Taoist world

Chapter 3879: Win another round (revision)

Jiang Yun's words were like sharp steel needles, constantly stimulating Huangfu Yu's bleeding heart.

How could he not understand that Jiang Yun used the fifteen million Emperor Origin Stones not as a bet, but as bait to successfully catch his big fish and then throw him away? Entered into a gambling game.

He knew even more clearly that everything Jiang Yun did was just to counter his previous hostility and contempt for him.

Su Qianchen, on the other hand, remained expressionless and seemed not to be moved by Jiang Yun's words at all. He just looked at the other blood-sealed stones like Jiang Yun before.

Everyone completely understood, and this also made them look at Jiang Yun with a touch of awe.

Who is Huangfu Yu! Not to mention the entire Four Towns, even in the entire Four Chaotic Realms, there were only a few monks that he could like.

Being looked down upon by him and despised by him are all too normal things.

If it were anyone else, they would just swallow their anger and not dare to explode.

But Jiang Yun did the opposite.

If you dare to despise me, then I will make you pay the price of despising me.

So what about fifteen million Emperor Origin Stones? Jiang Yun didn't care at all if he could see Huangfu Yu make a fool of himself and make Huangfu Yu feel distressed.

What's more, he has not consumed these Emperor Origin Stones.

Although the treasure appraisal conference has just begun, Jiang Yun has already become the winner again, defeating Huangfu Yu.

As for Huangfu Yu, even if he knew that he had been tricked by Jiang Yun, he would not be able to touch Jiang Yun unless he really completely let go of his face and completely ignored all the rules.

Everything Jiang Yun did was completely in line with the rules, and they were the rules set by Huangfu Yu himself.

Huangfu Yu's face was already extremely ugly, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes when he looked at Jiang Yun.

But Jiang Yun was not afraid and even looked at him with a smile.


Suddenly, a loud shout rang out from the mouth of Shang Zhenyu who was kneeling on the ground.

The next moment, she had raised her hand, flicked her sleeve, and a cloud of blood flew straight towards Jiang Yun.

Shang Zhenyu actually attacked Jiang Yun, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

However, everyone also understood that Shang Zhenyu wanted to make up for his "mistake" by attacking Jiang Yun.

In other words, her move was simply a hint from Huangfu Yu.

Huangfu Yu couldn't take action against Jiang Yun due to his status, but Shang Zhenyu was just one of his subordinates. When he saw his master being ridiculed and humiliated by Jiang Yun, he taught Jiang Yun a lesson for his master.

Facing the blood cloud coming towards him, Gu Linxu, who was standing next to Jiang Yun, raised his hand slightly, trying to block Shang Zhenyu's attack for Jiang Yun.

After all, in his opinion, Shang Zhenyu is a strong person in the third level of reincarnation, while Jiang Yun is only in the fifth level of breaking magic. The gap between the two levels is too big.

If Jiang Yun were to take it head-on, he would definitely be injured or not dead.

However, just as he raised his palm, Jiang Yun already whispered: "I'll do it!"

Jiang Yun was not surprised by Shang Zhenyu's action, but Gu Linxu's approach was beyond Jiang Yun's expectation and moved Jiang Yun quite a bit.

At this time, if Gu Linxu helped him, it would be tantamount to offending Huangfu Yu and others. How could Jiang Yun let him do this?

After the words fell, Jiang Yun also raised his hand, and with a slight flick, he brought out an invisible storm and hit the blood cloud.


The blood cloud suddenly froze and exploded.

Jiang Yun looked at Huangfu with a sneer on his face and said, "Shopkeeper Huangfu, it seems that this is also the rule you have set?"

Since Jiang Yun dared to confront Huangfu Yu, he naturally had his own support! Just last night, Zhen Gu Qiang took the initiative to tell Jiang Yun that if he met an opponent he couldn't contend with, even if he was a quasi-emperor, he could use his power.

Of course, the reason why Zhen Gu Qiang took the initiative to help Jiang Yun was because of conditions.

I just hope that Jiang Yun can find more imperial weapons that contain the path of the great emperor! Jiang Yun didn't know how Zhen Gu Qiang understood the path of the Great Emperor, and whether he would be like other monks who lost his way of cultivation when he realized it. However, it is not difficult to see that Zhen Gu Qiang obviously came from The ax gained benefits from the road to becoming the Great Emperor last time.

Otherwise, he would not have said anything that even the quasi-emperor could contend with.

The stronger the Zhengu Spear is, the greater the benefit will naturally be to Jiang Yun, so this is what he relies on to dare to fight against Huangfu Yu.

Even if Huangfu Yu's father, the city lord, appeared, Jiang Yun would still be able to fight.

Not to mention Shang Zhenyu, a mere monk in the reincarnation realm, he does not need to use the ancient gun.

Seeing Jiang Yun neutralize Shang Zhenyu's attack in an understatement was once again beyond everyone's expectations.

I didn't expect Jiang Yun to be so powerful.

After Huangfu Yu took a deep look at Jiang Yun again, he suddenly looked away and said to Shang Zhenyu: "The auction continues!"

After saying these words, Huangfu Yu turned around and stepped aside, stopped speaking, and closed his eyes.

It seemed that Huangfu Yu had let Jiang Yun go, but everyone knew very well that Huangfu Yu would never give up so easily.

Jiang Yun also ignored Huangfu Yu and continued to look at the other blood sealing stones.

Shang Zhenyu stood up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and smiled again on his face, as if nothing had happened. He smiled at the people around him and said: "Everyone, a little incident that just happened. , I hope it didn’t disturb your enjoyment, now we will continue the auction.”

Shang Zhenyu reached out and waved a blood-sealed stone and said, "This blood-sealed stone has a base price of 200,000 yuan. Is there anyone who can bid on it?"

Everyone gradually came to their senses and remembered that they were here today to buy the Blood Sealing Stone.

No matter how the grudge between Jiang Yun and Huangfu Yu is resolved in the end, it has nothing to do with them.

Moreover, the price of the blood seal stone has become normal again, so after a moment of silence, a monk said: "Two hundred and fifty thousand!"


Shang Zhenyu nodded, and the stone cutter began to cut.

Everyone was watching intently, waiting for any vision to appear.

As a result, this blood-sealed stone was empty.

This left the monk who made the bid with a bitter look on his face and escaped with the 250,000 Emperor Origin Stone in vain.

After accepting the Emperor's Origin Stone, Shang Zhenyu picked up a blood-sealed stone again. After asking for a while, no one bid, so he changed it to another blood-sealed stone.

It was only then that the treasure appraisal conference finally got on the right track, and everyone's attention was focused on the blood seal stone.

It's a pity that in addition to the two blood-sealed stones selected by Jiang Yun and Su Qianchen, Shang Zhenyu selected more than twenty blood-sealed stones, and only one had a worthless material cut out of it. , the others turned out to be empty.

Although this made many monks a little disappointed, they also knew that this was a normal situation.

After all, betting on stones means winning less and losing more.

Shang Zhenyu took out another blood-sealed stone and said, "The base price is 300,000 yuan. Is there anyone who wants to bid?"

Gao Song suddenly became nervous and gently pulled Jiang Yun's sleeve.

Because this is the blood-sealed stone that he is interested in.

Jiang Yun said calmly: "If you believe me, don't bid!"

Jiang Yun's answer made Gao Song slightly stunned, with a look of hesitation on his face, but then he nodded vigorously.

He chose to believe Jiang Yun.

Although Takamatsu did not bid, a monk quoted the price.

During the cutting process of Shang Zhenyu, Gao Song kept watching closely until it was completely cut and found nothing. He let out a sigh of relief and said softly to Jiang Yun: "Thank you!"

Shang Zhenyu picked up a blood-sealed stone again and gave the lowest price. Su Qianchen, who had never spoken, suddenly said: "Three hundred and fifty thousand."

After quoting the price, Su Qianchen looked at Jiang Yundao and said, "Brother Xuanyuan, are you interested in this blood-sealed stone?"

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