Taoist world

Chapter 3845: Changing Attributes (Repair)

Faced with Jiang Yun's request, Xuan Yi couldn't help but sneer and said: "Haha, Xuanyuan Yun, you have only this ability, can't you afford to lose!"

Jiang Yun said calmly: "I have already lost six million Emperor Origin Stones, so why would I care about losing another four million."

"I just admire Master Su's stone appraisal skills very much, and I want to take this rare opportunity to learn from Master Su."

Having said this, Jiang Yun looked at Su Qianchen and said, "I think Master Su will not refuse my small request!"

Su Qianchen smiled slightly and said, "Brother Xuanyuan is serious. My stone appraisal skills are no worse than mine. I just have better luck."

"Brother, if you want to stay with me, you can of course. Even if brother Xuanyuan really wants to learn, I will not leave Sizhen City for the time being."

"After today, I will tell you my address. You are welcome to come to my place at any time. You and I can discuss it with each other!"

Su Qianchen's words sounded extremely grand to anyone, and made many stone appraisers jealous.

Not only is his ability to identify stones extremely superb, but his attitude is also so approachable, without the slightest airs.

If I could discuss the art of identifying stones with Su Qianchen, it would be a great opportunity that I could never ask for.

Jiang Yun also had a look of surprise on his face, and he bowed his hands to Su Qianchen and said, "Then I'll thank Master Su first!"

Su Qianchen nodded with a smile, said nothing, and continued to select the blood sealing stone.

And Jiang Yun really followed Su Qianchen without paying any attention to the undisguised contemptuous looks of Xuan Yi and others.

Su Qianchen really didn't mind and kept walking past the blood-sealed stones, browsing them very casually.

At the same time, Jiang Yun suddenly sent a message to Gu Linxu who was following behind him and asked: "Senior Gu, is it possible to change the properties of the things in the blood-sealed stone?"

Gu Linxu was slightly startled, not understanding the meaning of Jiang Yun's words and asked: "What does it mean to change the properties of things?"

"For example, the blood-sealed stone is obviously just a very ordinary thing, but someone can use some method to add some aura of the emperor to it."

“It’s like turning stone into gold, turning waste into treasure!”

Gu Linxu's expression suddenly changed, and he naturally understood: "You can't be doubting that Su Qianchen can do it, right?"

Jiang Yun did not answer, but he did have such suspicion! Identifying the blood seal stone, Jiang Yun himself is equivalent to cheating, he can clearly know what is in the blood seal stone.

Under such a premise, he actually lost to Su Qianchen three times in a row! Although it is possible that Su Qianchen's luck is better than his own, the question is, how come the things in the blood-sealed stone that Su Qianchen picks out every time are related to the emperor?

Jiang Yun has now seen nearly half of the blood-sealed stones here. Except for two incomplete imperial weapons, he has not found anything in the blood-sealed stones that has anything to do with the emperor.

Su Qianchen found it every time, which made Jiang Yun suspicious! If this suspicion is true, then Su Qianchen, the so-called first stone appraiser, is a complete liar.

Therefore, Jiang Yun asked to follow Su Qianchen, wanting to see if his guess was true.

Gu Linxu didn't care whether Jiang Yunli ignored him or not, and continued: "Little friend, you are overthinking. This situation is impossible to happen."

"It has been quite a long time since the Blood Sealing Stone appeared."

"In order to find out the secrets inside the blood-sealed stone, I don't know how many senior experts have tried all kinds of methods."

"Don't say that anyone can change the properties of the things inside. Even if you want to determine what is inside, no one can do it!"

"You are a little anxious now. Don't be anxious. Don't think wildly. Stay calm."

"As Su Qianchen said, you have a talent for identifying stones that no one else has, so you should have a chance to make a difference."

When Gu Linxu thought about it, Jiang Yun had already lost his sense of proportion, so he was desperately looking for various reasons to comfort himself.

In fact, Gu Linxu has always had doubts about Jiang Yun's identity as a stone appraiser.

But when he saw that there were things inside the three blood-sealed stones that Jiang Yun picked out one after another, he had no idea what was going on. He could only think that Jiang Yun was extremely talented in identifying stones.

Jiang Yun nodded silently, his suspicion of Su Qianchen not diminished by Gu Linxu's words.

Since he can see the things in the blood-sealed stone, it is not difficult to accept that someone can change the properties of the things in the blood-sealed stone.

Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist! At this moment, Su Qianchen finally picked up another blood-sealing stone.

And Jiang Yun also raised his head and looked over.

As if he didn't feel Jiang Yun's gaze, Su Qianchen stretched out his hand and gently clasped the blood-sealed stone.

So far, Su Qianchen's process of selecting the Blood Sealing Stone has not been hidden from others.

And his method of identifying blood sealing stones is clearly "buckle".

By tapping the blood seal stone and listening to the echoing sound inside, you can determine what is inside.

Although this method is the most sophisticated, there are very few people who can actually make accurate judgments.

Obviously, Su Qianchen is an exception.

In anyone's opinion, Su Qianchen's attainments in this method have reached the pinnacle, reaching a height unimaginable by other stone appraisers.

Jiang Yun's eyes seemed to be staring directly at Su Qianchen's every move, paying attention to every blow he made, but in fact Jiang Yun had already used the bloodline technique and could clearly see the blood sealing stone. internal.

The blood inside condensed into a shape somewhat like a lion.

Just when Jiang Yun wanted to bypass the bloodline and try to break the seal behind it, his body suddenly trembled slightly.

Because, he suddenly saw that as Su Qianchen's fingers continued to tap the surface of the blood-sealed stone, the lion condensed from the emperor's blood began to tremble slightly.

And amidst such trembling, it was vaguely visible that there were traces of threads extending from the surface of the lion. It did not stop until it touched the seal! Not only did Su Qianchen's finger tapping not stop, but it actually became faster and faster, so that the threads began to hit the surface of the seal constantly, as if they were trying to penetrate or break the seal.

Unfortunately, they failed to pass through the seal in the end.

At this moment, Su Qianchen suddenly stopped tapping his fingers and put the blood-sealed stone back into place.

When he raised his head, he saw Jiang Yun looking at him. He smiled and said, "I think there may be something good in this blood-sealed stone, but I'm not sure. Do you want to try it?"

Jiang Yun also laughed and said: "Since it is Master Su's recommendation, of course I have to give it a try!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun walked over and grabbed the blood-sealed stone.

Su Qianchen said nothing more, smiled and continued walking forward with his hands behind his back.

Looking at Su Qianchen's back, a cold light flashed in Jiang Yun's eyes.

Everything he had just witnessed made him almost certain that his guess was correct.

This Su Qianchen can really change the properties of things in the blood-sealed stone, or in other words, give the emperor's blood to those originally ordinary things, so that they can undergo some changes! However, this method of granting is not always tried and true.

It should depend on how powerful the emperor's blood and seal are within the blood seal stone.

Only by breaking or passing through the seal can this granting be successful.

This is how Su Qianchen can become the number one stone appraiser! What he is really good at is not the art of identifying stones, but this method of giving.

Jiang Yun even felt that this method might have something to do with the art of blood.

However, Jiang Yun did not think about these issues again.

Although he already knew Su Qianchen's secret, it was of little help to him at this moment.

Even if he told Su Qianchen's secret, everyone's attitude would be the same as Gu Linxu's, they wouldn't believe it at all! You still need to find a way to win today's bet! Thinking of this, Jiang Yun's eyes fell on the blood-sealed stone in his hand, and he slowly closed his eyes.

In his mind, the scene of Su Qianchen hitting the blood sealing stone just now appeared!

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