Taoist world

Chapter 3734: Seeing Mengyuan Again (Revision)

The figure of the Fateful Heavenly Lord rose into the air and flew towards the depths of this world.

And Jiang Yun didn't ask where the Fengming Tianzun was taking him, and followed him obediently.

Only then did he have the opportunity to see what the world was like.

However, at first glance, he couldn't help but be shocked!

The area of ​​the entire world is not that big. Although it is roughly the same as the environment in other worlds, everything here is impressively condensed by seals!

Whether it's mountains as high as 10,000 feet or vast grasslands.

Even an ordinary stone or an ordinary piece of grass is a seal!

This situation really shocked Jiang Yun!

This is just like the world of Dao patterns created by Ji Kongfan that he once visited. That world was entirely composed of Dao patterns, and this world is entirely composed of seals.

Moreover, seals are naturally meant to seal something, whether it is a person or an object.

This world is the world where the Fate-Sealing Heavenly Lord lives all year round. Even though he is personally in charge of this world, he still has to create so many seals, which makes Jiang Yun feel curious.

What is sealed here!

The Fate-Sealing Heavenly Lord did not go to explain to Jiang Yun, but he deliberately flew slowly, obviously to let Jiang Yun feel these seals.

In this way, after flying for more than half an hour, a huge lake appeared in front of the two of them, and the Fateful Heavenly Lord stopped.

Jiang Yun's eyes were a little straight when he looked at the lake.

Because wherever the lake is, there are countless nearly transparent seals.

At this time, Jiang Yun finally couldn't help but ask: "Why are there so many seals here? Where is this lake?"

Fate Tianzun's face showed a bit of solemnity and said: "This is the forbidden area of ​​the entire heaven gathering area!"

Fate Tianzun did not answer Jiang Yun's first question, and Jiang Yun still didn't understand the so-called forbidden area.

However, Fengming Tianzun did not explain any more, and just said in a deep voice: "You have to watch it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and patted the lake below that was filled with endless seals.

This palm seemed to be random, but Jiang Yun could clearly see that just as the palm of Fengming Tianzun was slapping, a large amount of heavenly power had already swarmed in from all directions, and at an extremely fast speed, it hit him Under the palm of his hand, it condensed into a seal.

Jiang Yun could naturally tell that this was a deliberate demonstration of the sealing technique by the Fate-Sealing Heavenly Lord.

When it comes to the art of sealing, Fengming Tianzun is definitely the number one person in the entire universe.

Being able to see him perform the seal in person was an extremely rare opportunity, so Jiang Yun would not miss it. He opened his eyes wide, opened his consciousness, and carefully observed the condensation of the power of heaven and the formation of the seal.

Jiang Yun is actually no stranger to seals.

Because among the nine demon refining techniques, there is a demon seal.

With Jiang Yun's current level of cultivation and vision, it is already clear that whether it is the Dao Domain of Destruction or the Gathering Domain of the Heavens, the magic and magical powers in the world, including seals, actually have rules to follow. It is not an exaggeration to say that we reach the same destination through different paths.

The difference is nothing more than the difference in control over power, etc., which creates the difference in power.

Although the demon-sealing seal created by Ye Guchen when he was in the realm of human nature is not comparable to the sealing technique of the Fate-Sealing Heavenly Lord, in terms of power, since they are both seals, they have similar approaches but the same effect.

Therefore, Jiang Yun really gained something after careful observation.

The seal, which was only the size of a palm, slowly fell towards the lake under the pressure of the Fate-Sealing Heavenly Lord.

When the seal finally touched the lake surface gently, it was like a drop of cold water suddenly falling into hot oil. All the seals in the entire lake suddenly boiled!

Countless seals rolled crazily, completely submerging the seal originating from the Fate-Sealing Heavenly Lord in an instant.

However, these seals are almost transparent, and Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness is also extremely powerful, so he can still see the seal clearly.

The seal seemed to melt away, and seemed to be torn into countless fragments as small as dust, quickly submerging into those transparent seals.

"Bah bang bang!"

In an instant, countless crisp cracking sounds sounded continuously from the lake.

A large number of transparent seals exploded.

And after they exploded, the fragments they turned into continued to be submerged into other seals, and then other seals also exploded.

Just like this, like a chain reaction, until all the transparent seals exploded!

Jiang Yun finally understood that the Fate-Sealing Heavenly Lord was unsealing all the seals in the lake.

And this really amazed Jiang Yun.

The number of seals in the lake is almost endless.

However, the Fate-Sealing Heavenly Lord only used one seal to break the countless seals.

The whole process sounds slow, but in reality it is extremely fast.

From the time the seals touched the lake to the time they all shattered, it didn't even take a breath.

Moreover, the depth of this lake far exceeded Jiang Yun's imagination.

Now, the lake seemed to have dried up, revealing a huge black hole that Jiang Yun could not even see to the bottom with his eyesight. He had no idea how deep it was!

Looking at the black hole, Jiang Yun's pupils suddenly shrank. He suddenly turned his head to look at the Fate-Sealing Heavenly Lord, pointed at the black hole and said: "This, this is not..."

Jiang Yun was too shocked to finish what he said next.

However, the Fate-Sealed Heavenly Lord obviously knew what Jiang Yun was going to say, and he nodded heavily and said, "Yes, this is the kind of dark abyss you entered during the last round of trials in the Sky Survey Domain."

"Its real name is Meng Yuan!"

Yes, this lake composed of countless seals is actually a dream abyss.

However, compared to the Dream Abyss that Jiang Yun had entered in the Sky Survey Domain, the Dream Abyss in front of him was dozens of times larger in terms of area alone.

Regarding Mengyuan, although Jiang Yun had heard some of its origins from Wanglao, even Wanglao himself couldn't explain it clearly, and Jiang Yun didn't understand it at all.

However, he did not expect that in the world where Fengming Tianzun lived, there was actually such a huge dream abyss.

At this moment, Jiang Yunyou's heart moved, and he suddenly turned his eyes, looked around, and said to himself: "Could it be that all the seals in this world are just to seal this dreamy abyss?"

Although Jiang Yun's voice was small, the Fate-Sealing Heavenly Lord heard it clearly. He nodded and said, "Yes, not only these seals, but even I, who live here all the time, do it to suppress this dreamy abyss."


Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "What exactly is this Mengyuan? Why do we still need to suppress it?"

"Also, there are also Mengyuan in the Sky Patrol area, and there is more than one, there must be four in total. Why didn't the Patrol Angel suppress it?"

Not only did the angel patrols not suppress them, they even opened them up, allowing the monks to enter.

The Fengming Tianzun stared into the depths of Mengyuan and said: "Of course Xantian also suppresses, and he is stronger than us, so the number of Mengyuan he suppresses is even more than us!"


Jiang Yun keenly caught the two words spoken by the Fengming Tianzun and asked: "It's not just you, are there other Great Tianzun who are also guarding Mengyuan?"

The Fengming Tianzun nodded and said: "Except for the Meng Yuan that was suppressed by the Angel Patrollers, there were only nine Meng Yuan in the Heavenly Gathering Area."

"And now, it has increased to twelve!"

Nine seats!

Twelve seats!

Jiang Yun's eyes sparkled and he said: "Nine Heavenly Lords, Twelve Heavenly Lords!"

There was a look of approval on the face of the Fate Heavenly Lord and he said: "Yes, a Great Heavenly Lord must be responsible for suppressing a Mengyuan!"

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