Taoist world

Chapter 3556 Differential Treatment (Revision)

Looking down from a high position, the entire Seventh Trial Realm has been divided into five areas: east, west, south, north and center.

In the middle is a huge circular platform with a radius of tens of thousands of feet.

At the four corners of the world in the southeast, northwest and northwest, there are two hundred-foot-high stone monuments standing respectively. Naturally, they are the Yingtian Monument.

The two Yingtian Monuments are like a gate. After entering, there are several platforms with a radius of thousands of feet.

Whether it is next to the Yingtian Monument or around the platforms, a large number of monks have gathered.

Jiang Yun had already known about the existence of the Yingtian Monument from Wang Lao in advance, so when he saw the layout of the seventh trial world, he immediately understood what was going on.

Just when he was about to explain to Jiang Yuting and the others, a voice sounded in their ears.

"All those who participate in the trial will go to the corresponding Yingtian Monument according to the group they registered in before, from high to low, in order of southeast, northwest and northwest, to test your true cultivation level."

"Only by passing the test of the Yingtian Monument can one enter the real trial of the heavens."

The speaker was a middle-aged man, dressed in the same manner as the outside gatekeeper monks. He was obviously a disciple of Zhen Quetian, and was responsible for introducing the rules of this trial to the monks who entered.

Under the man's introduction, everyone who entered the seventh trial world showed doubts on their faces.

Someone even asked directly: "Don't the official trials have to wait until a month later to start?"

"Since we have already signed up, why do we still need to accept the inspection of the Yingtian Monument now?"

The man said coldly: "Of course it's to prevent someone from deliberately hiding their cultivation and trying to get away with it."

"If you can't even pass the test of the Yingtian Monument, then don't even think about participating in the trials of the heavens."

After listening to the man's explanation, everyone suddenly realized that the so-called assessment of the Yingtian Monument was actually an elimination round before the official trial began.

Those who hide their true cultivation realm and whose cultivation realm does not meet the standards at the time of registration will be directly eliminated and will not be qualified to participate in the trials of the heavens.

As a result, everyone naturally did not dare to ask any more questions and went to the corresponding Yingtian Monument according to the group they signed up for.

Jiang Yun also took Jiang Yuting and Tie Runan towards the two sky-reflecting monuments standing in the west.

Before they could really get close to the Yingtian Monument, the three of them had to fall from the sky.

Because there were already long queues that were several miles long in front of the two Yingtian Monuments.

There is no way, there are too many people participating in the trial.

Even though the thirteen major forces have separated people as much as possible, there are still not a few monks assigned to each trial point.

Jiang Yun and the others naturally fell at the back of one of the teams.

Here, because everyone doesn’t know each other’s origins, and everyone is in the Yuanfa realm, there is no such thing as jumping in line.

Everyone queued up honestly.

However, just when Jiang Yun and the others were lining up at the end of the line, another Yuanfa Realm monk wearing Zhen Quetian clothing suddenly appeared behind them.

The monk didn't say anything after he appeared. He took out a formation stone and crushed it hard.

He saw a ball of light burst out, forming an illusory formation, blocking all the monks coming from behind from the formation.

This made the monks who came later feel puzzled. Some people asked: "What does this mean?"

The disciple of Zhen Quetian said coldly: "The Yingtian Monument can only withstand the test of 100,000 people at a time."

"Every time you reach 100,000 people, you must take a day off to rest. You can wait until this time tomorrow to come back!"

Everyone is a monk, so it is not difficult to understand the meaning of this disciple's words.

The Yingtian Monument, no matter who built it, can also be regarded as a domain artifact in itself.

And the domain device means that there must be power to activate and consume

Obviously, the power in the Yingtian Monument can only detect the cultivation level of 100,000 people at a time. After that, it needs to be replenished.

When Jiang Yun and the others heard this, they couldn't help but secretly rejoice. Fortunately, they had arrived half a step earlier, otherwise, they would have had to wait another day.

Although the day is not long, I am already standing here, looking at the Yingtian Monument right in front of my eyes, but I can't start taking the inspection immediately. I have to wait one more day. This kind of waiting is still very painful.

But now that the disciples of Zhen Quetian have spoken, naturally no one dared to disobey.

Those monks who arrived a step late could only sit or stand in place, craning their necks and looking at the people lining up in front of them.

Although there were a lot of people queuing up, just like when entering the entrance to the Seventh Trial Realm, the speed was still quite fast.

Jiang Yun naturally also paid special attention to the inspection status of others.

The so-called inspection process is very simple. It is nothing more than the monk gently placing his palm on the stone tablet, and the stone tablet will light up with lights of different colors.

There are ten colors of light: black, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and gold!

If the monk allows the first nine colors of light to appear on the Yingtian Monument, he will be allowed to enter the platforms within the Yingtian Monument.

If it shows golden light, it will be driven away directly.

This made Jiang Yun a little confused, but fortunately among the other monks queuing up, there was an old man explaining to everyone.

"This Reflecting Sky Monument is really magical. It not only reflects everyone's true cultivation level, but also can even reflect everyone's general strength."

"The first nine colors of light naturally correspond to the nine small realms of Yuanfa Realm."

"And the golden light means that you have hidden your cultivation realm."

"In other words, although you are in the realm of Yuanfa, you have the strength to transcend the realm of Yuanfa and reach the realm of Breaking Laws."

After hearing this person's explanation, a monk couldn't help but ask: "Those who are in the Law-breaking Realm can have strength comparable to the Law-Breaking Realm. Although there are such people, they are probably extremely rare!"

The old man nodded and said: "Yes, among the 100,000 of us, all the monks who show the golden light we see are hiding their true cultivation realm and have no strength to surpass the law-breaking realm."

This is also expected by everyone.

There are many people who can possess the strength to transcend a higher level, but there are very few monks who can possess the strength to truly transcend a large realm.

Even among the monks who are at the ninth level of the Yuanfa Realm, their strength is only infinitely close to the Law-Breaking Realm. Only one in ten thousand can truly reach the Law-Breaking Realm.

Jiang Yun's expression couldn't help but change slightly.

He doesn't know the situation of others, but he is very clear about his own situation.

His true strength has definitely reached the realm of law-breaking.

Although he is very confident in the way he hides his strength, this Yingtian Monument was made by the Angel Patroller himself, so it might be difficult for him to hide it.

If his true strength is really detected, will he still be forced to go to the group that breaks the law?

Facing opponents in the law-breaking realm and those in the law-breaking realm, the probability of victory will definitely decrease.

Especially with his true strength, he can only fight at the first or second level of breaking the law. If he encounters the third or fourth level of breaking the law, he has no chance of winning.

What's more, if there is no other monk who can cross a major realm, and he is the only one, then he will become the object of everyone's attention!

The monk had already continued: "However, in the past few days, there have been several strong Yuanfa Realm masters with the ability to break the Law Realm."

"What!" Everyone's expressions couldn't help but change: "There is such a strong man, so how can we fight? We will definitely lose!"

The old man shook his head, smiled slightly and said, "Not entirely so!"

"Lord Angel Patroller, the reason why you want to create this reflecting sky monument is to distinguish these powerful people from us and treat them differently."

"Any strong person who has the strength to break the law will not compete in pairs, but will accept the challenge from everyone else!"

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