Taoist world

Chapter 3808: The City of the Emperor (Revision)

They were said to be acquaintances, but in fact Jiang Yun was not familiar with him either, and he didn't even know his name! However, Jiang Yun believed that the other party would definitely answer all his questions! With a slight smile, Jiang Yun directly raised his legs and stepped into the restaurant. He refused the waiter who came to greet him, came to the other party's table, and sat down alone! Sitting on this table was a somewhat fat man, enjoying himself with a few plates of dishes and a pot of wine, enjoying himself leisurely.

Seeing Jiang Yun sitting familiarly at his desk, the man couldn't help but be slightly startled.

He was not in a hurry to drive Jiang Yun away, but narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Yun up and down a few times. He was quickly thinking about Jiang Yun's origins and thinking about where he had seen Jiang Yun before.

Jiang Yun didn't say anything. He picked up the wine bottle on the table without any ceremony. He didn't even use a wine glass, but directly put it to his mouth and poured two large sips.

As Jiang Yun put down the wine bottle, the man finally couldn't help but said: "Brother, I'm sorry for my stupidity, but do we know each other?"

Jiang Yun replied simply: "I don't know you, but we have met once, so we don't know each other until we fight!"

Jiang Yun's answer made the man frown and said, "Brother, can you give me some tips? I really can't remember when I have met you and fought against you."

Jiang Yun said calmly: "Supreme City, on the road leading to the Three Emperors Sect."

"By the way, you have two companions, why aren't they here?

Could it be that the spoils were divided unevenly, so they parted ways? "

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, the man's brows were still furrowed. After thinking seriously for a moment, he shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, brother, I've always been a loner. I don't have many companions, and I've never been to Sanya before." Emperor Zong."

"I think brother may have admitted the wrong person."

"I've finished eating and I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave now. Brother, please help yourself."

After finishing speaking, the man stood up and prepared to leave.

However, as soon as his body moved, he found a strong pressure covering his body, making it impossible for him to stand up at all.

This made the man's expression suddenly change: "Brother, what do you mean?"

Jiang Yun said with a smile: "Since you have already remembered it, why are you still pretending here?"

"Don't worry, the last time you blocked me and robbed me is over, and I won't pursue it again, so you don't have to be afraid."

When Jiang Yun entered the Four Chaos Realm for the first time, halfway from the Human Emperor Sect to the Three Emperors Sect, he encountered three monks who were blocking the road and robbing him.

The fat man in front of me was the head of the three people that day! It was precisely because of meeting these three people that Jiang Yun had a clear understanding of the cultivation strength of the Four Chaotic Realms.

These three people are only at the peak of the Yuanfa Realm, but their strength is comparable to about the fifth or sixth level of the Broken Law Realm, and they have crossed a huge realm! Therefore, Jiang Yun remembered these three people very clearly, and he never expected that he would actually see this man in these four towns! Jiang Yun had changed his appearance, and the man didn't recognize him. But when Jiang Yun mentioned the Three Emperors Sect just now, he clearly felt that the man's heartbeat accelerated a lot, so he knew that he was deliberately being pretentious.

Sure enough, as Jiang Yun finished speaking, a flattering smile appeared on the man's face: "Brother, no, no, no, senior, when you said that, I finally remembered."

"Senior, this is a new look. Naturally, I can't recognize him."

"What happened back then was because I was obsessed with money. I would like to apologize to my seniors here."

While speaking, the man cupped his hands towards Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun ignored him and drank the wine from the pot.

The man continued: "Senior, you are now famous in the Four Chaos Realms. Why do you come here when you have time?"

Jiang Yun put down the wine bottle in his hand, looked at the man and said, "Famous?"

Jiang Yun really didn't understand what the other party meant. How could he be famous in the world of chaos? Seeing Jiang Yun's reaction, the man rolled his eyes and said, "Why, senior doesn't know?"

"Is it possible that the senior has not returned to Supreme City after he came out of the Emperor's Cave?"

It has to be said that this man is quite shrewd. He can judge Jiang Yun's general experience just by relying on Jiang Yun's words.

Jiang Yun did not answer, but thought, how could the other party know that he had entered the Emperor's Cave?

Until now, Jiang Yun didn't know that the situation after he and others entered the Emperor's Cave had been reflected in the sky of the entire Four Chaotic Realms! Especially after he revealed his true appearance, coupled with Jin Yang's hatred for him, many people already knew his name.

Jiang Yun looked at the man calmly and said, "What's your name?"

The man hurriedly said: "Takamatsu!"

Jiang Yun didn't bother to worry about whether the other party spoke his real name or a pseudonym, and said calmly: "Gao Song, tell me in detail what happened after I entered the Emperor's Cave!"

This request was not difficult for Takamatsu, so he nodded and told what happened that day.

Jiang Yun listened expressionlessly, and quickly recalled the situation in his mind. Naturally, he understood that after entering the great formation, the reason why Emperor Hao did not let the outside world watch was to prevent his true purpose from being exposed.

"Later, the Emperor's Cave disappeared. We all thought that you had either been killed or disappeared with the Emperor's Cave."

"However, just a few days ago, Lu Zisu and Gu Qianxi returned to their respective ethnic groups. Only then did we know that you did not disappear, but were randomly sent to different places."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun glanced at Gao Song and said, "Have they all gone back?"


Gao Song nodded and said, "Senior is the only one who never showed up."

"I didn't expect that senior would appear in these four towns, and I was lucky enough to meet him!"

Jiang Yun quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Lu Zisu turned back to Lu Fengzong safely. This was good news for him.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Yun then asked: "Didn't any of them tell us what they experienced at the end of the Emperor's Cave?"

Gao Song shook his head and said: "No, they are very tight-lipped about the outside world. They probably only told their respective families."

Jiang Yun can also understand this.

Although they knew that Emperor Hao was a false emperor, in the minds of Xu Longxiang and others, Emperor Hao was the real emperor.

There is a great emperor who is still alive but imprisoned. This news is too important and of course cannot be leaked out easily.

Even Jiang Yun could imagine that these major sect groups, including Lu Fengzong, must be using their greatest strength to find everything related to Emperor Hao.

However, these things have nothing to do with Jiang Yun anymore.

The inheritance of Emperor Hao is now with him, and there is no need to look for him anymore.

At this time, Gao Song suddenly lowered his voice with a playful smile: "Senior, what happened at the end of the Imperial Cave?"

"Also, does the Great Emperor's inheritance exist, and who got it?"

Jiang Yun glanced at him and said, "If you want to know, then tell me first, what is going on in these four towns?"

Although Jiang Yun didn't know Gao Song's origin, it was not difficult to see that he was an all-rounder.

This kind of person may not have any other strengths, but he is absolutely well-informed.

As for whether the other party would doubt his origin, Jiang Yun was not worried. Anyway, Jiang Yun had already made up his mind to follow him in these four towns.

The worst thing is, wait until you leave here and then erase the other person's memory! Jiang Yun's question indeed caused a flash of doubt in Gao Song's eyes, but he quickly regained his composure and said, "Senior, the origins of these four towns are very long."

Jiang Yun said calmly: "Then order two more bottles of wine and speak slowly!"


Gao Song was stunned for a moment and then said with a wry smile: "I'll keep the story short. These four towns are actually called Zhendi City!"

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