking out with his hands behind his back, saying with a smile: "Where are you running again? Wash your hands quickly and get ready to eat!"

Gradually, gentle footsteps came from behind Jiang Yun, and all the villagers in Jiang Village came over.

Jiang Yun also put down Jiang Yuerou on his back, turned around, faced the familiar faces in front of him, knelt down, and said again: "Yun Wazi, you're back!"

The gray-haired old man stepped forward quickly, stretched out his trembling hands, helped Jiang Yun up and said, "Yun Wazi, is it really you?"

"You have grown up, you have grown up!"

While speaking, the old man's face was already filled with tears! This old man, named Jiang Ming, is a good hunter in the village.

When Jiang Yun left Jiangcun, he secretly gave him a tiger tooth dagger.

Now, in the absence of Jiang Wanli and Jiang Mu, he is the village chief of this Jiang Village. At this time, everyone in other Jiang Villages also gathered around, surrounding Jiang Yun, all talking. Talking tongue.

Every one of them laughed with tears in their eyes! In those sixteen years of life in Jiang Village, it was not just Jiang Yuerou and Jiang Mu who were cherished, but all of them.

Jiang Yun also laughed and cried. After so many years, he finally returned to Jiang Village and saw these relatives.

"Okay, okay, everyone, calm down!"

Finally, after everyone was noisy for a long time, Uncle Ming said loudly: "Let's go to the small square, let's sit down and chat slowly."

Everyone naturally agreed and surrounded Jiang Yun to the small square in the village.

Jiang Yun also had a deep memory of this small square. The children of Jiang Village all practiced here, while he sat aside and memorized the various medicinal materials.

As everyone sat down in the square, Jiang Yuerou stood up and said to everyone: "You guys talk first, I'll go see the clan leader and I'll be back in a minute."

Now that Jiang Yun is back, they don't care about Jiang Yuerou. Uncle Ming waved his hand and said: "Go ahead!"

Jiang Yuerou was not angry either. She made a face at everyone before turning and leaving.

And she felt relieved. This Jiang Village was definitely the safest place in the entire Mirage Clan.

Except for some of the means deployed by the ancestor himself, everyone in the village is not weak in strength.

After Jiang Yuerou left, Jiang Yun immediately took the initiative to talk about his experiences over the years without waiting for anyone to ask.

At the same time, Jiang Yuerou had entered the black building. Facing the majestic-looking middle-aged man, she bowed in a rare serious manner and said: "Meet the patriarch!"

The leader of the Mirage Clan, Jiang Haochu! Jiang Haochu looked at Jiang Yuerou and suddenly sighed: "Oh, you have really grown up."

Jiang Yuerou was slightly startled and did not react for a moment. How could Jiang Haochu say such an inexplicable thing so well that she didn't know how to respond.

Jiang Haochu glanced at her with a half-smile and said, "You take the initiative to bring a man back to your clan. It seems you want to get married!"

Only then did Jiang Yuerou understand. Her little face suddenly turned red. She stamped her foot hard and said, "Uncle Hao, what are you talking about!"

"The person I brought back is Brother Yun, Jiang Yun."

Although Jiang Yun cannot reveal his true identity to the outside world, he must reveal his true identity to Jiang Haochu.

Jiang Haochu had guessed it beforehand and was not surprised at this moment: "I know he is Jiang Yun, but those words just now were not made by me."

Jiang Yuerou was stunned again and said, "Who said that?"

Jiang Haochu didn't answer. He stretched out his hand towards a piece of jade placed on the table and flicked it lightly.

Suddenly various voices came from Yugui.

"The spirit girl has returned with a man, and they have a close relationship."

"In order to protect this man, the spirit girl beat Su Huaian outside the city gate."

"The spirit girl should be getting married this time, but I don't know where the man is from!"

Listening to these discussions that clearly came from the monks of all races in Mirage City, anger gradually appeared on Jiang Yuerou's face, and she gritted her teeth and said: "Su Huaian, it must be him. I'll go find him!"

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