Taoist world

·Chapter 3959: Ways to open up wasteland (repair)

A group of six people, after leaving Linyuan City, headed southwest.

The three people from Xingyun Pavilion were in front, and Jiang Yun and three others were behind.

Looking at the figures of Wei Hua and the others walking forward, Jiang Yun couldn't help but frown slightly, feeling a little confused.

Now that everyone has accepted a task, and it is extremely difficult, in the next period of time, it is no exaggeration to say that the six of them will live and die together.

It stands to reason that before entering an unexplored area, not only to eliminate the strangeness between each other, at the very least, we should introduce each other and become familiar with each other.

But the three Wei Hua people were clearly transmitting messages to each other, but they paid no attention to the three of them, as if they were too lazy to talk nonsense with themselves and others.

If six people really explore an unknown area in this state, it will be no different from going alone.

Although he had this doubt in his heart, Jiang Yun did not ask.

After all, everything he knew about this place came from what Zhu Cang said.

As for Zhu Cang, he had never actually entered the ruins of the Imperial War, so Jiang Yun did not dare to believe everything Zhu Cang told him.

In this way, after the six people flew tens of thousands of miles away, Jiang Yun's consciousness already saw an area covered by thick red mist.

Seeing this area, Jiang Yun's pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

Because it was not difficult for him to tell that the red mist was clearly condensed from blood and was blood mist.

The vast blood mist is like a natural barrier, dividing the inside and the outside world into two, dividing it into two different worlds.

Outside the barrier, the blood mist will not spread at all, but within the barrier, the blood mist does not move at all, as if time has stood still.

In addition, the existence of the blood mist also prevents the monks from entering the spiritual consciousness, and they can only see with the naked eye.

It's a pity that the fog is so thick that it is impossible for the eyes to penetrate and see the situation inside.

The area covered by the blood mist is so large that even with extreme eyesight, it is impossible to see the end, as if it is boundless.

At this time, beside Jiang Yun, a middle-aged monk from Linyuan City couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's really hard to imagine how strong the emperor is."

"They don't know how many years they have been dead, but the blood mist formed by their blood has not only never dissipated, but it is still so powerful."

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that the so-called unexplored area was like an abyss, filled with endless darkness.

But now he knows that the unexplored area is the area covered by the blood mist formed by the blood of the emperor.

This also made him quite curious, what should be done to dissipate the blood mist, and then be considered a successful land reclamation?

Finally, the six of them came to a stop in front of the blood mist.

Jiang Yun sniffed gently. He was only a few feet away from the blood mist, but he didn't smell any blood.

Jiang Yun secretly thought: "The blood mist formed by the emperor's blood is actually somewhat similar to the situation in the blood seal stone. It should contain some sealing power, so it prevents the blood mist from flowing out, making the inside and outside of the blood mist look like two world."

The three monks from Xingyun Pavilion headed by Wei Hua finally turned to look at Jiang Yun and the other three. Wei Hua still asked: "Do the three of you know how to open up wasteland?"

The other two monks nodded, but Jiang Yun shook his head.

Jiang Yun knew very well that at this time, he could not pretend to understand, he had to find out the details of land reclamation.

Otherwise, once you enter the blood mist, you may really die in it.

Seeing Jiang Yun shaking his head, Wei Hua couldn't help but frown slightly and said, "Where are you from? Don't you even know such basic common sense?"

Jiang Yun smiled and did not answer. Fortunately, Wei Hua did not continue to ask, but explained: "These blood mist will not prevent us from entering."

"It's just that after entering, these blood mist will invade your body as if they are alive. What you have to do is to avoid absorbing a large amount of blood mist while trying to use your cultivation to refine the blood mist that enters your body. The blood mist in your body!"

After listening to Wei Hua's explanation, Jiang Yun's pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly and said: "Do you mean to absorb the blood mist first and then refine it in the body?"

Jiang Yun really never expected that the way to dissipate the blood mist was for the monks to refine it themselves.

These blood mist were all formed from the emperor's blood. Jiang Yun couldn't imagine the consequences of inhaling them into the body.

Seeing Jiang Yun's reaction, Wei Hua showed a hint of ridicule on his face and said: "Of course, there is no other way except this method!"

"However, you don't have to worry too much. Although these blood mist will have various aggressiveness after entering our bodies, and may cause us to have some hallucinations, as long as not too much is inhaled at one time, then It can be successfully refined."

"Even if you are lucky enough, you might be able to absorb some of the emperor's remaining power to help improve your cultivation!"

Seeing Jiang Yun still looking in disbelief, Wei Hua stretched out his hand and pointed around and said: "This Imperial War ruins were originally completely filled with blood mist. The reason why we can open up such a large area now is because One by one, the monks used this method to gradually refine a large amount of blood mist."

After Wei Hua said these words, the Linyuan City monk who had expressed emotion before said in a low voice: "In the beginning, we monks were not the ones refining the blood mist."

"Those are the quasi-emperors who entered here. It is said that they can absorb about a hundred miles of blood mist in one go."

The monk could see that Wei Hua was clearly trying to scare Jiang Yun, so he kindly reminded Jiang Yun.

His opening immediately aroused Wei Hua's dissatisfaction, but he didn't say anything and just gave him a cold look.

Jiang Yun couldn't help but let out a long breath and finally understood why the so-called wasteland reclamation task was the most difficult.

A powerful quasi-emperor can only absorb hundreds of miles of blood mist to refine it at a time, and he doesn't know how long it will take.

Then if it were a monk like me who broke the law, he would be able to absorb the blood mist within a radius of about ten feet.

And the goal of this mission is to open up thousands of miles of wasteland!

There are only six people who can refine the blood mist that spans thousands of miles...

Jiang Yun smiled bitterly and asked, "Why don't you find more monks?"

The middle-aged monk who was still from Linyuan City replied: "Refining this blood mist does not mean the more people, the better."

"If someone accidentally absorbs a large amount of blood mist and cannot be refined, or is affected by the blood mist, such as hallucinations, there is no telling what he will do, but the most common thing is that it is very He may attack his comrades!"

"While everyone is concentrating on refining the blood mist, suddenly someone around you attacks you. Just think about it and you will know how scary it is."

"Therefore, for general land reclamation tasks, the number of people is limited to ten people, and sometimes someone needs to be on guard."

Jiang Yun nodded and understood.

He didn't know about other attack methods, but he was proficient in illusions and naturally understood that hallucinations did not mean that one could resist them if they were strong. It all depended on one's concentration and character.

If dozens or hundreds of people really entered the blood mist at once, and encountered a few weak-minded people who fell into an illusion, then everyone would have the possibility of being killed.

Wei Hua continued: "Okay, now we will tell you how to set up the formation. With our formation, there is no need for anyone to be vigilant, and everyone can refine the blood mist with peace of mind."

"It doesn't matter whether you understand the formation or not, just remember everyone's position and the distance between others."

"After we actually enter the blood mist, let's not rush in deep. We first enter a distance of ten feet, and then start refining the blood mist separately."

"This is also to see how quickly everyone is refining, and then we can consider our next move."

Jiang Yun and the other three people naturally nodded in agreement.

Next, Wei Hua began to explain their formation to Jiang Yun and the others.

But listening to Wei Hua's explanation, Jiang Yun's eyes gradually revealed a cold light!

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