Taoist world

Chapter 3668 Everyone shows their magical powers (repair)

With the sudden growth of these runes, the expressions of many monks in the abyss changed drastically.

The outside world can only see the changes in the runes, but in the abyss, they can more clearly feel the terrifying pressure appearing in all directions.

Various aura fluctuations immediately rose from the bodies of many monks.

Because the use of defensive domain devices is not allowed here, and faced with the overwhelming number of ferocious runes, they can only use their own cultivation to compete and prevent these runes from approaching or even pouring into their bodies.

In an instant, everyone really showed off their magical powers, and various defensive methods that were completely condensed from their own strength appeared one after another.

Some monks used their own strength to directly condense a piece of armor and wear it on their bodies.

Some monks condensed into shields to surround themselves.

A pale golden gas rose from Jiang Kunlun's body, wrapping him up.

Nearly three feet of space around Nie Kong was instantly distorted, and his body seemed to be distorted as well, becoming somewhat unreal.

Nioh took a deep breath, and a halo appeared outside his body.

Among all the people, only Jiang Yun did not use any means. He sat in the darkness without any defense and calmly stared at the runes.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, a series of loud noises sounded, and countless runes finally began to hit the monks.

The armors, shields and other defensive objects condensed outside the bodies of several monks were simply vulnerable. They could not withstand the power of those runes and were shattered in an instant.

In this way, their bodies are naturally exposed to the runes.

Although some of them reacted quickly and had already launched an attack on the rune, trying to prevent the rune from approaching.

But unfortunately, their attacks had almost no effect.

"Puff puff!"

Then, there was another series of collision sounds.

Countless runes successfully rushed into the bodies of these monks.

The next moment, I saw that these monks could no longer maintain their sitting posture, and they were all knocked into the air.

However, strangely enough, after their bodies were knocked into the air, after touching the edge of the abyss, they actually escaped from the abyss and returned to reality.

Therefore, the monks outside the abyss can clearly see that one by one, like a swallow in the forest, they fly out one after another.

People from their respective clans also hurriedly jumped up to catch these people and check their injuries.

The strange thing is that almost everyone has no injuries.

Just unconscious.

Naturally, this means that these monks have been eliminated and have lost the opportunity to continue the trial.

Fortunately, they are still alive! Time has only passed by for a breath, and the number of monks who were shaken out of the abyss has exceeded a hundred.

Today's monks have all passed the first round of trials, but in the second round of trials, they were unable to hold on for even one breath.

No matter who you think it is, the power of those runes is extremely powerful.

However, one of the eliminated monks who was still awake was whispering to his elders: "Actually, the power of those runes does not attack our bodies, but our souls!"

"When those runes poured into my body, my soul felt like it was about to dissipate."

These words were not too surprising to everyone.

Because the Purple-clothed Patrolman made it very clear that the second round of trials will test the will, so it is reasonable for the runes to attack the soul.

But the monk paused, then suddenly showed an uncertain expression on his face and said: "Besides, I also feel that this abyss seems to have its own consciousness!"

After the elder monk heard this, he smiled and shook his head and said, "If you had just said that, I might still believe it, but now I don't believe it."

"The consciousness you feel must be the same as the dark figure before, coming from a certain Great Heavenly Lord!"

The monk opened his mouth and wanted to say something more, but in the end he did not say anything. He just turned his gaze to the monks who were still in the abyss.

There are nearly three hundred monks in the abyss, and they have successfully persisted for one breath.

However, everyone's situation is different.

Most people had solemn expressions, distorted facial features, and tense muscles on their cheeks, struggling to resist the runes.

There were also some people who looked normal, especially those seed monks.

Jiang Kunlun's body was still covered with pale golden gas, and countless runes surrounded it, unable to break through this layer of gas at all, let alone touch Jiang Kunlun's body.

The same was true for Nie Kong. All the runes rushing toward him were blocked from the three-foot twisted space.

In short, at this time, it was not difficult for everyone to see the differences between the various monks.

But when everyone looked at Jiang Yunzhi, their expressions suddenly changed.

Because, in Jiang Yun's body, runes are pouring in continuously! But his body was as stable as a mountain, motionless! Others are resisting the runes and don't dare to let the runes get close.

But Jiang Yun did the opposite and allowed these runes to pour into his body.

Others may not be able to appreciate the horror of such runes, but those monks who have been eliminated are very clear that Jiang Yun's actions are simply shocking to them.

How powerful a soul is required to withstand the attacks of these runes.

So much so that they couldn't help but wonder if Jiang Yun had used some kind of magic weapon again.

However, thinking about it, it probably wouldn't be the case, after all, the thirteen Great Heavenly Lords were doing it above.

If Jiang Yun really used the power of foreign objects, how could they not stop him.

At this moment, the thirteen Great Heavenly Lords could not help but widen their eyes at this moment, and they all stared at Jiang Yun. There was also a hint of disbelief deep in their eyes.

Zhenque Tianzun sent a message: "Could it be that Jiang Yun has also come into contact with the Ji Realm?"

The Void Heavenly Lord said lightly: "It's possible!"

"Don't forget, Jiang Qiuyang comes from the Ji Realm. As his son, Jiang Yun may be born with the ability to detect the existence of that kind of 'intention'."

However, the angel patrol shook his head and said, "You think too highly of father and son."

"Even if you are above the Ji level, not everyone can notice that Jiang Qiuyang was not even as good as us in this aspect at the beginning."

"Later he gradually became aware of it."

"And this Jiang Yun has only been practicing for a few years. No matter how talented he is, he won't be able to detect it so easily!"

"I think it should be that his soul is powerful enough, far more than others, so he can withstand these runes."

The words of the angel patrol made the twelve Great Heavenly Lords nod their heads after a moment of silence.

The angel patrol was right.

With Jiang Yun's strength, he can naturally prevent these runes from entering his body.

However, after observing these runes at close range, he felt that these runes actually had some similarities with all the patterns he had come into contact with.

After all, Jiang Yun had spent nearly a hundred reincarnations observing and reorganizing a large number of runes.

In addition, thinking of the power of laws composed of these runes before, Jiang Yun instantly made a bold decision and actively let these runes flow into his body.

Because, he wants to see if he can absorb these runes, turn them into the power of law, and integrate them with the power of his own avenue! If possible, he might be able to break through to the law-breaking realm! It's a pity that he can't absorb these runes at all.

And now, he can also see that the target of these runes is his soul.

It's just that the drop of blood that belonged to his first life in his soul emitted bursts of golden light, making it impossible for these runes to get close.

Jiang Yun said to himself: "If I suppress the blood and let these runes enter my soul, can I absorb them?"

"Hoo ho ho!"

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly sounded from the abyss.

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