Taoist world

Chapter 3623 Above the gathering realm

The cunning look in this little boy's eyes made Wanglao really take a breath!

So much so that he almost jumped out of the blood bead!

Regarding dreams, Wang Lao knew more clearly than Jiang Yun.

Since this dream was created by Jiang Yun, everything in it, including these seemingly living people, is naturally fake.

These people were like puppets, and the strings that controlled them were all in Jiang Yun's hands.

Every move, word and deed they made was in accordance with Jiang Yun's wishes.

However, Wang Lao can be sure that the cunning flash in the eyes of the little boy who has now returned to normal was definitely not caused by Jiang Yun, but revealed by the boy himself.

And this means that this boy already has his own independent consciousness!

After taking several deep breaths, Wang Lao calmed down his emotions.

He still stared at the little boy and said to himself: "I still underestimated Jiang Yun."

"I didn't expect that he has actually come into contact with... above the gathering realm!"

"But did he do it on his own, or was there someone behind him?"

Next, Wanglao didn't speak any more, and Jiang Yun didn't notice that the little boy was different.

When the sun went down, after dinner, and all the people in Jiangcun had gone back to their homes, he also took Tie Runan into the house.

And just as the door of the house was closed, Wanglao, who still kept his consciousness outside, could clearly see that the houses, the trees, and the individual figures in the house gradually began to become blurry. , slowly dissipated.

However, there was a small figure in one of the rooms. Although his figure had become blurry, it was vaguely visible that his shape had become strangely distorted and he was still trembling slightly.

It was as if he didn't want to dissipate like this, so he was using his own strength to fight against Jiang Yun's dream power.

It's a pity that his strength is still too weak, and he can't compete with Jiang Yun's dream power.

Therefore, when all else had disappeared, he also disappeared with it.

Wanglao, who saw all this process clearly in his eyes, slowly exhaled a long breath and said: "There should be nothing wrong!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a look of disbelief on Wanglao's face, and he shook his head and said: "No matter how he did it, a young monk who was not in the Yuan Dharma realm was actually able to come into contact with the Jiu realm. .”

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it if anyone told me!"

"Mr. Jiang, Mrs. Jiang, not only do you not want such a genius, but you also want to push him away. I really don't know what you are thinking!"

Having said this, a self-deprecating smile slowly appeared on Wanglao's face and said: "Grandma, I am still in the mood to laugh at Mrs. Jiang here!"

"This kid is also from our lineage, and even if I can't clean up the family with my own hands in the future, I will borrow the help of others to kill him!"

"Compared to Mrs. Jiang, I should be more ridiculous!"

Wanglao closed his eyes, shook his head, and stopped talking.

In the blink of an eye, another twenty years have passed.

Tie Runan has a head full of white hair and is very old. He also has a cane in his hand and will take a long time to breathe even after walking a few steps.

Although according to the time in the dream, she should have ten years to live, but in reality, she only has one year left!

Death is really only one step away!

Jiang Yun also became much older.

A few years ago, he stopped going out to work and hunt, and stayed at home every day to accompany Tie Runan.

Now, even if he doesn't use his cultivation, he can clearly feel the extremely rich death energy in Tie Runan's body!

Because of this, although he still pretended that nothing happened in front of Tie Runan, secretly, his heart was getting more and more painful!

For Jiang Yun, from birth to now, he has never spent such a long time with anyone.

Therefore, after fifty years of getting along day and night, although he and Tie Runan are still not husband and wife, they are already the closest and dearest people to each other!

He really didn't dare to think about how he would deal with it when the final moment came.

He didn't even dare to think about how he would survive when he was the only one left here!

Seeing Tie Runan sitting in the yard, Jiang Yun slowly walked to her side and gently held her hand.

This action was the most intimate and the most intimate one Jiang Yun had done in the past fifty years.

Tie Runan has long been accustomed to Jiang Yun holding his hand.

Especially as she grows older, her eyesight is getting worse and worse, and she can almost no longer see things or people clearly, which makes her a little uneasy and frightened.

And whenever her palm is held by Jiang Yun, that's when she feels the warmest.

Holding Tie Runan's hand, Jiang Yun spoke softly after a moment of silence: "Ru Nan, do you miss them?"

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Tie Runan's old body couldn't help but tremble slightly, and a rare ray of light bloomed in his already dim eyes.

She naturally understood that the "they" mentioned in Jiang Yun's mouth were referring to her real family.

My parents, my grandfather, and my ancestors!

Want to?

Definitely want to!

However, when she vaguely saw an old woman with chicken skin and black hair in Jiang Yun's eyes, the light in her eyes dimmed again, and her slightly trembling body also recovered. Calm.

Tie Runan held Jiang Yun's palm with his backhand, shook his head gently and said, "It's been fifty years, they must have thought that I was dead long ago!"

"Since I've hurt their hearts once, why bother hurting them again!"

"I've been selfish to this point, so let me continue to be selfish!"

Jiang Yun nodded silently.

Tie Runan only had the last year of her life left, so she wanted to take her back to meet the Tie family, even if it was just to say goodbye.

However, Jiang Yun also understood that Tie Runan didn't want her family to see how senile she looked now!

And although his cultivation level is still there, he has no way to rejuvenate Tie Runan and make her young again!

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not force Tie Runan anymore, but just held her hand tighter.

In the dead of night, looking at Tie Runan who was already asleep, Jiang Yun said softly: "Forget the old age!"

Jiang Yun did not hide his voice, because once Tie Runan falls asleep now, he can't hear anything at all.

After a moment of silence, Wanglao's voice rang out: "I know what you want to say, and I know that you are still unwilling to give in, but there is really no way!"

"No one in this world can save her!"

Jiang Yun was silent for a moment and then asked: "Wang Lao, is this world really just a dream?"

Wang Lao suddenly appeared from the blood bead, with a rare stern look on his face. He stared deeply at Jiang Yundao and said, "If what I say is true, are you still planning to find the Dream Maker?" People, are you going to let Tie Runan continue to live?"

Jiang Yun raised his head, looked at Wanglao without fear and said, "If the Nightmare Beast really exists, then since he can create Ru Nan, why can't he let Tie Ru Nan live anymore?"

"For the nightmare beast, this should be an extremely easy thing!"

Wang Lao's eyes showed a cold light and said: "Jiang Yun, there are many things in this world. Many things are not true only when you see them with your eyes, and believe them when you hear them with your ears!"

"I can't explain it to you. I can only tell you that even if the legend is true, it's not what you imagine!"

"Therefore, if you want to find that unfounded nightmare beast, you might as well accompany Ru Nan and spend her last ten years well!"

Just as Wanglao's words fell, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky, and the next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared without a trace!

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