Taoist world

Chapter 3868 Too Rare

These three blood-sealed stones from the Emperor's Cave made Jiang Yun finally remember that he had offended someone since he came to this world of chaos.

Li Changxiao!

Li Changxiao is a seal master with extremely high attainments in sealing.

Originally, Lu Fengzong sent Lu Zisu, his brother and sister, and Jiang Yun as seal masters to help their backers break the seal of Yuezong.

As a result, when Jiang Yun and the others arrived at Poyue Sect, the elders of Poyue Sect brought Li Changxiao to replace Lu Zisu and became one of the three seal masters.

And this Li Changxiao was extremely selfish. In the process of breaking the seal of the Emperor's Cave, instead of giving any help to Jiang Yun, he targeted and used Jiang Yun everywhere, and even took action against Jiang Yun.

In desperation, Jiang Yun finally killed him.

This was also the reason why Jiang Yun had not thought that he was among the people he had offended.

Because Li Changxiao died in the sealing formation, everyone would think that he was killed by the seal while breaking the seal, not by Jiang Yun.

But Jiang Yun suddenly remembered that before Li Changxiao died, he told him that he came from a forbidden place!

Jiang Yun didn't know what the forbidden area was, but Li Changxiao, like himself, had strong strength that could transcend the ninth level, and he was protected by the power of the Heavenly Lord and the Great Heavenly Lord in his body!

In addition, Li Changxiao was quite proud of his identity as someone from a forbidden land. He believed that he was superior to others and always had a sense of superiority.

Therefore, it was not difficult for Jiang Yun to speculate that the forbidden area must indeed be an extraordinary place.

Moreover, everyone who comes out of the forbidden area should be a powerful being that surpasses ordinary geniuses.

Su Qianchen, although Jiang Yun didn't know his true strength, his status as the number one stone appraiser gave him an unusual status in this chaotic world.

In particular, he can change the properties of things within the blood-sealed stone. Looking at the entire Four Chaos Realm, I am afraid that he is the only one who can do this.

The most important thing is that the young masters, who are the lords of the human city, don't know the origin of Su Qianchen, and they really want to find out.

Therefore, based on these considerations, Jiang Yun felt that Su Qianchen had a high probability of coming from a forbidden place.

And he took the initiative to find his own purpose, naturally to avenge Li Changxiao!

Although Jiang Yun was sure that he had killed Li Changxiao and even destroyed the body, but after the sealing formation was broken, everyone witnessed that he was the first to enter the Emperor's Cave.

So, if Su Qianchen also witnessed the entire incident at that time, even if he did not see him killing Li Changxiao with his own eyes, it would at least make him doubt himself.

So, after he knew that he had arrived in Sizhen City and won Xuan Yi's first bet, he took the initiative to help Xuan Yi deal with him!

This kind of treatment may be just a test of himself, or maybe he has confirmed that he is Gu Yun!

If the latter possibility is possible, it means that Su Qianchen still has some tricks. Even if he changes his appearance, he can still know his identity.

"Forbidden land!" Jiang Yun said to himself: "If my guess is right, if Su Qianchen and Li Changxiao both come from the forbidden land, it means that there are more enemies in my list. A forbidden place!”

"I don't know if you young masters know what kind of place that forbidden area is."

"However, I'm not sure yet. I'll wait until the treasure appraisal meeting tomorrow to find a way to see if I can find out Su Qianchen's true origin!"

Jiang Yun was not ready to tell Shao Shao what he thought now.

After all, this matter is related to the safety of his senior brothers and sisters, so he must wait until he is certain before telling him.

After thinking about this, Jiang Yun focused his attention on the thirty blood-sealed stones in front of him.

Except for the three pieces of blood-sealed stones that were planned to be left to Lu Zisu, three of the remaining twenty-seven blood-sealed stones contained the incense and Taichu bell emulsion respectively.

Among the remaining twenty-four pieces, there are various materials, elixirs, and imperial weapons.

These things, taken together, are worth 20 million Emperor Origin Stones.

"The quantities of the Yin Shen Incense and Taichu Bell Emulsion are too rare. It seems that it is almost impossible to obtain them all from the Blood Sealing Stone."

"Then you can only buy it from the Flower Emperor Source Stone!"

Originally, Jiang Yun was planning to find enough divine incense and other items from the Blood Sealed Stone, but after seeing it in Shitaixuan, he realized that it would be too difficult.

While Jiang Yun was thinking, he took out the stone cutting knife and began to cut these blood-sealed stones.

His speed was extremely fast, and he could almost cut one piece with another, so after a few breaths, the twenty-four blood-sealed stones had been completely cut open.

After taking out the contents, Jiang Yun stood up. Gao Song, who was practicing, opened his eyes and said, "Senior, are you going out again?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Well, wait for me here for a while."

After the words fell, Jiang Yun stepped into the depths of the bamboo forest, raised his fists at the surrounding mist and said: "Senior Gu, I just cut something out of the blood-sealed stone. I don't know if the nobles need it. If so, , please take it away!”

While speaking, Jiang Yun had already placed twenty-four items on the ground one by one.

As expected, Gu Zhu's voice rang out from the mist: "No need, we don't have many Emperor Origin Stones. We are still thinking of buying a few Blood Sealing Stones at the Treasure Appraisal Conference tomorrow."

Jiang Yun originally wanted to give it to them, but in the end he nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, I will also go to the treasure appraisal conference tomorrow, and we will be together then!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun put the twenty-four items into two storage instruments, then turned around and walked back to the master, took out a storage instrument and handed it to him: "Old rules, help I sell it, but I can’t go to Baiwufang and sell it to other stores.”

"I only want 10 million Emperor Origin Stones for these things. Anything more is yours!"

Gao Song's consciousness penetrated into the magic weapon, and when he saw it, his eyes immediately went straight!

Inside, there are ten kinds of materials.

Gao Song looked at Jiang Yun and stammered: "Senior, is this cut out of the twenty-seven blood-sealed stones?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun deliberately gave him only ten items to avoid suspicion.

"Hurry up, the treasure appraisal conference will begin in a few hours!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Gao Song nodded repeatedly, suppressing the excitement and disbelief in his heart, and hurriedly took the storage magic weapon and left first.

After Gao Song had gone far, Jiang Yun also left Zhujingyuan and went directly to Baiwufang.

Seeing Jiang Yun leaving and returning, Chen Jianye came up to him with a smile on his face and said, "Brother Xuanyuan, you really keep your word. Please come in quickly."

Jiang Yun was not polite to him. After stepping onto the second floor, he took out another storage artifact, threw it to him and said: "Shopkeeper Chen, see if you need any of these things!"

Chen Jianye took the magic weapon, and after looking at it, he also looked shocked and said: "Could these be all the ones you just cut out, right?"

"Of course not!" Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "There are some things I had before. If it weren't for the treasure appraisal conference, I wouldn't be willing to sell them."

The reason why Jiang Yun wanted to sell the things separately and lie to Chen Jianye was because he suspected that Chen Jianye might know about the twenty-seven blood-sealing stones he bought at Shitaixuan.

If he said that these things were all cut from those blood-sealed stones, he would still arouse the other party's suspicion.

Jiang Yun's answer made the look of shock on Chen Jianye's face fade away. He nodded and said, "Okay, let me take a look!"

After a while, Chen Jianye already gave the price and said: "I want all of these things. I will give you a total of 10 million Emperor Origin Stones. How about it?"

"Okay!" This was also the price Jiang Yun had in mind, so he happily agreed: "However, I still have something to trouble Shopkeeper Chen."


"I need three things: Soul-inducing Incense, Emperor Source Grass and Taichu Bell Lotion, but I won't sell them now. I will come again after the treasure appraisal conference is over. I hope that shopkeeper Chen can keep them for me if he has them. If he doesn't, he can keep them for me. , also help me pay attention."

"No problem!" Chen Jianye nodded and said: "Then for the treasure appraisal meeting tomorrow, brother, don't forget to continue to take care of me!"

"Definitely!" Jiang Yun said with a slight smile: "Then we will see you at the Treasure Appraisal Conference!"

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