Taoist world

Chapter 3941 A dream within a dream

Jiang Yun didn't even hear what Mirage said about giving him a gift, and he didn't notice that the other party's eyes were falling on his soul.

Because he was pleasantly surprised by the first half of Mirage's sentence.

As expected, his parents went to Sijingzang.

Grandpa even visited them secretly to make sure they were safe and sound for the time being.

Jiang Yun has been searching for his parents' whereabouts for hundreds of years, and now he finally heard the exact news about them.

However, after the surprise, Jiang Yun's heart sank again: "Senior, does my parents' safety have something to do with my grandfather becoming the emperor?"

Jiang Yun wondered whether it was possible that his grandfather, relying on his status as the emperor, secretly asked someone to take care of his parents, so that they could be safe.

Now that grandpa has entered the imperial mausoleum, once the news spreads, will his parents lose their asylum and be treated badly?

Mirage smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, it's impossible for your grandfather to let anyone know that he has any relationship with your parents."

"Besides, you should already know your life experience!"

"The reason why your parents are safe and sound is ultimately because of you, the Jiang family!"

Hearing this, Jiang Yun suddenly realized.

The Four Realms Tibet was said to have been developed by some strong men who had enmity with the Jiang family and others.

And the Jiang family also has the emperor sitting in charge. Even if the people from Sijingzang catch their father, they will not dare to kill him.

"Senior, where are my parents being imprisoned in the Four Realms?"

Mirage shook his head and said: "I don't know about that. After all, I have never been to the Four Realms."

Jiang Yun was stunned and said: "What?"

Mirage, as the guardian demon of the Mirage clan, has never been to Shijingzang. How is this possible?

Mirage laughed, but there was a hint of loneliness in his smile: "I'm not lying to you, I can only exist in these four chaotic realms!"

For a moment, Jiang Yun didn't understand the meaning of Mirage's words.

Mirage is obviously the existence that secretly monitors the entire Four Chaotic Realms.

Whether it was the Mangshan Jiang Village that was silently transformed, or whether he was able to quietly tamper with the memories of the monks in the All-Heaven Gathering Area, his strength must be extremely powerful.

Then why can't he enter the Four Realms?

Mirage hesitated and said, "Originally, I didn't want to tell you, but since you asked, I'll tell you."

"Don't you realize that these four chaotic realms are actually a huge... lucid dream arranged by the Mirage Clan!"

"And I am a demon born in a lucid dream!"

"Once I leave this lucid dream, I will disappear, so I can only exist here and cannot go to any other place."

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly widened and he stared at the mirage in front of him.

He was naturally very clear about lucid dreams, but he entered the Four Chaos Realm twice in a row and stayed in the Four Chaos Realms for a long time, but he didn't feel at all that this was going to be a lucid dream! However, Jiang Yun suddenly remembered that when he entered the Four Chaos World from Chishui, he felt as if he was born from his mother's body.

As if knowing what Jiang Yun was thinking, Mirage said with a smile: "When you entered the Four Chaos World, did you feel like you were reborn!"

"Because you went from one dream to another!"

"Not just you, all the monks from the All Heavens Gathering Area will actually feel this way."

"It's just that the memories of other monks will be tampered with by me, so they can't remember this feeling."

Mirage's words made Jiang Yun take two steps back uncontrollably, as if he had been struck by lightning.

And countless thoughts surged through his mind in an instant. While it became extremely chaotic, it also made him vaguely feel as if he had discovered something.

More than one person had told him long ago that the entire All Heavens Gathering Area was just a nightmare dreamed by a nightmare beast.

All the creatures living in the domain of the heavens appear in the dreams of nightmare beasts.

Jiang Yun was always dubious about this statement.

But what Mirage said today confirmed this statement.

But he couldn't figure it out even more. Since everything was a dream and he was just an illusory existence born in a dream, why could he escape from the nightmare of the nightmare beast and enter the dream of the mirage?

Shouldn't I be like a mirage that cannot leave the Four Chaotic Realms, and will dissipate once it leaves the original dream?

Before this doubt disappeared, Jiang Yun thought about the sixty-year-long dream he had fabricated for Tie Runan, and the young man who was born into consciousness and finally left his dream.

Jiang Yun even thought of the Taoist Taoist created by Ji Kongfan to guard a world of Taoism! Everything is a dream! Dreams within dreams, dreams within dreams, but the creatures born in dreams have walked out of dreams one by one! So, where is the reality?

When will all living beings truly step out of all dreams and truly be in reality?

Before she died, she was fed the Iron Man, a dream-like fruit that was said to be able to wake up from her dreams. Did she really go to the real world?

One doubt after another made Jiang Yun's eyes become confused.

In fact, everything he saw in his eyes, including mirages and himself, became illusions and bubbles, as if if he just reached out and poked them, they would all disappear and turn into bubbles. For nothing! Jiang Yun didn't know that all his doubts were spoken out unknowingly, allowing Mirage to hear them clearly.

Jiang Yun didn't even know that his body had become illusory just like what he saw in his eyes.

Regarding Jiang Yun's doubts and Jiang Yun's changes at this moment, Mirage's expression suddenly changed.

He didn't expect that his words would make Jiang Yun think so much and bring about such a big change.

After pondering for a moment, he stretched out a finger and gently touched Jiang Yun's eyebrows. A powerful spiritual consciousness poured into Jiang Yun's body and soul in an instant! At the same time, he also said coldly: "Nama, I know that you left your power in this child's body."

"I also know that you want to control this child and make him your vassal."

"But it's a pity that this child is also a child of my mirage clan and is your mortal enemy!"

"And this is my mirage dream, so I won't let you succeed!"


As soon as the words fell, Mirage's body suddenly exploded and disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if it had never existed.

But in Jiang Yun's already chaotic mind, his grandfather's voice suddenly sounded.

"Yunwazi, everything in this world is not black or white, right or wrong!"

"What exists is not necessarily real, and what disappears is not necessarily illusion!"

"There is no clear boundary between dreams and reality."

"Dreams can be a kind of reality, but reality is not just a dream!"

"Since living beings in reality can enter dreams, why can't living beings in dreams come out of dreams?"

"" "Wake up, Yunwazi, the Mirage Clan is still waiting for you to save, and Grandpa is still waiting for you to find..." Grandpa's words echoed in Jiang Yun's mind over and over again. It was like a warm spring breeze that gradually soothed Jiang Yun's confusion and irritability, allowing him to slowly calm down.

And his illusory body actually transformed into solidity, until it completely returned to its original state! There was also a hint of fear in his eyes.

Because at that moment, he clearly felt that he was about to completely dissipate and turn into nothing.

Thanks to my grandfather's voice, I was pulled back from the edge of dissipation.

However, he knew that it was not his grandfather's voice, but the voice of a mirage.

"Thank you, Senior Mirage!"

Mirage's voice sounded in Jiang Yun's mind: "Since I have taken action, I might as well give this gift to you!"

"I will make you remember those names that are engraved on your body and soul!"

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