Taoist world

Chapter 3849: Increase the stakes (revision)

The stone cutter kept cutting back and forth on the blood-sealed stone that Jiang Yun selected.

Everyone's eyes didn't dare to blink, staring at the blood-sealed stone.

Even Xuan Yi and others showed a hint of nervousness on their faces.

Although Xuan Yi and the others have won until now, if they lose this round, they will lose everything!

Speaking of which, Jiang Yun had already paid six million Emperor Origin Stones, but the actual bet was only three million!

The remaining Emperor Origin Stones were all used to purchase the Blood Sealing Stones and were given to Shi Taixuan.

All the things cut out belong to Su Qianchen.

Therefore, if they lose this round, Xuan Yi and the others will still need 7 million Emperor Origin Stones!

These Emperor Origin Stones were all borrowed by Xuan Yi from others. If they lose, it will be a huge price even for the entire Xuanhuang Sect!

As for Su Qianchen, he calmed down completely.

With his status, losing tens of millions of Emperor Origin Stones is nothing.

The only thing that concerned him a little was that his identity as the number one stone appraiser might be questioned.

Looking at Jiang Yun again, he looked even calmer than Su Qianchen.

It's not that Jiang Yunduo is confident that he can win this bet, but that he has a very indifferent view of money.

What's more, he has plenty of opportunities to make a profit.

As long as he no longer gambles with others, given him a few days, he can wipe out all the blood sealing stones in five shops in the entire four towns!

At that time, let alone 20 million Emperor Origin Stones, there is no problem with 200 million.

In this way, under everyone's gaze, the size of the blood-sealed stone Jiang Yun selected gradually became smaller.

This blood-sealed stone is not large in size. It was only the size of a human head at first.

Because the stakes were so high, the stone cutter was extra cautious and slowed down, for fear that he would damage the contents.

But when only half of the original volume was left, most people were already shaking their heads secretly.

In their hearts, they believed that Jiang Yun had lost.

As long as there are good things in the blood-sealed stone, various anomalies will basically appear during the cutting process.

The weirder the vision is and the more powerful it is, the greater the probability that something good will appear in the blood-sealed stone.

The blood-sealed stone chosen by Jiang Yun has been cut into half, but there is no abnormality at all. This can almost prove that there is nothing good in it.

It might even be empty!

Seeing this scene, the nervousness on the faces of Xuan Yi and others gradually dissipated.

The blood-sealing stone continued to be cut until it was only one-third of its original size, but there was still no abnormality.

At this time, someone among the onlookers couldn't help but said: "Don't look anymore, Xuanyuan Yun must have lost!"

Someone echoed: "Yes, the blood seal stone has been cut to this extent, and there is no longer any suspense in the result!"

The words of the two people also represented the voices of the vast majority of people present.

Uncle Gu Linxu, Gao Song, and Chen Jianye all frowned and looked gloomy.

Even the young men in the crowd shook their heads gently.

Obviously, no one is optimistic about this blood-sealed stone anymore, and no one believes that Jiang Yun can win this bet.

Only Jiang Yun's face remained calm.

In fact, Jiang Yun also felt that he had lost.

Although he knew that this blood seal stone could not be empty, and he also knew that the emperor's blood and seal inside were extremely powerful, this did not mean that what was hidden must be good things.

However, at this moment, Xuan Yi suddenly said: "Stop cutting!"

As his voice sounded, the stone-cutting monk stopped immediately. Everyone's eyes, even Su Qianchen's, looked at him, wondering what he meant by speaking up to stop him at this time.

Xuan Yi looked at Jiang Yun, with a smile on his face and said: "Xuanyuan Yun, do you dare to let me add more bets!"

After hearing his words, everyone suddenly realized that Xuan Yi was trying to add insult to injury.

Knowing that Jiang Yun was almost certain to lose, he deliberately increased the bet to make Jiang Yun lose more Emperor Origin Stones.

Although this approach was a bit despicable, everyone knew the grudges between Xuan Yi and Jiang Yun, so naturally it was impossible to say anything more.

Su Qianchen smiled and shook his head, but also did not speak.

Jiang Yun smiled coldly and said, "Young Master Xuan, do you think you have already won?"

Xuan Yi shook his head and said, "I dare not think so."

"Every monk present knows that no one knows what is inside the blood-sealed stone until it is actually cut open at the end."

"I just think what you just said makes sense."

“Either you go bankrupt and lose completely, or you win bigger.”

"Master Su brought half of the 20 million Emperor Source Stones you proposed. If I lose, 10 million will be deducted, and I will still have 3 million Emperor Source Stones left."

"There is no point in keeping these three million Emperor's Origin Stones, so I decided to take out another two million Emperor's Origin Stones to make up five million as a bet!"

These two million Emperor Source Stones are really the Emperor Source Stones that Xuan Yi owns at the bottom of the box.

When he saw that he was almost winning the bet, he naturally wanted to make more money as much as possible, so he took it out.

Before everyone came to their senses, Jin Yang, who was beside Xuan Yi, suddenly followed suit and said, "I'll take out another million too!"

Twenty-six million!

Many monks present felt that they were almost out of breath.

Not to mention seeing, they had never even heard of such a quantity of Emperor Origin Stones in their lives.

But now, someone actually wants to use it as a bet!

This is truly a waste of money!

Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Xuan Yi and Jin Yang who looked proud, thinking about whether he should agree or not.

And the voices of Gu Linxu and Gao Song sounded in his ears almost at the same time.

"Don't agree, just stop it!"

"Senior, I can't agree to this!"

If Jiang Yun agreed, it would be equivalent to giving six million Emperor Origin Stones to Xuan Yi and the others in vain.

However, Xuan Yi's voice sounded again: "Just now when you raised the bet to 20 million, we all happily agreed."

"Now it's your turn. If you don't agree, it won't be justified."

"That's right, we can't just allow you to increase the bet, but not allow us to increase the bet!"

Xuan Yi and Jin Yang kept talking to each other in order to force Jiang Yun to agree to increase the bet by another six million!

Finally, after a brief silence, Jiang Yun looked at the talented people beside Xuan Yi, laughed and said, "Since you two think so highly of me, it will be unreasonable for me not to agree."

"If anyone among you wants to raise your bet, why not round up the whole number, maybe 30 million!"

At this time, Jiang Yun no longer cares about winning or losing this gamble, or how much Emperor Origin Stone he will lose.

In his heart, he already had murderous intentions towards Xuan Yi and Jin Yang!

When I came to these four towns, I never took the initiative to provoke Xuan Yi and Jin Yang, but the two of them kept provoking me.

Jiang Yun has decided that after today's gambling is over, he will first go to Jishixuan and clean up the blood sealing stones.

Then, wait until the treasure appraisal conference is over, and then kill Xuan Yi and Jin Yang!

For others, they may not have the courage, but Jiang Yun is not from the four chaotic worlds at all, so he doesn't care about the rules of this world.

After killing him, the worst he can do is return to the All Heavens Gathering Area and hide for a while!

Therefore, Jiang Yun simply lets them be proud for a while now!

After Jiang Yun finished speaking, four young monks actually stood up from behind Xuan Yi and said: "Then each of us will give another one million Emperor Origin Stones!"

thirty million!

This number made Chen Jianye frown secretly.

Although he could take it out, he doubted whether what Jiang Yun had on him was worth thirty million!

Jiang Yun did not ask him again, but smiled coldly and said directly to the stone-cutting monk: "Keep cutting!"

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