Taoist world

Chapter 3895: Eight Doors Open (Repair)


Huangfu Yu suddenly let out a shrill scream, his eyes widened, his face full of horror, and he twisted his body desperately, trying to break free from the shackles of the whip.

To outsiders, he had just been pierced between the eyebrows by a whip, his life was rapidly leaving him, and he was about to die.

But for Huangfu Yu, he could clearly feel that the whip was like a living creature, clearly greedily devouring his own cultivation, devouring everything about him, and devouring his soul!

This also reminded him of what his father said before, that there were a lot of demon souls in this whip.

Now, he could prove his father's words were true.

Not only does the whip contain the soul of the demon clan, it can also actively devour the soul of the demon clan, and may even imprison the soul within it forever.

This unknown fear frightened him more than death.

Unfortunately, the whip wrapped around his body became tighter and tighter, making it impossible for him to break free.

"Father, save me, save me!"

He could only stare at his father with eyes widened in fear, and let out a crazy roar.

But as soon as his voice came out, it immediately became quieter.

Because the devouring power of the whip became stronger and stronger, he soon lost his consciousness, his body stopped struggling, and soon he lowered his head softly.

At this moment, there was a rare moment of silence in the chaotic building.

No one expected that Jiang Yun would actually dare to kill Huangfu Yu!

However, everyone's faces showed happiness at Jiang Yun's move.

Huangfu Jing was preparing to trap and kill them all here, and Huangfu Yu also waited for an opportunity to kill them secretly and attack them secretly.

Now that Jiang Yun killed Huangfu Yu, he was helping them take revenge and airing their grievances on their behalf.


Huangfu Jing's expression also changed suddenly, fierce flames burst out from his eyes, and he let out a roar as he looked at his dead son.

He would never have thought that Jiang Yun would kill him at will without even giving him the slightest chance.

He couldn't even accept that his son would be killed by Jiang Yun when he was almost completely in control of the situation.

How did he know that Jiang Yun knew very well that even if Huangfu Yu was let go, Huangfu Jing would not let him go, so he might as well kill him simply because he already disliked Huangfu Yu.

At this moment, Jiang Yun ignored Huangfu Jing's anger, but looked solemnly at the whip in his hand.

The whip had been quickly withdrawn from Huangfu Yu's body and wrapped around Jiang Yun's palm again.

Although the whip seemed to be the same as before, Jiang Yun could feel that there were some differences.

As for what the difference was, Jiang Yun couldn't describe it.

It can only be said that this whip seemed to be sleeping before, but now, it has awakened a little.

This feeling made Jiang Yun hurriedly ask Zhengu Spear: "Senior Zhengu, is there a weapon spirit in this whip?"

Zhengu Qiang quickly responded: "No, there is only one Great Emperor's Road inside, and there is no life."

"Of course, maybe I can't sense it, but there shouldn't be a weapon spirit."

The more powerful the weapon, the more likely it is that a weapon spirit will be born.

However, the imperial weapon cannot be said to be powerful, so it is normal that no weapon spirit is born within it.

But since there is no weapon spirit, why does this whip give me the feeling of waking up?

The sound of Zhengu Gun sounded again: "You can check it with your spiritual sense. This whip is indeed a bit weird. It is extremely repulsive to me and even wants to devour me, but it shouldn't do much harm to you."

Because of the last experience of his spiritual consciousness entering the ax that was also an imperial weapon, Jiang Yun has not dared to penetrate his spiritual consciousness into the whip until now.

And all the feelings produced by this whip are only produced by holding the whip.

The suggestion of Zhengu Gun made Jiang Yun hesitate.

Although he believed that the Zhengu Spear would not deceive him, after all, he and the Zhengu Spear had different strengths, cultivation methods, and even life forms.

When his consciousness enters the whip, not to mention any accidents he encounters, just if his soul is shocked, his situation will become even more difficult.

Just when Jiang Yun hesitated, Huangfu Jing suddenly spoke again.

"Kaixiu was injured, Du Jing was frightened to death, and all eight doors were opened!"

"Boom boom boom!"

As he finished speaking, the eight illusory doors made a deafening roar and continued to slowly open on both sides.

The door opened wider and wider, allowing more and more smoke to pour out of it.

However, it no longer just transformed into the wind, but condensed into illusory monsters, rushed into the crowd, and launched a crazy attack.

These monsters look like wolves. Although they are small in size, they are extremely powerful. Almost every one of them possesses the strength of a deity.

People who are familiar with the Huangji Clan know that these monsters are actually the true form of the Huangji Clan.

Hundreds of demonic beasts comparable to the Heavenly Lord suddenly appeared and started killing. For the nearly 10,000 monks here, this was simply a nightmare.

Immediately, nearly a thousand monks died tragically under the attack of these monsters.

At this time, even those powerful men from all races who were also comparable to Tianzun turned pale and felt the threat of death.

But they have no other choice but to keep fighting and struggling until they are killed.

Chen Jianye and Gu Linxu were covered in scars and blood, but they still tried their best to protect Gu Qianxi and Gao Song and were fighting the two monsters.

At this time, Gu Linxu almost shouted: "Shopkeeper Chen, can you contact the city lords!"

Although others did not know about the relationship between Zhu Shaoshao and Chen Jianye, Gu Linxu did.

Under the current situation, it was impossible for them to break out from inside, so Gu Linxu could only hope that Chen Jianye could contact Zhu Shaoshao and let him find a way to open the formation from the outside, open the building, and rescue everyone.

Chen Jianye smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Huangfu Jing has completely sealed this place long ago, and no news can be spread."

"I hope the city lords can notice something is wrong!"

At this moment, Zhu Shaoshao, who was outside the building, was still sitting on the ground, holding his chin with his hands, looking at the eight-door closed building in front of him, yawning out of boredom.

Although he was within easy reach of the building, when the building was originally built and the formation was laid out, in order to prevent the destructive power from spreading and affecting the outside world, the formation and the building's sealing were specially reinforced.

Therefore, Zhu Shaoshao had no way of knowing what was happening inside the building.

"Kill, kill, kill, hahaha, you are all going to die!"

Seeing the death of a large number of monks and seeing everyone struggling to survive, Huangfu Jing burst into crazy laughter again.

As for Jiang Yun, he didn't go out of his way to attack him.

Because he wanted to be the last to kill Jiang Yun and torture Jiang Yun slowly.

Jiang Yun couldn't run away anyway, this place was now his territory!

However, when his eyes saw Jiang Yun standing there as if he was sluggish, holding the whip, motionless, and when he saw the body of his lifeless son on the ground in front of Jiang Yun, he could not control it. Controlling the anger in his heart, with a wave of his hand, six monster beasts rushed towards Jiang Yun.

As he watched six demonic beasts comparable to those of Heavenly Lords rushing towards Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun's voice slowly sounded out.

"The Huangji clan is originally the Yellow Beast clan!"

Having said this, Jiang Yun suddenly raised his head, two cold rays of light shot out from his eyes, looked at Huangfu Jing, then raised his legs and stepped towards Huangfu Jing.

As he walked, Jiang Yun continued to speak.

"It has been passed down for countless years, but no emperor beast has been born in the clan!"

"Unwilling to give up, they changed their name to the Huangji clan and wanted to replace the emperor with the emperor!"

As Jiang Yun spoke, the six monster beasts had already come to his side, but after he glanced over, the six monster beasts all stopped and did not dare to move forward.

Jiang Yun continued to walk towards Huangfu Jing and said word by word: "Today, I will destroy you Huangfu Jing, and tomorrow, I will destroy your Huangji clan!"

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