Taoist world

Chapter 3789 Four Clans Formation (Repair)

Emperor Hao's voice sounded at this time, making everyone's hearts move, and their eyes showed a little light of expectation and hope.

Although Emperor Hao said he was disappointed with the five of them, since he was willing to speak, it meant that he should have given him and others some help.

Sure enough, Emperor Hao then said: "This darkness is actually covered by formations, and the positions of the four of you were originally above the formation's eye."

"If you can discover the existence of the formation early and use your own power to activate the formation, then you can naturally use the power of the formation to deal with these skeletons."

The other four people were still a little confused about what Emperor Hao said, but Jiang Yun understood it immediately.

As early as when Jiang Yun first entered the darkness, he had already noticed the existence of the formation.

However, the Emperor's skeleton and countless coffins suddenly appeared shortly after, so he was always busy fighting with the skeletons and had no time to think about the formation.

Now, combined with Emperor Hao's words, he finally remembered that indeed, he could use the power of formations.

And the four people above the formation eye mentioned by Emperor Hao were naturally Lu Zisu and the four of them.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun hastily sent a message to Lu Zisu: "Miss Lu, quickly return to the position where you entered here before and try to activate the formation!"

At this moment, Lu Zisu was completely helpless.

After all, she was just a mediocre sealer. Not only was she weak in strength, but she also lacked experience in fighting with people, let alone being in such a weird environment.

And Jiang Yun has naturally become the person she trusts the most now.

Therefore, after hearing Jiang Yun's words, she immediately turned around without hesitation and walked back to where she came from.

As for the other three, their reactions were much stronger than Lu Zisu's.

Although they were not sure whether they were one of the four people at the center of the formation, at this time, they didn't need Jiang Yun's reminder at all, and they had already turned around and walked towards where they came from.

Fortunately, the distance they have penetrated is not too far, and when they came all the way, they basically smashed and defeated the skeletons blocking the way, so it is not too difficult to go back now.

Even in terms of speed, it was even faster than before.

After just a few breaths, the four people had returned to their original positions one after another.

The demonic element of the demon clan was the first to return to its position, and its spiritual consciousness was emitted. After feeling it for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he let out a loud roar.

His body was instantly covered with countless black magic patterns, and the power in his body immediately surged towards the darkness below him.

"Buzz buzz!"

As his power poured in, waves of trembling sounds were heard.

From under his feet, black rays of light lit up and enveloped his body.

And the skeletons that were rushing toward him suddenly slowed down and even began to retreat toward the rear, clearly daring not to get close to the black light.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this scene, Mo Yuan suddenly let out a proud laugh.

And the black light that enveloped him became more and more numerous and brighter, so that it gradually condensed around his body into a black figure a hundred feet tall, with a vague appearance and a faint protrusion above his head. Two long horns.

Except for Demon Yuan, the other three people also activated their power and poured into the darkness below them after returning to their respective positions.

There was also light rushing out of the darkness and wrapping their bodies.

Lu Zisu's body was wrapped in white light, which also condensed into a huge white figure.

Although I couldn't see clearly what she looked like, I could vaguely tell that she was a woman.

Gu Qianxi's body was wrapped in red light, which condensed into a huge shadow that had no fixed shape but was shaped like a burning flame.

Xu Longxiang's body was wrapped in cyan light, and the condensed shadow was the clearest. It was a giant winding dragon!

With the appearance of these four kinds of light and four shadows, lights of the same color lit up at the feet of the four people. One after another light, in the shape of lines, spread in all directions. Looking around, they were all No end in sight.

The skeletons lingering around the four of them, as well as the skeletons on the line of light, not only started to retreat together, but the line of light also had a certain degree of lethality to them, as long as they touched the light The parts either collapsed or dissipated directly.

These successive changes finally made Lu Zisu and the four of them feel at ease. They each took a long breath, and their previous worries were gone.

The power of this formation is indeed extremely powerful. As soon as it was activated, these skeletons were already defeated.

If he and others could have discovered it earlier, there would be no need to risk their lives like just now and go deep into the skeletons to launch an attack.

The four people once again firmly believed in their previous ideas.

Although it was dangerous to fight for the inheritance of the Great Emperor, there was no risk of life after all. At the critical moment, Emperor Hao still came to the rescue.

At this moment, although Jiang Yun did not activate the power of the formation, the lines of light spreading from four directions also passed through his position, causing the skeletons surrounding him to retreat one after another.

Jiang Yun naturally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It seems that I am really the redundant person!"

"Since it is redundant, why did I want to give up the fight for the Great Emperor's inheritance twice, but Emperor Hao refused to let me leave!"

Jiang Yun didn't think much about this problem. After confirming that he was temporarily safe, he also released his consciousness and looked in all directions.

Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness is far superior to that of monks of the same level, so he can completely cover the entire darkness.

Under this cover, he also saw the situation of Lu Zisu and the four others, and saw the radiant shadows on their bodies.

Looking at these shadows, Jiang Yun said to himself: "The shadows appearing on the four of them clearly correspond to their respective ethnic groups."

"In other words, this formation should have been set up by one person from each of the four ancient tribes."

"No wonder, Emperor Hao will always maintain the number of people like us, just to activate this formation."

While speaking, Jiang Yun's brows suddenly wrinkled and he said: "But, since the strength of this formation is so powerful, how do we choose the right person to inherit it?"

"With the power of the formation, there is no need for them to take action again. They just need to seize the time and go to the place where the emperor's bones are!"

"Compared to others, it seems that I am closest to the emperor's bones. So should I compete for this inheritance?"

At the same time, the other four people were also thinking about the same problem, that is, their ultimate goal was to obtain the inheritance of the emperor, and they needed to reach the emperor's bones.

Standing still can certainly prevent the skeletons from approaching, but it will definitely not get the bones of the earth.

However, if you leave this position, will the figures and light surrounding your body dissipate?

After hesitating for a moment, Mo Yuan was the first to take a cautious step forward. The result also surprised him very much. The figure shrouding his body did not dissipate.

At this time, Mo Yuan really didn't care anymore, and immediately accelerated his body shape, rushing towards the bones of the earth with all his strength.

Now, he just hopes that the other four people haven't noticed this yet and still stay where they are. In this case, he can be the first to reach the emperor's skeleton and win the emperor's inheritance!

Naturally, the flying magic element could not be hidden from Jiang Yun, and he also made a decision. Although he did not attach too much importance to this emperor's inheritance, now that he had the opportunity, why not fight for it!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun's figure suddenly rushed towards the location of the emperor's bones!

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