Taoist world

Chapter 3843: Watching and hearing the trigger (revision)

Jiang Yun finally decided to gamble with Su Qianchen.

Although this gambling method did give him no advantage, Su Qianchen also had no advantage.

Not to mention that Su Qianchen was only the number one stone appraiser. Even if he could see the inside of the blood-sealed stone, he would only be on the same starting line as himself. What both sides were fighting for was luck.

In addition, as Jiang Yun himself said, he really didn't care about the Emperor's Origin Stone.

If you lose, you lose.

What's more, if he loses today, it doesn't mean that he really has no ability to turn around.

Anyway, the five shops selling blood sealing stones in these four towns will not close down. As long as he is given a little time, he can continue to search these five shops.

Relying on the bloodline technique, he was still able to obtain a large amount of Emperor Origin Stones in a short period of time!

In addition, Jiang Yun also had doubts about Su Qianchen.

Jiang Yun had a vague feeling that the reason why Su Qianchen appeared here was not just to help Xuan Yi, but more specifically for himself!

But before today, I had never even heard of Su Qianchen's name. As the other party's number one stone appraiser, why was he interested in me?

Therefore, since Su Qianchen proposed this method of gambling, Jiang Yun didn't mind playing with him!

"Okay!" Su Qianchen said with a slight smile: "Brother Xuanyuan is indeed a happy person, let's start now!"

"As for the lottery, let's wait until we select the blood sealing stone before deciding, how about that?"

Jiang Yun said indifferently: "Okay, do we need to set a time limit for choosing the blood sealing stone? We can't keep choosing!"

Su Qianchen nodded and said, "That's right, half an hour at that time?"


As Jiang Yun finished speaking, Su Qianchen turned around and walked towards a blood-sealed stone.

Jiang Yun naturally stopped delaying and chose the opposite direction to Su Qianchen, heading towards another blood-sealed stone.

At this time, although nearly ten thousand monks followed the two men to the ninth floor hall, they all gathered at the door in tacit agreement. No one entered the hall at will, leaving the entire hall completely to Jiang Yun and Su Qianchen.

Gu Linxu, Xuan Yi and others naturally followed Jiang Yun and Su Qianchen respectively.

Especially Gu Linxu, who sincerely wanted to give Jiang Yun some help, so he quietly sent a message to Jiang Yun: "Generally speaking, the larger the blood-sealing stone, the greater the probability that there is something there."

"But if you want to make good products, you have to judge them based on their surface texture, color, and even the bulges of the particles, etc."

"Also, all the stores that sell blood sealing stones actually know this, so they sometimes deliberately make some blood sealing stones that meet the standards to confuse the public."

"For example, they would use stone cutters to artificially leave some lines on the surface of the blood seal stone, or polish it smoother."

“If you are not careful, you may be deceived, so be sure to look carefully.”

Although what Gu Linxu said was of little use to Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun knew that the other party had good intentions, so he nodded while listening.

Jiang Yun came to stand next to a blood-sealed stone the size of a basin, fixed his eyes on it, and reached out to grab it.

The blood-sealed stone is extremely hard, and there is no way to damage it except a specially made stone cutter, so it can be touched by hand.

However, each store has different rules.

Jishixuan's blood seal stone is hidden in a crystal box. Only if you really intend to buy it can you open the box and touch it with your hands.

The blood sealing stone here is placed directly there and can be touched by reaching out.

Identifying blood-sealing stones is just like a doctor treating a person. It can be divided into four different ways: sight, smell and touch.

The "touch" is naturally to touch it with your hands and feel the surface, weight, etc. of the blood-sealed stone.

And "buckle" is to knock the blood seal stone and listen to the sound coming from it to judge whether it is good or bad.

Each stone appraiser is good at different methods, some are proficient in seeing, some are proficient in touching, etc.

Jiang Yun held the blood sealing stone and weighed it gently. It seemed that he was feeling the weight of the blood sealing stone, but in fact he had quietly used the bloodline technique.

The blood sealing stone itself does have high and low grades.

The length of time it takes Jiang Yun to perform the bloodline technique and the sealing technique can determine the grade of the bleeding sealing stone.

He can now see through low-grade blood sealing stones in about ten breaths.

The longer it takes, the higher the grade of the Blood Sealing Stone will be.

However, this level of grade cannot be used as a criterion to judge the quality of the contents inside the blood-sealed stone. It can only indicate the strength of the emperor's blood and seal condensed in this blood-sealed stone!

It took Jiang Yun more than a hundred breaths to finally break the seal on this blood-sealed stone.

However, there was only a half-foot-long tree vine inside.

Jiang Yun remembered that this was called a rootless vine, and it was worth only a few thousand Emperor Origin Stones.

The price of this blood-sealing stone is five hundred thousand Emperor Origin Stones!

This made Jiang Yun sigh secretly. If someone really spent a lot of money to buy this blood-sealed stone, after cutting it open, they might really want to die.

Jiang Yun withdrew his gaze and continued walking towards the second blood seal stone.

Gu Linxu glanced at the blood-sealed stone the size of a washbasin and wanted to tell Jiang Yun that there should be something good in this piece, but in the end he did not speak.

This was a gambling fight between Jiang Yun and Su Qianchen. If Jiang Yun didn't take the initiative to ask, he couldn't tell, lest it affect Jiang Yun's judgment.

Looking at Su Qianchen, he was still looking at the first blood-sealing stone.

Compared to Jiang Yun who just looked and touched, his fingers kept tapping lightly on the blood-sealed stone at an extremely fast speed, like a butterfly flying through a flower, making it impossible for most people to see his movements clearly.

After about a moment, Su Qianchen also put down the blood-sealed stone in his hand and continued to the next blood-sealed stone.

In this way, in the same large nine-story hall, Jiang Yun and Su Qianchen continued to walk through the darkness.

No one spoke, only the occasional sound of banging on the blood sealing stone could be heard.

Seeing that half an hour was about to pass, Su Qianchen finally made the first choice. He took a blood-sealing stone and returned to his original position, waiting calmly for Jiang Yun.

At this time, Gu Linxu and others were becoming more and more nervous, because Jiang Yun had obviously not made a decision yet and was still choosing the blood sealing stone.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was indeed a little unsure.

Although he has looked at ten blood-sealed stones, the most valuable of them is just a incomplete imperial weapon, but the power it contains is far less than the ax he cut out before, and it is only worth a million emperor's source stones at most. .

In fact, the price was not low, but the key was that he had no idea what was in the blood-sealed stone in Su Qianchen's hand.

Finally, at the last moment when the time limit came, Jiang Yun grabbed a blood-sealed stone and walked back to the same place.

Su Qianchen said with a smile: "Let me decide the lottery this time!"

Jiang Yun thought for a while and said: "This blood-sealed stone is worth one million Emperor's Source Stones, so the lottery should be the same as it, one million Emperor's Source Stones!"

Upon hearing this, Xuan Yi couldn't help but said: "Don't you say you like to have fun?"

"Why not just bet all the Emperor's Origin Stones at once!"

Jiang Yun looked at him with a half-smile but said, "Young Master Xuan, are you sure you want me to bet all the Emperor's Origin Stones at once?"

Xuan Yi opened his mouth. Although he wanted to say he was sure, in the end he could only say coldly: "Whatever you are willing to pay, I will accompany you anyway!"

Jiang Yun ignored him at all, looked at Su Qianchen and said: "Millions of Emperor Origin Stones!"

Su Qianchen smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

Someone from Shitaixuan came over immediately. After collecting the Imperial Origin Stones from both sides, the monks responsible for cutting the stones also appeared.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath again, waiting for the result of Jiang Yun and Su Qianchen's first gambling fight!

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