Taoist world

Chapter 3654: Extremely Monster (Repair)

There are twelve great heavenly realms, which naturally means that there will be twelve seed monks in each realm group.

Next, batch after batch of seed monks came through the sky one after another.

Jiang Yun also let go of his consciousness and looked at these seed monks carefully.

It wasn't that he was afraid of them, but he still wanted to see if there was anyone he knew among them.

Unexpectedly, he actually saw a few of them.

These people are not related to him, but are the people he met during the battle in the Linggu Domain.

For example, Wan Huantian's Golden Butterfly and Shen Liantian's Guan Chuang are also number one on the heaven-defying list.

However, these people are participating in the Heaven Defying Realm group and will not run into Jiang Yun.

In the Yuanfa Realm group, after Jiang Kunlun, other seed monks began to arrive one after another.

Although these seed monks are indeed powerful and famous, Jiang Yun doesn't care.

After all, he is absolutely invincible in today's Yuanfa territory.

Suddenly, another figure appeared in the sky.

The appearance of this person not only caused a burst of noise, but compared to the previous noise, this time the noise was obviously much louder, almost spreading throughout the entire world.

Naturally, this made all the monks raise their heads and look at the sky, including Jiang Yun.

Seeing that figure, a smile appeared on Jiang Yun's face, and he finally saw a real acquaintance.

Ji Kongfan!

It can be said that Ji Kongfan's reputation in the All Heavens Gathering Domain is, to a certain extent, even surpassing that of Jiang Yun.

It wasn't just because of Ji Kongfan's strong performance in the battle of the Linggu Domain.

What's more important is that when he stepped into the All Heavens Gathering Domain from the Linggu Domain, the Divine Refining Heavenly Lord, the Killing Heavenly Lord, and even the Angel Patrollers all solicited him!

It cannot be said that there are no monks in the lower realm who can be favored by the Great Heavenly Lord, but for those who can cause several Great Heavenly Lords to fight for it, Ji Kongfan is definitely the first person in the world!

At that time, everyone still remembered what God Lian Tianzun said in order to recruit Ji Kongfan.

"Even if you are a waste, I can use my resources to turn you into a deity!"

Now, just a few decades have passed since the war in the ancient spirit realm, and Ji Kongfan has suddenly entered the law-breaking realm!

Such a speed of cultivation must be due to the large amount of cultivation resources provided by the Divine Refiner. It really makes countless people envious and jealous.

Ji Kongfan came alone. He stood in the air and ignored the noise of the people. After scanning his eyes below, he landed directly in the area of ​​the law-breaking realm.

His appearance naturally attracted all the God-Refining Heaven-Breaking Realm monks in this area to immediately move closer to him.

However, these monks and Ji Kongfan tried to maintain a distance of at least five meters and did not dare to get too close.

Obviously, they were still a little afraid of Ji Kongfan.

Jiang Yun also retracted his gaze from Ji Kongfan and suppressed the smile on his face.

By now, he finally understood that apart from himself and Ji Kongfan, there should be no other monks in the lower realm participating in this trial of the heavens.

In fact, this is normal. Although those monks in the lower realm have good qualifications, their cultivation speed cannot be compared with themselves and Ji Kongfan.

At this moment, another figure appeared in the sky.

After this person appeared, he fell directly into the area of ​​Yuanfa Realm.

This is a young man dressed in black. Although he looks extraordinary, he has a cold smile on his face, and he exudes a strong demonic aura!

And his arrival made most people in this area have a look of fear on their faces.

The strangest thing was that no other monks dared to stand next to him.

Jiang Yun's ears also rang with the voice of Uncle Wei Chi: "Wei Chi, if you meet Nie Kong, just admit defeat!"

"He is just like that Iron Cloud Tu. All the opponents he encountered during the trial were killed."

"However, he is more ruthless than Tie Yuntu. During the trial of the secret realm of Xiaoqian Realm, he single-handedly killed all the monks who entered it!"

"This forced Yao Lingtian to select another ninety-nine monks to make up the number of one hundred people!"

Jiang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard the voice transmission from Master Wei Chi.

Jiang Yun had never inquired about the situation of other heavenly realms being tested by the heavens.

Jiang Qiuge and others thought that he would not continue to participate in the trials of the heavens, so they did not tell him.

Therefore, Jiang Yun naturally did not know which evil monks had appeared in this trial of the heavens.

But obviously, this Nie Kong is one of them, and he is extremely evil.

It is normal to kill your opponents when participating in a competition, but in the secret realm trial, all the monks who participated were killed, leaving only him.

It can be seen that this Nie Kong is not only powerful and terrifying, but also has an extremely cruel and murderous personality!

No wonder the other monks in the Demon Spirit Tianzun Domain knew that he was the leader, but they didn’t dare to approach him at all!

Who knows if Nie Kong will attack them after the trial officially begins.

But Jiang Yun was a little curious, why did the Demon Spirit Heavenly Lord not care about Nie Kong's unscrupulous and murderous behavior?

There should be a huge background.

Sure enough, Uncle Wei Chi continued: "This time, the final winner of the Yuanfa Group should be Nie Kong."

"Although Jiang Kunlun may not be afraid of Nie Kong in terms of strength, Nie Kong is deeply respected by the demon spirit Great Heavenly Lord. The small Jiang family has no courage to compete with him!"

Now Jiang Yun finally understood why Wei Chi was willing to let herself take his place.

This final trial is indeed too dangerous!

It depends on both strength and background.

After Nie Kong landed, he didn't look at anyone else at all. He just looked at Jiang Kunlun.

Obviously, Nie Kong was very interested in this number one on the Yuanfa Ranking.

Jiang Kunlun, however, always sat there with his eyes closed, as if he didn't even know about Nie Kong's arrival.

Nie Kong was not angry, smiled slightly, and sat down.

Next, the seed monks from other Tianzun domains in Yuanfa Realm also arrived one after another.

Although all of them are strong, their fame and strength are not as good as Jiang Kunlun and Nie Kong.

And until now, the seed cultivator from the Tianzun Domain, which made Jiang Yun a little curious, still hasn't appeared.

Seeing that the day of the final trial was approaching, a large number of monks began to appear in the sky.

And they are not here to participate in the trial, but to patrol the sky!

After these sky patrol officials arrived, they immediately divided into four teams with a tacit understanding and went to the four areas respectively.

Nine sky patrol officials stood above the area of ​​Yuanfa Realm.

The leader is one in purple, followed by two in gold, three in white and three in black!

The appearance of the sky patrol officials made the already somewhat solemn atmosphere seem to solidify. Everyone looked at these sky patrol officials with complex expressions in their eyes.

There is respect, fear, and provocation!

The purple-robed patrol officer glanced at everyone and said, "All monks participating in the trial, take three steps forward and take out your tokens."

Jiang Yun and others stood up and walked forward as instructed. Everyone took out their tokens.

The purple-robed sky patrol official waved his sleeves, and all the tokens immediately flew towards him.

After a few seconds, these tokens flew back to everyone's hands.

The purple-robed patrol official said coldly: "The Tianzun Domain is missing, one person is missing!"

Apparently, he was doing a head count by collecting the tokens.

There are twelve Tianzun Domains, each of which has hundreds of monks. Now the Tianzun Domain is short of one person.

The less one is naturally Tie Yuntu!

At this moment, a loud laugh suddenly came from afar: "No, no, no, I'm just a little late!"

Amidst the sound, a figure descended from the sky and appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this person, Jiang Yun's pupils couldn't help but shrink suddenly, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The one who came was... Nioh

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