Taoist world

Chapter 3660 It’s time to reach Jiang Yun

"Well done!"

Seeing that the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain was actually shooting at him, Nie Kong laughed wildly. When he spoke, his body swayed and he actually rushed towards the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain.


Just as the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain wrapped around Nie Kong's body, Nie Kong suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain!

This scene made everyone's eyes widen.

So far, more than half of the monks have completed the trial.

But regardless of whether it was ultimately successful or not, every monk only passively broke away from the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain and launched attacks with their own strength. No one had direct contact with the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain.

After all, the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain is composed of the power of various laws. It can wrap around the monk's body, but it does not mean that the monk dares to touch it with his palm.

However, this Nie Kong turned out to be fearless and directly grabbed the Ten Thousand Magic Chain with both hands.

Naturally, everyone's attention was immediately attracted to him.

Because everyone knew that Nie Kong deliberately wanted to compete with Jiang Kunlun.

And Jiang Kunlun broke free from the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain in one breath, which was already the shortest time.

No matter how strong Nie Kong is, he can't break free from the Ten Thousand Magic Chain without even taking a breath!

So everyone wanted to see how Nie Kong prepared to surpass Jiang Kunlun.


The Ten Thousand Dharma Chain wrapped around Nie Kong, dragging him towards the abyss.

But at this moment, everyone discovered that the speed of the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain moving back suddenly slowed down!

Nie Kong's palm that grasped the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain was trembling slightly. It seemed that he wanted to use his physical strength to break the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain, but in fact he was slowing down the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain.

This weird method makes most people a little confused and don't understand how Nie Kong did it.

Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and said to himself: "This is the power of space!"

Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness is far stronger than others, and he also controls the power of space, so he can tell at a glance that Nie Kong used the power of space to forcibly bind the Wanfa Chain.

Moreover, Nie Kong's methods obviously don't stop there.

Because although the movement speed of the Wan Dharma Chain has slowed down, it is still dragging Nie Kong towards the sky above the abyss, and the passage of time has not slowed down.

Now that one breath of time has passed, Nie Kong's palm holding the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain is trembling more and more violently.

Just when the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain finally dragged Nie Kong over the abyss, three crisp sounds of "papapapa" were heard.

On the Wan Dharma Chain, there was a chain formed by three kinds of Dharma-breaking power. It broke and loosened the restraint on Nie Kong!

"Ha ha!"

Nie Kong, who had regained his freedom, let out a proud laugh again, and looked at Jiang Kunlun with his provocative eyes unabashedly.

Although it took Nie Kong two breaths to break free of the Ten Thousand Laws Chain, he forcibly broke through the power of the three laws!

So far, all those who have passed the test, including Jiang Kunlun, have only broken through the power of one law.

Only this Nie Kong turned out to be the third path!

It can be seen from this that although Nie Kong acted arrogantly, he did have arrogant qualifications and strength!

In terms of time, he knew that he would definitely not be able to beat Jiang Kunlun, so he worked hard on the amount of power to break the law.

In this way, it does seem that he is better than Jiang Kunlun!

Facing the triumphant Nie Kong, Jiang Kunlun still ignored him at all, as if he hadn't seen him.

Nie Kong was not angry at all. Anyway, the shocked looks in other people's eyes gave him a great sense of satisfaction, so he put his hands behind his back and walked back to his original position from the abyss unhurriedly.

Jiang Yun looked at Nie Kong's back and said to himself: "It should be a space demon!"

Although everyone knows that Nie Kong is a demon, few people really know what kind of demon he is.

Jiang Yun didn't know it at first, but during the short two breaths of Nie Kong's Tianwan Dharma Chain, Jiang Yun was keenly aware of it.

The opponent not only bound the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain with the power of space, but his hands holding the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain actually turned into two spaces, and then condensed the space infinitely, thus breaking the three laws. Power!

As a demon refining master, Jiang Yun could easily tell that the opponent was a space demon, and his mastery of the power of space had reached a very high level.

The reason why Jiang Yun pays so much attention to Nie Kong is because of the strong hostility Nie Kong exuded towards Jiang Ying and the little beast before!

Although Jiang Yun no longer remembers Xiaoshou and Jiang Ying, since they are people he cares about, those who are hostile to them are naturally the ones Jiang Yun wants to kill!

What's more, Nie Kong's strength far exceeds that of Xiaoshou and Jiang Ying. If he really finds a chance to attack Xiaoshou and the others, then Xiaoshou and Jiang Ying are no match for him.

Therefore, Jiang Yun has decided to take advantage of this last trial to find an opportunity to kill Nie Kong to avoid any further trouble.


The Ten Thousand Dharma Chains hovered in the air and once again entangled a person, the last seed monk, King Ni.

Jiang Yun naturally looked at King Ni, wanting to see if this person who had been resurrected from the dead had any change in strength compared to before.

With a smile on his face, Nioh was brought to the sky above the abyss, entangled by the Ten Thousand Dharma Chains.

Although his body immediately emitted powerful aura fluctuations, and he tried hard to break away from the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain.

However, Jiang Yun's brows frowned slightly.

Because Jiang Yun had fought against Nioh before, he still had a clear understanding of Nioh's strength.

Although Niou has been resurrected from the dead, his strength may have changed somewhat, but the aura fluctuations he showed at this moment are simply not comparable to when Jiang Yun fought with him.

In the eyes of others, Nioh used all his strength, but Jiang Yun knew very well that Nioh must have hidden his strength.

In this final trial, everyone tried their best. After all, no one knew how powerful the chain was until it was entangled by it.

But King Ren actually dared to trust him so much, which made Jiang Yun suddenly understand after being confused!

At this moment, the person controlling the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain should be the Great Heavenly Lord Zhenque!

Moreover, Nioh also knew this, so he dared to hide his strength.

Because the formation is short of Tianzun, he will definitely ensure that he passes smoothly.


After nine breaths, Niou successfully broke away from the Ten Thousand Magic Chains, passed the trial, and returned to his position with a smile on his face.

This result, not to mention being at the bottom among the seed monks, even compared to other monks who have passed the test, can only be considered to be at the bottom.

Jiang Yun said thoughtfully: "He is pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger, deliberately hiding his clumsiness to make others think that he is not strong enough, and then wait until the last round of trials to kill others in turn!"

Ren Wang, before this trial of the heavens, no one knew about him at all. Even though he later became famous in the Zhenque Tianzun Domain, other Tianzun Domains still didn’t know about him.

Therefore, if he hides his strength at this time, it will indeed have an unexpected effect in the final competition.

After King Ni, Jiang Yun no longer watched the trial process of others, but focused all his attention on Jimingsha.

After such a long time, he still failed to subdue Jimingsha, which made him feel a little anxious.

In fact, Jiang Yun also knows that it is very difficult to forcibly subdue a special existence like Jimingsha.

Someone must have tried it before me, but I haven't heard of anyone succeeding.

The key to why he was able to subdue him should be that his blood and soul are different from ordinary people.

If it were any other time, it would have been slower.

But now the trials of the heavens are going on, and more than half of the monks have finished the trials. It may be his turn anytime and anywhere, so Jiang Yun must speed up.

However, only a moment passed, and the Ten Thousand Dharma Chains were already winding towards Jiang Yun with a whistling sound. Finally, it was Jiang Yun's turn!

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