Taoist world

Chapter 3832 Betting on Luck (Revision)

"Oh?" Jiang Yun had a look of surprise on his face, looked at Xuan Yi and said: "Of course no one would have too much Emperor Origin Stone!"

"If Young Master Xuan really has any way to earn Emperor Origin Stones, I would naturally be interested!"

Although Jiang Yun knew very well that Xuan Yi had no good intentions at all when he came to find him.

The so-called earning more Emperor Origin Stones must have been a trap waiting for him.

However, since this is Jishixuan and what is sold here is the Blood Sealing Stone, no matter what trap Xuan Yi digs, it must be related to the Blood Sealing Stone.

As for the blood sealing stone, I am afraid that no one in the entire Four Chaos Realms has more confidence than Jiang Yun, so Jiang Yun doesn't care at all what traps the other party will dig for him.

Xuan Yi smiled slightly and said: "It's very simple, the two of us make a bet!"

Jiang Yun blinked and said, "What are you betting on?"

"Bet to see who has better luck!"

Xuan Yi stretched out his hand and pointed at the blood-sealed stones floating around him and said: "We are here, each buy some blood-sealed stones, and then cut them open on the spot to see whose blood-sealed stone has more things!"

"The one with more is the winner, the one with less is the loser, how about that!"

With a thought in his mind, Jiang Yun already understood what Xuan Yi meant.

Xuan Yi is deliberately stimulating himself so that he can buy more blood sealing stones and help Ji Shixuan consume more inventory!

The blood-sealed stone is certainly valuable, but if it cannot be sold, it is just a pile of useless stones.

After so many years, except for treasure appraisal conferences, fewer and fewer people buy blood seal stones.

The blood-sealed stones used for auction at the treasure appraisal conference were carefully selected by each store, and the quantity was not too large.

No matter whether it is Jishixuan or the other four shops, no one is willing to cut all the blood-sealed stones that cannot be sold by themselves. The price is too high, so they can only continue to put them in their respective stores. In warehouses and stores.

As a result, more and more blood sealing stones accumulated.

Therefore, now that Xuan Yi proposes to bet luck with Jiang Yun, the real purpose is to make Jiang Yun shed some blood and buy more blood sealing stones.

After thinking about this, Jiang Yun calmly glanced at all the blood-sealed stones around him and found that their prices had all turned into 10,000 Emperor Origin Stones!

Moreover, those extra blood sealing stones are obviously smaller than the previous blood sealing stones in terms of volume alone.

Jiang Yun's eyes flashed, and he suddenly understood.

"I'm afraid, these blood sealing stones should have been placed in the halls on the first three floors."

"Their original price would not exceed five thousand Emperor Source Stones at most, or even only worth one thousand Emperor Source Stones."

"Now it costs me ten times the price to buy it!"

"As for Xuan Yi, it seems that he will buy these Blood Sealing Stones at the same price as me, but as a member of Shi Xuan in this episode, the Emperor Origin Stone he spent is actually just exchanging his left hand for his right hand."

"In short, they caught me alone and wanted to take that ax back!"

The fact is just as Jiang Yun speculated!

After Xuan Yi heard about Jiang Yun and Jin Yang's instigation, he was thinking about how to get revenge on Jiang Yun.

Beating Jiang Yun or killing Jiang Yun, even if it could be done extremely secretly, it would be easy for outsiders to guess that Jishixuan did it.

In that case, it will have a great impact on Ji Shixuan's reputation.

If others don't sell you anything, you will beat them or kill them secretly. Then who will dare to come to Jishixuan to buy blood sealing stones in the future!

Therefore, Xuan Yi and others came up with this idea.

While Jiang Yun was busy recording the various things cut out of the blood-sealing stones, Xuanyi and the others sent people to place some of the inferior blood-sealing stones that could only be placed in the first three floors of the hall, especially the first floor. , moved to the fourth and fifth floors, and unified prices.

After all, the blood-sealing stones sold on the first three floors were too cheap. Even if Jiang Yun agreed to the bet, he wouldn't be able to make much money.

Therefore, although they already knew when Jiang Yun stepped into Jishixuan, they did not show up and deliberately waited for Jiang Yun on the fourth floor!

As for winning or losing the bet, it does require some luck, but the stone appraisers brought by Xuan Yi and the others have already studied these blood-sealed stones and speculated on which blood-sealed stones will contain things.

If Jiang Yun happens to pick these blood sealing stones and has the possibility of winning, then they will set the bet at a low point.

In the end, even if they lost the bet, they had already made a profit by earning Jiang Yun's Emperor Origin Stone at ten times the price difference!

In short, Xuan Yi and the others have made as many preparations as possible, just to make Jiang Yun lose everything!

Seeing Jiang Yun's delay in speaking, Jin Yang couldn't help but urge: "How about it, do you dare to bet?"

Xuan Yi also smiled and said: "Since you can cut out an imperial weapon by buying a blood seal stone, you must be lucky."

"You also know that luck is also part of our strength!"

In addition to the two of them, the group of monks following Xuan Yi also spoke one after another and continued to encourage Jiang Yun.

Listening to the instigation of these people, Jiang Yun looked at all of them with a half-smile but said, "Are you all going to bet with me, or is it just Young Master Xuan who will bet with me?"

Xuan Yi said: "Of course I will bet with you alone."

Although the status of these monks is not as good as that of Xuan Yi, like Jin Yang, they are also the geniuses of various sects in Supreme City. They have some relationship with Jishixuan and are in the same group as Xuan Yi.

Hearing Xuan Yi's answer, Jiang Yun suddenly lowered his face and said: "Since you don't want to bet, then shut up!"

Jiang Yun's attitude changed the expressions of these people. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yun dared to tell people like him to shut up.

Jiang Yun already knew the intrigue of this bet and the identity of these people. He felt extremely disgusted in his heart and naturally he would not look good on them.

Just when Jin Yang was about to teach Jiang Yun a lesson, Jiang Yun smiled coldly and said, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I won't make this bet!"

Upon hearing this, Jin Yang immediately shut his mouth, and no one else dared to speak.

If Jiang Yun stops gambling, then all their previous efforts will be in vain, and there will be nothing they can do against Jiang Yun.

Xuan Yi also deliberately said: "Okay, everyone, please stop saying a few words. Our bet is just for fun."

"My friend, are you interested? It doesn't matter if you're not interested."

Jiang Yun pondered for a moment and said, "I'm interested, but there are a few issues I'm not very clear about yet."

Xuan Yi smiled and said, "What's the problem?"

Jiang Yun pointed at the blood-sealed stones around him and said, "Are we looking at whose blood-sealed stone has the most things cut out of it, or are we looking at the value of these things?"

Xuan Yi said: "It's natural to compare quantity. It would be too troublesome to compare value. After all, the value of everything is difficult to calculate."

Jiang Yun then asked: "How many blood sealing stones will each person choose?"

"At least ten yuan!" Xuan Yi said with a smile: "If it's too little, it won't be interesting."

"If we feel it's not enough, we can gamble a few more times."

"Of course, if you want to choose more, you can."

Jiang Yun continued: "What's the bet?"

"The bet should be based on the number of blood sealing stones we choose!"

“The more you choose, the higher the stakes; the fewer you choose, the lower the stakes.”

After listening to Xuan Yi's words, Jiang Yun smiled and said: "It sounds quite fair!"

Xuan Yi laughed and said: "That's natural. In fact, the bet is on our respective luck."

"In front of so many people, I can't do anything bad even if I want to!"

"Okay!" Jiang Yun nodded and said, "However, I want to take a look at these blood sealing stones first. When I came last time, there were obviously not so many!"

Xuan Yi spread his hands and said: "Of course, please do it!"

Many monks would look at the blood seal stone over and over for a long time before buying it, so Xuan Yi had no doubts about Jiang Yun's request.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly, ignored Xuan Yi and others, and slowly walked towards all the blood-sealed stones with his hands behind his back!

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