Taoist world

Chapter 4011 Swallowing the Artistic Concept

As an emperor, Emperor Xuanyuan's understanding and understanding of artistic conception naturally far exceeds that of others.

Therefore, he was the only one who felt that the illusory human figure surrounding Jiang Yun, as if guarding Jiang Yun, exuded an aura similar to the artistic conception.

The reason why Emperor Xuanyuan couldn't be sure was naturally because the aura was really weak, and it even seemed as if it might disappear at any time.

As the flame burned fiercely, brothers Gu Bingyan and Xingyi could no longer see the situation in the flame. They could only see the flame that enveloped Jiang Yun and the illusory human form, suspended between heaven and earth. time, as if it existed forever.

Only Emperor Xuanyuan, who was hiding on Jiang Yun, could still see that the flames on the illusory giant human figure were getting stronger and stronger! Suddenly, Emperor Xuanyuan couldn't help but exclaimed: "No, this is not the flame released by the emperor's artistic conception, this is...the flame that belongs to Jiang Yun himself!"

"Could it be..." When Emperor Xuanyuan distinguished that the flames burning on Jiang Yun and the illusory humanoid were two different kinds of flames, an incredible idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Jiang Yun is integrating the artistic conception of the Great Emperor!"

All the monks want to see the Great Emperor's Road, just to understand the Emperor's artistic conception from it.

The artistic conception of the Great Emperor is the essence of the Great Emperor's path and the foundation of a certain Great Emperor's practice. Naturally, it can be integrated with one's own practice path.

This trace of the Emperor's artistic conception possessed by Qi Siyuan was extracted directly from the path of the Emperor by the strong, and it is truly extremely precious.

Even though Qi Siyuan has a good status and is favored by the Shou Tibetan Elder Council, and has obtained this hint of the emperor's artistic conception, he is only qualified to use it, not to fuse it.

However, integrating the artistic conception of the Great Emperor is just like wanting to understand the Path of the Great Emperor. Generally speaking, the weakest have to wait until they enter the Suspended Realm and become a powerful Heavenly Master before they are qualified to see the Path of the Great Emperor.

If you forcefully look at it if your level is too low, it is very likely that due to lack of strength and insufficient understanding of the path of cultivation, you will be counterattacked by the path of the emperor, and you may even lose your own path.

To integrate the Emperor's artistic conception is to integrate it with one's own path of cultivation.

It will not increase your cultivation level, but it will open up your path of cultivation wider and further.

To achieve this, in addition to also requiring strong cultivation, the most important point is that your cultivation path must include the Emperor's artistic conception that you have integrated.

For example, the Emperor's artistic conception that Jiang Yun swallowed is the artistic conception of fire. If he wants to integrate it, he must also practice the power of flames.

This is why, although Gu Bingyan is very envious of Qi Siyuan's ability to possess the emperor's artistic conception, he does not try to snatch it away.

Gu Bingyan's path of cultivation is the path of ice, which is exactly the opposite of the artistic conception of fire.

If he really tried to fuse this artistic conception of fire, not only would it not have any effect, but the possibility of backlash would also be much greater than that of other monks.

The consequences range from a significant drop in cultivation to death at worst.

There are many different ways to integrate the Emperor's artistic conception, but most monks who choose the fusion method basically incorporate the Emperor's artistic conception into their own practice path little by little.

The whole process requires extreme caution and takes a long time.

It could be as short as a few days or months, as long as a few years, or even decades or hundreds of years! But at this moment, Jiang Yun was not only fusing the Emperor's artistic conception, but because he was swallowing the fire artistic conception, he actually used his own fire to directly fuse, no, to devour this Emperor's artistic conception! Swallowing and fusion represent two completely different meanings and attitudes.

The latter is cautious, while the former is domineering and arrogant! Therefore, this made Emperor Xuanyuan feel incredible.

Jiang Yun, a monk who had just entered the realm of reincarnation for more than a month, actually dared to forcefully devour the emperor's artistic conception in such a domineering way.

Even though it was just a hint of the emperor's artistic conception, when Emperor Xuanyuan came to think of it, it was not something Jiang Yun could devour.

After being shocked, the majestic Emperor Xuanyuan didn't know what to do next! Should he let Jiang Yun continue to hang in the air and let him swallow the emperor's artistic conception, or should he take Jiang Yun and leave here quickly.

Jiang Yun's several consecutive battles just now, especially the appearance of the Great Emperor's artistic conception, have really caused quite a stir.

Although Gu Bingyan temporarily shielded the area, no one knew whether Jiang Yun could successfully swallow the emperor's artistic conception and how long it would take.

If someone else comes over after a while and sees this scene, the trouble will be really big.

Not only will Jiang Yun's identity be exposed, but the fact that he killed so many geniuses and Qi Siyuan will also be known.

But now Jiang Yun is devouring the emperor's artistic conception. If he is forcibly taken away like this, even Emperor Xuanyuan cannot guarantee that it will not affect Jiang Yun.

If Jiang Yun had the possibility to successfully devour the Fusion Emperor's artistic conception, but because he took him away and disturbed him, causing him to eventually fail in fusion, then the consequences would not be what Emperor Xuanyuan wanted to see.

"Forget it, just wait. No one has noticed this place yet. When someone does come, I will take him away!"

In the end, Emperor Xuanyuan decided to give Jiang Yun some time, and instead released his divine consciousness, completely covering the entire three layers of the ruins in an instant.

At the same time, he was also watching Gu Bingyan, Xing Yi and others.

Unless Jiang Yun dies, otherwise, he will not let any of these people go.

Although Gu Bingyan, Xing Yi and others didn't know what Jiang Yun was doing, they had no intention of leaving.

After all, Gu Bingyan wanted to capture Jiang Yun and send him to the forbidden area.

The Xingyi brothers had to see Jiang Yun die with their own eyes before they could feel completely relieved.

Naturally, they also did not dare to approach Jiang Yun, so they could only watch from a distance.

At the same time, Jiang Yun, who was still wrapped in two kinds of flames, was engaged in another battle, a battle between the emperor's artistic conception and Tao! Emperor Xuanyuan's guess was correct, Jiang Yun was devouring the emperor's artistic conception! It's not that Jiang Yun is greedy, but because this is the only way for him to save himself! His body has been burned to the point of almost disappearing, relying solely on his powerful body of annihilation to constantly repair the body and continue to be burned and melted.

If he wants to survive and completely recover his physical body, he can only transform this artistic conception of fire into his own.

In addition, swallowing the emperor's artistic conception was not Jiang Yun's original intention, but because he simply did not know how to integrate the emperor's artistic conception.

However, when he thought about it, since the emperor's artistic conception and Tao were very similar existences, why not simply integrate the emperor's artistic conception into his own Tao.

Therefore, he will use his own way of fire to devour the emperor's artistic conception! However, although he had good intentions, the process was extremely difficult.

The Great Emperor is truly the supreme being. The artistic conception they left behind is the result of thousands of years of cultivation. The power contained in it is unimaginably powerful.

Compared with the Great Emperor's artistic conception, Tao appeared in a much shorter time. It is a new way of practice that is not yet fully mature and does not even know where the end point is.

Jiang Yun's own cultivation time was only a few hundred years.

It is conceivable that Jiang Yun wants to use his way of fire to devour the emperor's artistic conception. This is like a snake trying to swallow an elephant in one bite. Not only is it extremely difficult, but if you are not careful, you will be killed. The elephant in turn devoured it.

Now, this elephant seemed to have been angered by Jiang Yun's attempt to devour him. He exposed his fangs and started to fight back with his powerful body!

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