Taoist world

Chapter 3874: There is no basis for what you say (repair)

"It's Wu Zhilan!"

Seeing the three petals, a monk immediately recognized them and said, "Although there are not five complete petals, three petals are worth 1.5 million Emperor Origin Stones!"

"more than!"

Another monk said: "Didn't you see that there is a blood streak on one of the petals?"

"Just this blood streak is worth at least 500,000 Emperor Origin Stones!"

"These three petals can be sold for at least two million!"

After the monk said it, many people discovered the blood streak and said with emotion: "With such a good skill, I have earned more than one million Emperor Origin Stones. I am really envious!"

Most of the monks looked at the last monk who just made a bid, with envy on their faces.

The monk also walked out of the crowd with a smile on his face, bowed his hands to the people around him and said, "Thank you for your permission!"

He walked to Shang Zhenyu's side, threw out a storage magic weapon, and then carefully took the three pieces of Wuzhilan.

After the monk left, Shang Zhenyu turned to look at Su Qianchen with a smile and said, "Thank you, Master Su, for your choice, which gave our treasure appraisal conference a good start."

“I hope you all will gain a lot from the future!”

Shang Zhenyu's words seemed to be an understatement, but in fact, he secretly praised Su Qianchen again.

This also made many monks turn their attention to Su Qianchen.

It was indeed Su Qianchen who said there might be surprises in this blood-sealed stone, and the final facts proved that he was right.

From this point of view, even though Su Qianchen lost to Jiang Yun in the gambling game, his stone identification skills were still extremely good.

Among the crowd, Zhu Shaoshao, who had changed his appearance again, looked at the eyes of these monks, with a sarcastic smile on his face and said: "This Huangfu Yu still has a lot of skills, and with such skill, he has helped Su Qianchen re-establish his reputation." The image of a master."

"As long as Su Qianchen is right a few more times, not only will his reputation be restored, but the demon clan will also be able to make a lot of money this time."

Speaking of this, a cold light gradually appeared in Zhu Shaoshao's eyes, and he stared at Su Qianchen and said: "Although I don't have the idea that people who are not from my race will have different thoughts, but as a human monk, from now on, Since you appeared, you have never helped me, the human race, but you have cooperated with other races."

"Now, he is desperately helping the demon clan. This is really unjustifiable!"

"Perhaps, I can already determine your origin without Gu Yun helping me verify it!"

Young Master Zhu moved his eyes away from Su Qianchen and turned to Jiang Yun.

At this moment, Jiang Yun still didn't care about what was happening here. He was still seizing the moment, scanning the blood-sealed stones one by one with his consciousness.

At this moment, Shang Zhenyu suddenly looked at Jiang Yundao: "Yesterday, I heard that Master Su lost to Master Xuanyuan when gambling on stones."

"It just so happens that Master Xuanyuan is here today, so I would like to venture to ask if Master Xuanyuan can also choose a blood-sealing stone for us?"

Hearing Shang Zhenyu's words, Jiang Yun raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to find him.

However, he also understood that Huangfu Yu was helping Su Qianchen and suppressing him.

If he chooses a blood-sealing stone but fails to cut anything out, it will make Su Qianchen feel proud and his reputation will be damaged.

With a slight smile, Jiang Yun said, "If there's anything you can't do, just use the largest blood-sealed stone!"

There was a hint of surprise on Shang Zhenyu's face. She originally thought Jiang Yun would not choose.

But Jiang Yun not only chose it, but he also seemed to be confident about it.

However, Shang Zhenyu naturally didn't say much. He nodded with a smile and said, "Thank you, Master Xuanyuan. Then we will choose this blood seal stone for auction."

"I hope that Master Xuanyuan can also bring us some surprises!"

While speaking, the largest blood-sealed stone had already flown in front of Shang Zhenyu.

This blood-sealed stone, standing there, reaches Shang Zhenyu's waist, is half a person tall, and has an irregular shape.

Regarding Jiang Yun's choice of this blood-sealed stone, many monks showed excitement and anticipation on their faces, but Su Qianchen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Just as Jiang Yun guessed, Su Qianchen has the means to change the properties of the blood-sealed stone, and there is even a certain possibility of knowing whether there is something in the blood-sealed stone! Although he couldn't see the inside of the blood-sealed stone like Jiang Yun, this method was enough to give him an advantage over others over stone appraisers, and he became the number one stone appraiser. .

After he agreed to cooperate with Huangfu Yu, he had already seen these blood-sealed stones in advance, and especially carefully identified some of the more special blood-sealed stones.

This largest blood-sealed stone was the first one Su Qianchen identified! Although there is not much correlation between the size of the blood seal stone and whether there is something hidden inside it, relatively speaking, the possibility of hiding something is still relatively high.

It's a pity that this blood-sealed stone is just like the blood-sealed stone that Su Qianchen gave up that day but was chosen by Jiang Yun and defeated him. He couldn't let the emperor's blood pass through the seal, so it was also given up by him.

Therefore, at this moment, seeing Jiang Yun choose this blood-sealed stone, Su Qianchen couldn't help but mutter in his heart: "Could it be that there is something good in it?"

Shang Zhenyu has already continued: "This blood-sealed stone has a minimum price of two million Emperor Origin Stones!"

"Now, does anyone have a bid?"

Upon hearing the price quoted by Shang Zhenyu, everyone was slightly stunned, with a look of shock on their faces, including Jiang Yun! The blood seal stone that Su Qianchen just chose had a base price of only 300,000 yuan, from which nearly two million Emperor Origin Stones were cut out.

However, when Jiang Yun arrived, the base price of the Blood Sealing Stone was already as high as two million.

And this means that if there is something in this blood-sealed stone, its value will not only be increased seven times, but it will be at least doubled or tripled in order to be consistent with his stone appraiser and his ability to defeat Su Qianchen. identity! This is too difficult! In fact, many people have realized that this should be someone from the City Lord's Mansion who is deliberately targeting Jiang Yun.

Before anyone else could bid, Jiang Yun slowly said to Shang Zhenyu: "Miss Shang, please wait!"

"I would like to ask, why is the base price of the blood-sealing stone I chose so high?"

"Did you guys set the so-called minimum price of these blood-sealing stones before, or did you, Miss Shang, set it at your own discretion?"

Jiang Yun was not a kind person to begin with. Although he didn't want to cause trouble, since Huangfu Yu and Su Qianchen took the initiative to provoke him, he naturally would not let them bully them.

Therefore, he must ask Shang Zhenyu, or Huangfu Yu behind him, to give him a reasonable explanation! Facing Jiang Yun's doubts, although the smile on Shang Zhenyu's face remained unchanged, there was a hint of chill in his eyes. He stared at Jiang Yun and said: "Master Xuanyuan, even if you are really a master of stone appraisal, there are some words that cannot be said. Don’t talk nonsense.”

"I'm just an ordinary monk in the City Lord's Mansion. How can I have such great power to set the price for these blood seal stones!"

"The Treasure Appraisal Conference is held once every ten years. The price of each blood-sealed stone sold is determined by their original owner."

Jiang Yun seemed not to see the coldness in Shang Zhenyu's eyes, and still said coldly: "There is no basis for what you say!"

This time, before Shang Zhenyu could speak, another cold voice sounded in everyone's ears: "Then what I said counts as a voucher!"

Huangfu Yu appeared next to Shang Zhenyu, looking at Jiang Yun with cold eyes!

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