Taoist world

Chapter 39 Jiang Yun doesn’t know how

In fact, given Jiang Yun's true cultivation level, the power of the fireball released would naturally not be of this magnitude. But just now, in order to get rid of Fang Yuxuan's restraint on his body, he had almost exhausted all his physical strength and spiritual energy.

If he can really release a fireball that is as powerful as his cultivation level, then the next thing may develop in another direction.

Because today Jiang Yun’s true state is the seventh level of Tongmai!

In half a year, from a mortal to the seventh level of Tongmai, he has been promoted to seven levels in a row. Even if his qualifications are really average, even if his meridians are really finer than others, he will definitely be affected by everyone in the Taoist Sect. The attention and interest of a truly powerful presence.

It's a pity that he doesn't have much spiritual energy left.

"Be bold!"

Although the fireball flying out of Jiang Yun's hand was not threatening at all, this scene finally really angered Fang Yuxuan!

As the number one disciple in the inner sect, when he showed up, he allowed his sister to be slapped by Jiang Yun, which had greatly hurt his face. Unexpectedly, Jiang Ran would dare to attack now. This is simply a challenge to his own identity and dignity!

Fang Yuxuan suddenly raised his hand and pointed it at Jiang Yun from a distance. A sound of breaking through the air suddenly came to everyone's ears. Looking at Jiang Yun's left chest, there was a hole the size of a finger, and blood was gurgling. It flowed out and instantly dyed his whole body red!

But the fireball he threw disappeared silently in the air.

Jiang Yun shuddered, and after shaking his body for a few times, he fell to the ground again. But even so, he raised his hand again and aimed at Fang Ruolin. He also volleyed a little, an almost invisible fire snake. It shot out from his fingertips and continued to rush towards Fang Ruolin.

As soon as the fire snake flew away from his fingertips, it immediately dissipated, and Fang Yuxuan's figure appeared in front of Jiang Yun from the air.

At this moment, Fang Yuxuan still had a gentle smile on his face, and his hands were clasped behind his back again. It seemed that the anger just aroused by Jiang Yun had dissipated. He looked down at Jiang Yun condescendingly, with no anger or joy in his eyes. The person looks calm and calm.

At this moment, the square naturally fell into silence again, but everyone's focus no longer seemed to be chasing Fang Yuxuan, but many people's eyes were focused on Jiang Yun.

In fact, as early as after Jiang Yun slapped Fang Ruolin, there was no sound at all in the entire Taoist Sect.

Whether it was the thousands of disciples in the square or the high-ranking elder peak masters in the five peaks, everyone seemed to have suddenly lost the ability to speak, and just watched silently. Under Fang Yuxuan's pressure, one Jiang Yun got up again and again after falling down.


Until this moment, Jiang Yun obviously no longer has the ability to stand up.

It has to be said that Jiang Yun, who was disliked by all of them, shocked everyone again and again.

The difference in strength between the Tongmai Realm and the Blessed Land Realm is as big as the difference between heaven and earth. Even those in the Tongmai Ninth Level Realm have no power to resist against the monks in the Blessed Land First Level Realm.

But Jiang Yun has resisted until now.

Perhaps his resistance was just trying to do something wrong, overestimating his own capabilities and causing humiliation to himself, but the courage and tenacity shown by Jiang Yun aroused the admiration of many people.

What's more, now that things have happened, after inquiries from interested people and from the conversation between Jiang Yun and Fang Ruolin, everyone can roughly guess the reason for the whole thing.

It can be said that Jiang Yun did not make the slightest fault in the whole thing from beginning to end!

As he said just now, he just wanted to protect his sister.

Although he slapped Fang Ruolin, it was nothing compared to Fang Ruolin's deception of Lu Xiaoyu, a small handyman disciple, out of the Taoist Sect.

But even if everyone knew everything, they were full of sympathy for Jiang Yun, but they did not dare to plead for Jiang Yun.

Because Jiang Yun was facing Fang Yuxuan, the number one inner disciple in the Taoist Sect, and most likely the future master of the Sword Dao Peak, or even the leader of the Taoist Sect!

Even if they are not afraid of Fang Yuxuan, Fang Yuxuan's master is the master of Sword Dao Peak, and it is said that this cave monk, who is known as the strongest swordsman in Taoist Sect, is the most protective of his shortcomings.

Offending the master of the main peak, most people would not do such a thing, let alone the disciples, even the masters and elders of other peaks.

After a moment, a faint golden light suddenly surged from Fang Yuxuan's body, forming a transparent golden mask that completely enveloped him and Jiang Yun. At this time, he spoke again: "Kneel down. Beg for mercy, cut off your palm, and I will spare your life, otherwise, I will kill you!"

There was blood dripping from Jiang Yun's mouth and left chest. His tattered clothes and body blackened by the fire made him look extremely embarrassed, but there was still a fierce light in his eyes: "Don't you dare!"

Beg for mercy, Jiang Yun won’t!

Sixteen years of life in Mangshan taught Jiang Yun many things, but it did not teach him how to beg for mercy. What's more, is begging for mercy useful when facing a vicious beast?

"Don't you dare?" Hearing Jiang Yun's answer so confidently made Fang Yuxuan slightly startled and said, "Why don't I dare to kill you?"

To be honest, until now, he doesn't know who Jiang Yun is. In his eyes, Jiang Yun is just an ant. If Fang Ruolin hadn't been forced so hard by Jiang Yun, he wouldn't have appeared at all, so after listening to When he heard Jiang Yun's words, the first thing he thought of was that Jiang Yun had some background, or had some backing behind him?

Otherwise, why is he not afraid of himself?

In fact, Jiang Yun did have a backer, namely Dongfang Bo and his second senior sister.

If the two of them were in the Taoist sect today and saw this scene, they would have appeared long ago. Unfortunately, they were not there.

But even if they were here, Jiang Yun would not regard them as his backers. As early as ten years old, he knew that it was better to rely on himself than to rely on anyone else.

After swallowing a mouthful of blood, Jiang Yun said word for word: "Because of the sect rules!"

"Hahaha!" These four words made Fang Yuxuan startled again, and then he suddenly burst into laughter, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, laughing hard.

As for the conversation between Fang Yuxuan and Jiang Yun, because of the golden light shield formed by Fang Yuxuan's powerful aura, no one could hear it at all. Naturally, they didn't know what Jiang Yun said that made Fang Yuxuan laugh so much.

Fang Yuxuan laughed for a long time before shaking his head and saying, "I finally understand why you are so bold! It turns out that the sect's rules are your biggest reliance. It's so ridiculous!"

Fang Yuxuan's voice suddenly turned cold when he finished speaking, and a strong killing intent emerged from his eyes that were neither angry nor happy: "Today, I will tell you that the so-called sect rules are just for cowards like you. As long as you are strong enough, you can completely trample on any rules!"

"You don't believe it, do you? Then don't you find it strange? Why hasn't anyone stopped me until now? Those elder peak masters, why hasn't anyone saved you?"

"Because I am strong enough! Even if I kill you, no one will punish me!"

"It's a pity that you can't see it!"

After the words fell, Fang Yuxuan stretched out a finger and gently pressed it against Jiang Yun's throat just like Jiang Yun had done with Fang Ruolin before.

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