Taoist world

Chapter 3823: An Imperial Weapon (Repair)

"If the prediction is correct, he should be Dongfang or Gu Yun!"

Looking at Jiang Yun, this thought passed through Gu Qianxi's mind.

As an Eldar, her senses are also extremely sharp.

In that big formation of four races, she was the only one besides Jiang Yun who could sense that there was something wrong with that formation.

Now, although Jiang Yun had changed his appearance, she could still feel a familiar aura from Jiang Yun's body.

What's more, Jiang Yun's behavior and attitude towards Jin Yang were very similar to the character displayed by Jiang Yun in the Emperor's Cave, which led Gu Qianxi to make such a judgment.

Although she guessed that Jiang Yun was Gu Yun, she still couldn't figure it out: "What is his identity?"

You know, after she and Xu Longxiang came out of the Emperor's Cave, they each sent people to inquire about all the news about Jiang Yun, but naturally they found nothing.

But now, Jiang Yun not only appeared in these four towns, but he also looked very wealthy. He casually took out 10,000 Emperor's Origin Stones and bought a Blood Sealing Stone, which really made Gu Qianxi even more curious about Jiang Yun's origins. .

As for others, naturally they were unable to discover this.

However, their attention was not on Jiang Yun, but on the blood-sealed stone the size of a human head.

This blood-sealed stone is actually quite famous in Jishixuan, and even in the entire four towns.

It's not just this piece. In fact, among the five shops, everyone is somewhat impressed by the blood-sealed stones that are priced slightly higher and have been looked at for many years but no one buys.

After all, these blood seal stones are placed there every day, especially the high-priced ones. They have been placed there for hundreds or thousands of years, and they have long been remembered by people.

Unexpectedly, someone actually bought this blood seal stone today.

This naturally made everyone around him very excited, and they couldn't wait to see if there was anything inside.

Only Jiang Yun was extremely calm. He already knew that there was a broken ax inside, so he was more concerned about whether the ax was worth anything!

The older monk in charge of cutting the stone held down the blood-sealed stone with one hand and the stone-cutting knife with the other. He looked up at Jiang Yun and said, "Are you sure you want to cut it?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "OK!"

Following Jiang Yun's second confirmation, the older monk said no more, and the stone cutting knife in his hand was already moving!

Suddenly, a large amount of stone chips began to fall one after another!

Although the blood-sealed stone is a bit large, the monk's sword movement speed is extremely fast, so the blood-sealed stone is rapidly becoming smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Suddenly, the blood-sealed stone made a vibrating sound, and it vibrated continuously, causing the stone-cutting monk's hand to stop immediately.

This scene naturally made everyone's eyes light up and their eyes widened.

In this case, it is almost certain that there is not only something in the blood seal stone, but it may also be a good thing.

Especially Jin Yang, who suddenly said: "Stop cutting!"

Jiang Yun turned to look at him with a half-smile but said, "Jin Shaozong, how many Emperor Origin Stones are you going to give me this time to buy this Blood Sealing Stone?"

"If the quantity is too small, I advise you not to speak, so as not to hurt your own self-esteem!"

Jin Yang simply wanted to eat Jiang Yun alive.

This blood-sealing stone was originally his first choice, but because of his hesitation, Jiang Yun took it away.

To him, this was equivalent to Jiang Yun snatching the blood seal stone from him, forcing him to buy it back at a higher price now.

Jin Yang gritted his teeth and said: "Fifty thousand Emperor Origin Stones!"

A contemptuous smile appeared on Jiang Yun's face, he shook his head, turned around, ignored him at all, and said to the stone-cutting monk: "Keep cutting!"

"One hundred thousand!"

Jin Yang gritted his teeth and spoke again.

This price is really not low anymore.

Many people are secretly thinking to themselves that if it were themselves, they would definitely agree.

Even Gao Song next to Jiang Yun couldn't help but wink at Jiang Yun, thinking that Jiang Yun could be sold.

But no one would have thought that the higher the price quoted by Jin Yang, the less likely Jiang Yun would be able to sell the blood-sealed stone.

Because he knew very well that the price quoted by Jin Yang came from the prompts of the stone appraiser behind him.

This also shows that the contents of the Blood Sealed Stone are very likely to far exceed the 100,000 Emperor Origin Stones.

Otherwise, with Jin Yang's character, it would be impossible to make a loss-making business.

Of course, what's more important is that Jiang Yun doesn't care about a mere hundred thousand Emperor Origin Stones.

Jiang Yun still ignored Jin Yang and said to the stone-cutting monk: "Cut!"

The stone-cutting monk quietly exerted force on his palm to hold down the shaking blood-sealed stone, and the stone-cutting knife started moving again.

Only this time, his speed was much slower, obviously because he was worried that he would cut the contents of the blood sealing stone.

After all, the Blood Sealing Stone is now in a state of shock, making it even more difficult to strike.

Jin Yang glared at Jiang Yun fiercely, but he was reluctant to let go of the blood sealing stone, so he still looked at the blood sealing stone.


Only a moment passed, and a crisp sound of gold and iron clashing suddenly came.

The stone-cutting knife was suddenly broken, and the tip of the knife flew straight above the head of the stone-cutting monk like lightning, sank into the high ceiling, and disappeared without a trace.

Without waiting for everyone to react to what was going on, the stone-cutting monk's expression suddenly changed, and the palm that had been pressing on the blood-sealed stone suddenly pressed down, and a ball of red light burst out from the palm of his hand, forming a circle. Zhang Guangwang completely wrapped the entire blood sealing stone.

But even so, some people with keen senses, such as Jiang Yun and Gu Qianxi, still felt an extremely sharp aura permeating from the blood-sealed stone, sending a chill down everyone's body!

There was dead silence among the crowd at this moment!

Everyone was stunned and looked shocked.

This was the first time for most of them to see this situation, and it could be said that it greatly exceeded their expectations.

Although Gu Qianxi and others were also a little shocked, they were still normal.

Even the stone appraiser behind Gu Qianxi said softly: "It looks like there should be an imperial weapon inside!"

Although his voice was soft, Jiang Yun heard it clearly, and it made his heart move.

He also thought of the title Imperial Weapon before, but he didn't expect that he was fooled.

At this moment, Jin Yang suddenly glared fiercely at the stone appraiser behind Gu Qianxi and said, "Silence!"

Then, he said to Jiang Yun: "Two hundred thousand Emperor Origin Stones, I'll buy you this blood-sealed stone!"

Although he also knew that Jiang Yun would almost certainly not agree to this situation, he still did not give up.

After finishing these words, he added another sentence via voice transmission: "Boy, this was originally my blood sealing stone, it belongs to me!"

Jiang Yun suddenly raised his voice, looked at the stone-cutting monk who had stopped and said, "Why, is it possible that your Ji Shixuan is incapable of cutting this blood-sealed stone!"

"If not, then I will find another store!"

This stone-cutting monk naturally knew Jin Yang, so every time Jin Yang opened his mouth, he would deliberately stop the stone-cutting knife in his hand.

Being pointed out by Jiang Yun at this moment made him glare at Jiang Yun with displeasure, but in the end he did not dare to say anything. Instead, he raised his wrist, and a stone knife appeared in his hand again, and he continued to cut.

Jin Yang took a deep breath, and actually still said to Jiang Yun: "I offer five hundred thousand, if you don't agree, although you can walk out of this episode of Shixuan alive today, I guarantee that you will not leave Sizhen City alive! "

Jiang Yun finally turned his head, looked at Jin Yang, and said loudly: "Jin Shaozong, there is no need to send any more messages to threaten me."

"Now that this blood seal stone has been cut to this extent, do you think I can still sell it to you?"

"Don't worry, I will come again in this episode of Shi Xuan. When the time comes, if there is another suitable blood sealing stone, maybe I will consider it and sell it to you first!"


As Jiang Yun finished speaking, he heard a loud noise, and the blood-sealed stone finally opened in response!

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