Taoist world

Chapter 3911 The Road to the Great Emperor (Repair)

Regarding the fact that there is a great emperor who secretly hides his aura on his body, Jiang Yun can easily guess that he must be talking about the Nightmare Beast! The entire All Heavens Gathering Area is the territory of the Nightmare Beast, and he lives there, so it is normal for him to have the aura of the Nightmare Beast on his body.

As for why the nightmare beast wanted to hide his aura, Jiang Yun naturally didn't know the reason and had no way to resist, so he could only let it go.

As for the titles Night Emperor and Demon-Slaying Emperor, Jiang Yun felt that he had some impressions, but he couldn't remember them! However, it is not difficult to see from the Night Emperor's self-proclaimed title that this Night Emperor probably hates the demon clan very much and wants to kill all the demons in the world, so he named himself the Demon Slayer Emperor! As for the certain skills that I practice that are related to the Night Emperor, naturally they can only be demon refining! This also reminded Jiang Yun of the thoughts he had when he saw the demon-slaying whip before.

The owner of the demon-slaying whip may be related to a certain monk who pioneered the art of demon refining in the Tao realm! Now, combined with the emperor's words, Jiang Yun had more thoughts on this idea.

"Could it be that the inheritance of the Night Emperor was not lost, but fell into the mountains and seas by some chance and coincidence, and was obtained by a Taoist cultivator, and the magic of demon refining was deduced from it?"

"Could it be that the Night Emperor still has descendants, just like Gao Song, a descendant of the great emperor who wandered into the mountains and seas, so the magic of demon refining appeared?"

The emperor's voice continued: "Speaking of which, I also want to thank you!"

"If it weren't for the skills you practiced and your relationship with Emperor Ye, which allowed you to gain control of the Demon-Slaying Whip and unleash the power that Emperor Ye had left in it, I probably wouldn't have noticed it! "

These words made Jiang Yun's heart tremble! Unexpectedly, the fundamental reason why Di You and this great emperor appeared was because he used that whip! If the emperor really wanted to kill the four towns, he would actually bear some responsibility.

The emperor seemed to look at Jiang Yun again and said: "In addition to the two great emperors, there is another one in you who has already walked the path of his own great emperor, but needs to rely on others to give him strength..." At this point, He paused before continuing: "Let's call him the Great Emperor!"

Old man Karma! Jiang Yun immediately judged that the emperor the other party mentioned this time should be Old Man Karma.

Because the power of the old man of cause and effect requires giving causes to others, and then giving effects through others, so that he can benefit himself. This is also his way of cultivation.

Moreover, this great emperor's evaluation of Old Man Karma is just like his own feeling. Strictly speaking, Old Man Karma does not seem to be a real great emperor.

At least, this great emperor couldn't see clearly the old man of cause and effect! "well!"

The emperor suddenly sighed and said: "Since that battle, is it so difficult to become the emperor now?"

"Everyone is trying to find their own way to be a great emperor, but they are all flashy and cannot be compared with us!"

The emperor shook his head and closed his mouth, as if he was feeling emotional and was lost in memories.

Jiang Yun was thinking about what the emperor said.

Although he didn't know why the other party told him this, at least the emperor didn't show any malice.

Therefore, after hesitating for a while, Jiang Yun finally boldly said: "May I ask the senior what you call him and which emperor he is?"

The emperor came back from his thoughts, looked up at the bright moon that had floated above him at some point, and seemed to let out a chuckle: "I'm not an emperor, it sounds too awkward, I don't like it." This title."

"I used to be called Chi Yuezi!"

Jiang Yun didn't know whether the other party was telling the truth or not, but he still respectfully clasped his fists and said, "Junior Gu Yun, I have met senior Chi Yuezi!"


Chi Yuezi said with a little surprise in his voice: "Your surname is Gu?"

Obviously, the surname Gu was an extremely special surname even in the era when Chi Yuezi existed.

Jiang Yun could only bite the bullet and said: "Yes, this junior's surname is Gu!"

Before Chi Yuezi could speak, Jiang Yun hurriedly continued: "Senior Chi Yuezi, this junior has a few questions and I would like to ask my senior for advice!"

"Can you ask me a question?"

The surprise in Chi Yuezi's voice became stronger, but it soon turned into a smile and said: "You are indeed very interesting."

"Okay, I allow you to ask, but there are some questions that I won't answer for you!"

Jiang Yun really didn't expect that this emperor was so easy to talk to.

Although I did have questions to ask, I never thought that the other party would agree. My real purpose was just to delay time.

After all, there must be strong people outside this building.

Even if Zhu Shaoshao and Mo Yunting did not leave, the powerful people outside should already know that there is a living emperor who has left the imperial mausoleum.

Since those strong men have always maintained resolute suppression of everything in the Emperor's Cave, they naturally would not let this great emperor appear and ignore it.

Especially since there are Zhu Shao Shao, Mo Yunting, and nearly ten thousand monks here.

Therefore, they will definitely find a way to rescue everyone as much as possible.

The longer you delay, the greater your chances of getting out of trouble.

Now that Chi Yuezi asked himself, it just fulfilled his wish.

However, the other party also made it very clear that some questions would not be answered.

The question he was referring to was probably about the imperial mausoleum and what happened back then.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun asked: "Senior Chi Yuezi, will the aura related to several great emperors in this junior have any impact on this junior?"

"For example, influence my path to the emperor, or seize my path to the emperor?"

Chi Yuezi said slowly: "You are very smart, and the questions you asked are quite good."

"It's just your worry, there is no need at all!"

"Everyone has their own path to become emperor, and the path chosen by everyone is different."

"For example, the emperor who sneakily left his aura on you chose the path of all sentient beings!"

"For example, the Night Emperor back then chose the path of slaying demons!"

"Although the paths are different, one thing must be remembered. The path of the Great Emperor represents an attitude, a belief, and an indomitable will."

"It's a kind of thing that once you make up your mind, you'll never look back, you don't even have to hesitate. It's something that you have to keep going no matter what. It's your own unique path!"

"If your own path is affected just because of other people's prying eyes or because of the aura left on you by others, then it can only be said that your so-called path to the Great Emperor is simply vulnerable and a false path!"

Chi Yuezi's words shocked Jiang Yun's heart.

Because he realized that what the other party said is a priceless treasure for anyone. It is a great emperor who is explaining to you what the path of the great emperor is and how to find your own path to the great emperor! The path of the Nightmare Beast is the path of all living beings. Could it mean that it created a dream and created many living beings in the dream to achieve his path to the great emperor?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun's heart suddenly moved, and he asked again: "Senior, am I just a person in a dream, or am I a real person?"

Whether the Gathering of All Heavens is a dream or not is a question that has always troubled Jiang Yun.

But now, perhaps this Chi Yuezi, who is equal to or even more powerful than the Nightmare Beast, can give the answer.

Chi Yuezi seemed to be stunned by Jiang Yun's question and was silent for a moment.

"You..." And just when he opened his mouth and was about to answer, he suddenly changed his words and said: "It's finally here!"

"I didn't expect that such a great emperor would be born after us!"

After the words fell, Chi Yuezi suddenly waved his sleeves, and Jiang Yun felt his eyes blurred, and his mind suddenly became confused, as if his mind was about to leave him.

But at this moment, a voice that was extremely kind and missed him suddenly sounded in his mind! "Yunwazi, wake up!"


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