Taoist world

Chapter 3876 Losing Reason (Revision)

Shang Zhenyu had continued to cut the blood seal stone, but her speed was obviously faster.

Obviously, he wanted to see if any abnormalities could appear early so that others could quickly increase their prices.

However, for a moment, everyone frowned.

Because they couldn't figure out what kind of medicine Jiang Yun was selling in the gourd, they didn't dare to speak casually.

Even Huangfu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and fell into deep thought as he looked at the blood-sealed stone that had been cut into smaller pieces.

He was also present when Su Qianchen identified the blood-sealed stone yesterday, so he knew that Su Qianchen could not tell whether there was something inside.

Because of this, when Jiang Yun chose this blood-sealed stone, he specifically asked Shang Zhenyu to directly increase the base price to two million.

At this price, as long as it is sold, at least for him, it is already a profit.

But Jiang Yun's two consecutive bids made him think the same as everyone else.

Could it be that Jiang Yun has already seen that there is really something good in this stone?

Of course, it is also possible that Jiang Yun deliberately raised the price for the sake of his own face, or to make him angry.

Just for the sake of face and anger, you don’t hesitate to take out more than two million Emperor Origin Stones?

Even if Jiang Yun is a stone appraiser, he shouldn't be so prodigal, right?

Seeing that the five-breath time was about to come, but there was still no abnormality, Huangfu Yu suddenly moved his fingers calmly.

Suddenly, one of the monks around him said: "Two million and three hundred thousand!"

As the controller of this treasure appraisal conference, Huangfu Yu naturally has many ways to raise the price of a certain blood-sealed stone at will.

And he also made a decision. No matter what Jiang Yun's intention was, he couldn't let him buy the blood-sealed stone easily.

At least let him pay a little more! As someone made a bid, the mood of the people around him became even more confused.

The auction process for this blood-sealed stone can be said to be different from the past.

In previous blood-sealed stone auctions, except for the first bid, subsequent bids will either wait until a strange phenomenon occurs, or a stone appraiser will have a certain degree of confidence.

But now, without anyone seeing anything strange about the blood-sealed stone, two people have already made bids one after another.

Those who responded quickly had already guessed that the bidder was sent by Huangfu Yu.

Naturally, others also focused their attention on Jiang Yun! Now that there are competitors, if Jiang Yun continues to bid, it is very likely that there will be something good in this blood-sealed stone.

Jiang Yun's face was calm, making it impossible to tell what he was thinking, but when the time was approaching, he suddenly spoke again: "Two million and four hundred thousand!"

At this moment, most of the monks' eyes lit up! They could almost conclude that Jiang Yun really wanted this blood-sealed stone.

Another five breaths of time passed, and as Huangfu Yu moved his finger again, the monk made an offer: "Two million and a half million!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, Jiang Yun didn't wait any longer and immediately continued: "Two hundred and six!"

Everyone felt that Jiang Yun was clearly impatient at this moment.

Looking at the blood-sealed stone that had been cut into one-fifth, Huangfuyu thought in his mind: "Is he worried that there will be strange phenomena after a while, so he wants to quickly set the final price?" , buy the Blood Sealing Stone."

"Humph, then I will play slowly with you!"

"Every time when the five-breath time is approaching, I will ask people to bid. I want to see how long you can hold on and whether there is anything in this blood-sealed stone!"

After five breaths passed, someone bid again: "Two hundred and seventy!"

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly flashed with a cold light, and he said coldly: "Four million!"

As soon as the price came out, everyone was really shocked. Even Gu Linxu, Gao Song and others standing next to him looked at him in shock.

Jiang Yun actually directly increased the price so much, which further proves that Jiang Yun is very optimistic about this blood seal stone.

After three breaths passed, another monk said: "Four million and one million!"

The monk who made the bid this time was not arranged by Huangfu Yu, but someone recognized him. He seemed to be from Jishixuan.

Obviously, someone finally couldn't sit still! "five million!"

Still without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Yun continued to give the price. It seemed that he was determined to use a high price, suppressing others from raising any more prices.

Indeed, the monk at Jishixuan had a look of hesitation on his face.

At this time, the blood-sealing stone had only been cut into a quarter, and there was still no abnormality.

In fact, because the size of this blood-sealed stone is so large, even if there is a vision, it will indeed appear too late.

But the problem is that its price is already as high as five million! At least more than 90% of the people present have given up on the idea of ​​bidding.

Now they just want to see what is in this blood-sealed stone.

The monk from Jishixuan gritted his teeth and bid again: "Five million and one hundred thousand!"

Not surprisingly, Jiang Yun immediately raised the price to six million! "madman!"

The monk from Jishixuan shook his head, muttered something in a low voice, and then closed his mouth. It was obvious that he was no longer prepared to bid any more.

And his evaluation of Jiang Yun was indeed reasonable.

The treasure appraisal conference is actually not an appraisal at all, but a treasure gambling conference! Bet on vision, bet on luck, bet on financial resources.

Anyone who dares to participate is naturally a gambler.

But Jiang Yun is no longer a gambler, but a madman! In the auction, there was no one bidding like Jiang Yun did. He had completely lost his mind.

Unless Jiang Yun can be 100% sure that there is something in the blood-sealed stone, and it is a good thing worth more than 6 million Emperor Origin Stones.

But there is no such person.

Just when almost everyone was ready to give up fighting with Jiang Yun, Huangfu Yu moved his fingers, and the monk who heard the previous quotation spoke again: "Seven million!"


After a brief moment of silence, the crowd went wild.

It turns out that Jiang Yun is not only a madman, but there is also a second madman.

Even Jiang Yun's face showed a hint of surprise, and he looked at the monk who made the bid, with a hint of evil in his eyes.

Huangfu Yu smiled coldly and said to himself: "I want to see if you really want to buy this blood-sealing stone, or if you are just acting here!"

In Huangfu Yu's opinion, there are two possibilities for Jiang Yun's behavior.

One possibility is that Jiang Yun is really sure that there are good things in the blood-sealed stone; the other possibility is that Jiang Yun knows that Huangfu Yu is deliberately raising the price, so he keeps raising the price and waits until the last moment before suddenly giving up, which makes Huangfu finally Yu had to buy this blood sealing stone at a very high price.

Although for Huangfu Yu, no matter how high the price he paid, he still had to exchange his left hand for his right hand, but he still suffered a considerable loss.

Therefore, he is now following Jiang Yun's example and raising the price to see if Jiang Yun will continue! Jiang Yun glanced at the monk indifferently, stretched out a finger and said: "Ten million!"


There were waves of gasping sounds! Although this price is not very high, it is too outrageous to appear on a blood-sealed stone that has no abnormal phenomena.

Even Huangfu Yu was slightly stunned, wondering whether he should continue to raise the price, so he turned back and glanced at Su Qianchen.

The latter was expressionless and said nothing.

"Otherwise, I'd better give up!"

Just when Huangfu Yu came up with this idea, the blood seal stone suddenly started to tremble, which made everyone's eyes widen.

Huangfu Yu also hurriedly signaled the monk to continue making bids.

"One thousand and one million!"

Jiang Yun suddenly gave an even more astonishing number: "Twelve million!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun didn't even look at the blood sealing stone, but stared straight at Huangfu Yu!

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