Taoist world

Chapter 3957: As if in the Abyss (Revision)


After the sound of birds chirping fell, a violent roaring sound suddenly came from the ground below.


Immediately afterwards, a huge crack appeared on the ice that had existed for who knows how many years, and spread crazily, reaching a length of ten thousand feet in an instant.

When the cracks finally stopped spreading, the earth suddenly slowly moved to both sides.

It was like a pair of invisible hands tearing the earth apart.

Looking through the huge crack that was already a hundred feet wide, looking inside, there seemed to be a small black spot deep in the endless ice.

The next moment, the black spot suddenly moved and appeared directly on the earth from the depths of the earth.

This was a middle-aged man dressed in black. He looked up at the white bird in the sky with an expressionless face and stretched out his hand.

The little bird immediately swooped down from the sky and landed on the man's hand. He continued to speak human words: "Gu Bingyan, there is an order in the forbidden area, ordering you to go to the third floor of the ruins and capture a man named Gu Yun or Xuanyuan." Yun’s human monk.”

"This person may change his name and appearance, but he has my forbidden land token on him. As long as you get close to him, you will be able to detect it."

"However, you must also be careful. He has the support of many young masters behind him. When he takes action, it is best not to be discovered by others, so as not to be known by the young masters!"

The man named Gu Bingyan listened to the little bird's words with an expressionless face. It was only then that he looked at the little bird and said, "No more?"

The little bird blinked and stopped talking, but Gu Bingyan suddenly used his palms hard, and heard a "bang" sound, crushing the little bird and bursting it open.

A white mist surged out from his palm, easily washing away the blood in his hand.

Gu Bingyan looked up at the sky, frowned slightly and said, "Third level?

The monk who broke the law! "

"In order to catch a monk who broke the law, you actually informed me!"

"Even if he has the support of Young Master Zhu, unless Young Master Zhu stays with him, otherwise, I shouldn't be allowed to take action!"

After pondering for a moment, Gu Bingyan shook his head and said: "I have been in the forbidden area for so long. Since I have been given this task, I will naturally complete it well."

"However, to catch a monk who breaks the law, I really don't need to take action personally. Let an ice puppet go there!"

After the words fell, Gu Bingyan raised his hand and lightly grabbed the ground beneath him. He saw a ball of ice as tall as a person rising from the ground and standing in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, a white thread-like thing flew out of Gu Bingyan's eyebrows and rushed into Bing Kuan's eyebrows.

The next moment, the ice cube seemed to be alive and began to squirm.

Just ten breaths later, the ice cube had turned into an iceman, who looked exactly like Gu Bingyan, except that he was wearing white clothes.

Gu Bingyan waved his hand at the ice man and said, "Go!"

Iceman blinked his eyes, twisted his neck, and turned around to leave.

Watching the Iceman disappear from his eyes, Gu Bingyan shook his head again, still a little confused as to why he would give himself such a task.

However, he didn't think much, turned around and walked into the cracks in the earth again.

And as he submerged, the earth that had just separated on both sides began to close again.

In the sky, heavy snow suddenly fell, quickly submerging the tens of thousands of feet long crack, completely restoring the earth to its original state.

Everything is as if it never happened! Jiang Yun, who was still on the big tree on the third floor, had opened his palms, and a jade slip appeared in his palms.

Among the jade slips was a map of the third layer of ruins given to him by Young Master Zhu.

In fact, this map is of no use to Jiang Yun today.

Because he doesn't even know where he is.

After glancing at the map a few times, Jiang Yun put it away and said to himself: "I should first find a city or find a few monks to figure out my location."

"Then, consider my next move."

"If that doesn't work, then go take on some missions first so that you can learn more about the ruins."

In the ruins of the Imperial War, all major forces will issue some tasks, and completing tasks is the simplest way to test them.

Every task completed will be recorded and will become one of the criteria for selecting outstanding monks in the future.

However, it is almost impossible to become an outstanding performer by completing tasks.

Unless you can complete some extremely difficult tasks independently.

But generally speaking, the more difficult the task, you need to team up with others to take it on.

If the task is successfully completed, even if your companion dies, the task will be counted on the head of everyone who takes over the task.

In this way, it is really not possible to see how outstanding an individual's performance is.

This approach is naturally to prevent someone from killing other members of the team in order to monopolize the task.

Therefore, accepting tasks is only suitable for those monks who really want to come here to experience.

Improve your own strength by constantly completing tasks.

After making up his mind, Jiang Yun stood up and carefully looked around, making sure that no space cracks appeared for the time being, and then jumped from the tree.

Jiang Yun didn't know where he was anyway, so he chose a direction at random and strode away.

Along the way, Jiang Yun was carefully observing the cracks in space that kept appearing.

The appearance of these cracks is really without warning and silent.

Once, Jiang Yun almost stepped into a crack.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and managed to escape.

And this can be regarded as letting him understand the danger of being photographed first among the ruins.

It’s really hard to guard against! Come to think of it, there are really not a few monks who accidentally fall into the cracks in space.

Jiang Yun did not dare to use his speed too fast. He could only keep it to the extent that he could react in time if he encountered a space crack, and kept moving forward in the direction he chose.

It must be said that Jiang Yun's luck was pretty good. After only two days of walking, a city appeared in front of him.

Jiang Yun has seen too many cities, but there has never been any city as... crude as the city in front of him.

Strictly speaking, this city is not as good as a small town.

The city wall, which was only three meters high, looked like it had been gnawed by dogs. It was in tatters and riddled with holes.

Half of the city gate was missing, and the remaining half was hanging crookedly on the city wall and might fall off at any time.

Fortunately, the plaque hanging on the city gate is still complete. On it are written two large characters with flying dragons and phoenixes - Linyuan! Seeing the name of the city, a map of the ruins immediately appeared in Jiang Yun's mind, and he found the location of Linyuan City on it.

Located in the southwest corner of the ruins! The location of Linyuan City can be said to be extremely dangerous.

Because after crossing Linyuan City and continuing to the southwest, there is an unexplored area.

For the monks in the ruins, the unexplored area is like the abyss they fell into when entering the ruins.

Therefore, this city was named Linyuan City, as if facing the abyss.

Jiang Yun didn't pay too much attention to the location of Linyuan City. After looking at it for a while, he stepped into the dilapidated city gate.

Entering the city, Jiang Yun couldn't help but frown slightly.

The area of ​​Linyuan City is not small, and there are many buildings in it.

However, none of the buildings exceeds three floors, and basically every building is in dilapidated condition. Either a corner is missing here or a piece is missing there.

Jiang Yun really didn't expect that since the city was built by a group of geniuses, it would be so dilapidated.

If it weren't for the fact that there were many monks coming and going in the city, Jiang Yun would have thought it was an empty city that had been abandoned for a long time.

Soon, Jiang Yun felt relieved: "The buildings and cities in the ruins must have been affected by space cracks that may appear at any time!"

"Those space cracks are unstoppable by any force. Once they appear, they will swallow up something without mercy."

“Like buildings and walls!”

"Over time, this place became like this."

At this moment, Jiang Yun saw that the monks in the city suddenly started running, as if something had happened!

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