Taoist world

Chapter 3673 Just nod

A huge pit was created in the ground by Jiang Yun's fall, and a loud noise erupted.

Such a big movement naturally alarmed all the monks inside and outside the world.

No one thought that Zhenque Tianzun would actually take action against Jiang Yun.

Countless eyes immediately focused on Jiang Yun, who was lying in the center of the pit, unable to stand up.

The one missing in the formation is the Great Heavenly Lord, how powerful he is.

This blow was to vent the resentment Jiang Yun had brought to him over the years. Although he knew that Jiang Yun could not be beaten to death directly, he was still really angry.

It is conceivable that with Jiang Yun's current strength, the injuries he suffered after such a blow were serious.

Zhenque Tianzun looked at Jiang Yun condescendingly and said coldly: "Jiang Yun, although you found those men of your father's past and let them come to our territory to play tricks."

"But, do you think that I won't dare to touch you?"

Previously, when the thirteen Great Heavenly Lords were preparing to attack Jiang Yun, they simultaneously received a message from their cronies, saying that they had discovered a mysterious and powerful person appearing in their territory.

When they thought about it, those mysterious and powerful men must have been secretly sent by Jiang Yun to contain themselves and others and protect Jiang Yun's own life.

The angel patrol also thought of a way at that time, that is, he personally appointed the patrol officials to capture those mysterious powerful men.

On this side, he and others stabilized Jiang Yun and allowed Jiang Yun to continue participating in the trials of the heavens, and promised to let him go as long as he got first place.

When will they catch all those mysterious strong men, and then they will take down Jiang Yun.

In this way, we can naturally prevent the tragedies of Yongxingtian and Dugu family from happening to other heavens, and reduce the losses of the thirteen major forces as much as possible.

But now, Zhenque Tianzun is unwilling to wait any longer.

Anyway, two major heavens in his formation have disappeared. As long as his formation is alive, even if a few more heavens disappear, he will not let Jiang Yun go.

Hearing what Zhenque Tianzun said, Jiang Qiuge, Jiang Li and others who had been standing outside the boundary couldn't help but look at each other in confusion.

They were naturally Jiang Qiuyang's men back then, and they did follow Jiang Yun, but all their manpower was now concentrated here, and they did not send anyone else to the territory of the Thirteen Great Heavenly Lords.

In fact, they had indeed thought about this sudden outburst.

But if you want to arouse the fear of the Great Heavenly Lord and contain them, sending one or two Heavenly Lord masters is useless.

The Great Heavenly Lord's territory is really heavily guarded and filled with experts.

Unless the same Great Heavenly Lord goes there, it can still have some deterrent effect.

Otherwise, if you rely solely on the powerful Tianzun, you will need at least seven or eight people.

As for Qiankun Auction House and Hiding Heaven, there are only a dozen Tianzun masters in total. It is simply impossible to assign seven or eight Tianzun experts to each major force.

Therefore, Jiang Qiuge and Jiang Li gave up this method and simply gathered everyone in the Sky Survey Domain.

But even so, facing the simultaneous appearance of thirteen Great Heavenly Lords, they had no chance of winning.

Otherwise, they would have rescued Jiang Yun long ago, why would they have waited until now.

However, Zhenque said that someone was playing tricks on the Great Heavenly Lord's territory, which made them confused as to who was responsible.

In the end, they could only think that Jiang Yun had secretly found another group of masters that they and others didn't know about.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun believed that those mysterious masters were really sent by Jiang Qiuge and Jiang Li.

Jiang Yun supported the ground with both hands and stood up slowly. There was no trace of blood on his pale face. He raised his head and looked at Zhenque Tianzun coldly and said: "Sure enough, he is stronger than the black shadow before!"

"This is a bit like the strength of the Great Heavenly Lord!"

Jiang Yun's clearly ridiculing words made Zhenque Tianzun's face darken, and he laughed angrily: "Haha, Jiang Yun, just like your father, you are both sharp-tongued and sharp-tongued."

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense to you anymore. From today on, you will lose your freedom forever. I have plenty of time to deal with you!"

After the words fell, Zhenque Tianzun raised his hand again and pressed heavily on Jiang Yun's body.

Jiang Yun had already been slapped by Guyang before and received another blow from Zhen Que. The injury was made worse.

Therefore, at this moment, facing the palm pressed down by Zhan Que Tianzun, there is no possibility of evading it.


Jiang Yun's body, which had just stood up, was naturally hit hard to the ground again by Zhenque Tianzun's press, making him unable to move.

"Hahaha!" Zhenque Tianzun laughed proudly and said: "Jiang Yun, even if you are number one in the Yuanfa Realm, in front of me, you should be like you are now, lying down honestly !”

Jiang Yun was speechless at all and just lay quietly on the ground.

At this time, the other twelve Great Heavenly Lords had also left the abyss and appeared in the sky.

Standing in the air, looking at the crazy-looking Zhen Que and the immobile Jiang Yun, the Void Heavenly Lord couldn't help but frowned and said: "Zhen Que, you are also the Great Heavenly Lord after all, so stop it!"

To be honest, as a Zhenque Tianzun, personally attacking Jiang Yun is not only not a glorious thing, but also a bit embarrassing.

However, Zhen Que didn't pay any attention to the words of Void Heavenly Lord.

He was finally proud this time, and he would not let it go if he got the opportunity to humiliate Jiang Yun.

The harder Jiang Yun was beaten by him, the more he was able to vent his anger.

As for whether he was embarrassed or not, he didn't care at all.

In the entire All Heavens Domain, except for the other twelve Great Heavenly Lords, no one would dare to say that he is embarrassing!

After Zhen Que laughed for a while, he finally stopped laughing and looked at the other twelve people and said, "Everyone, please give this Jiang Yun to me first. After I have vented enough anger, I will give it to you. You should have no objections, right?"

The twelve people did not respond immediately, and seemed to be thinking about whether to hand over Jiang Yun to the formation first.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Jiang Yun's ear: "Now, do you regret a little bit, why did you deliberately break the sky patrol token I gave you?"

"If you have the sky patrol order in hand, you can really walk out of here today with great swagger."

"However, I can give you another chance. As long as you are willing to continue to serve as a sky patrol officer, then I can help you get out of today's danger."

The one who spoke was naturally the angel patroller!

And what he said also surprised Jiang Yun.

At this time, the angel patrolman still wants to help him and make himself a sky patroller again!

Just, why?

No matter what the angel patrol wants to get from himself, as long as he catches himself, I believe that with the strength of the angel patrol, he should be able to realize his wish. Why do you need to go to such trouble and have to let yourself be the patrol official?

However, no matter what the reason was, since Jiang Yun had gotten rid of his identity as a sky patrol officer by committing suicide, it was naturally impossible for him to pick up this identity again.

Seeing that Jiang Yun was silent, the voice of the angel patrol sounded again: "Jiang Yun, actually you may have some misunderstandings about me."

"I have never had any ill intentions towards you or your father."

"Otherwise, I clearly had the opportunity to catch you without telling others, but why did I let you go?"

"Also, even though you have found Hidden Sky and Qiankun Auction House, do you think that with their strength, they can really help you compete with the entire All Heavens Gathering Domain?"

"In addition, at this moment, the people who are playing tricks on their territory are all sent by me to protect you!"

Jiang Yun couldn't help but be greatly shocked. This was something that was beyond his expectation.

The angel patrols actually deliberately sent people to restrain the twelve Great Heavenly Lords!

"Jiang Yun, you have seen my sincerity, and you have no other way to go."

"No one can help you today except me!"

"Now, as long as you nod, I can give you freedom and give you everything you want."

"Even help you find your parents!"

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