Taoist world

Chapter 3225: Flame Stone Tablet (Repair)

Dao Tianyou felt as if his blood had solidified.

Although he was also shocked by the secrets about the Jiang family, what shocked him even more was his father's thoughts!

At this point, he finally understood what his father was trying to do by letting him disguise himself as Jiang Yun!

Father, it is obvious that he wants to become Jiang Yun and enter the Jiang family lineage!

Dao Wuming's face also showed excitement and said: "Jiang Qiuyang, the so-called head of the Jiang family who came out of nowhere and rose to power in a very short period of time, is actually just a real member of the Jiang family. .”

"Then it is conceivable that the true strength of the Jiang family is probably beyond our knowledge."

"God bless, if you can become one of them, just think about how brilliant your future will be!"

Because he was so excited, Dao Wuming temporarily forgot about letting his son disguise himself as Jiang Yun, but was immersed in his beautiful reverie.

Looking at his excited father, Dao Tianyou had a bitter smile on his face and said, "Since the real Jiang family is so powerful, I'm afraid I can't hide it from them no matter how much I pretend to look like him."

"No, no, no!" Dao Wuming shook his head and said, "You have to believe in our power of assimilation."

"Even Jiang Qiuyang can't see through this power."

"Therefore, as long as you can enter the Jiang family, you will be able to hide it from them."

Although Dao Tianyou didn't believe that his father's plan would succeed, he didn't dare to spoil his father's interest, so he could only remain silent.

After Dao Wuming was excited for a while, he continued: "The passage leading to the Jiang clan is actually hidden in the original world of mountains and seas."

"Jiang Qiuyang came to the Gathering Area of ​​the Heavens through that passage back then."

Speaking of this, Dao Wuming said with some confusion: "I don't know why, when Jiang Qiuyang was in trouble, he didn't return to his clan. Instead, he hid Jiang Yun in the original realm of mountains and seas, and asked me to take Jiang Yun to escape."

Shaking his head, Dao Wuming continued: "And if you want to find the specific location of that passage, you need to first find the thirty-six guidance points hidden in this world."

"My thirty-four assimilated clones have already found thirty-four points of guidance among them a long time ago."

"As a result, due to the appearance of Jiang Yun, as well as the occurrence of various things such as Ji Kongfan and Dao Zun, my plan had to be temporarily terminated."

"Until now, I finally found the remaining two points of guidance."

"In a moment, you and I will each occupy a guidance point, and we will be able to guide us to the location of the passage leading to the Jiang clan."

At this point, Dao Tianyou knew very clearly that there was no possibility of him refusing, so he just nodded numbly.

"Okay, now I will send you to one of the guidance points first, and then you wait for my order, fully mobilize the power in the body, and input it into it."


Next, Dao Wuming stopped talking and took a step forward with Dao Tianyou to the top of a wilderness. He stretched out his hand and said, "Stand there."

Dao Tianyou obeyed and stood over, but he didn't feel any special feeling.

Dao Wuming obviously knew what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "If there was any special feeling, others would have discovered it long ago."

"Okay, wait for my news!"

After finishing speaking, Dao Wuming himself disappeared without a trace.

Standing where he was, Dao Tianyou let out a long sigh.

Although he already understood what his father wanted him to do, he didn't know what his father's purpose was!

Do you just hope to give yourself an extremely brilliant future?

To be honest, Dao Tianyou didn't believe it.

He felt that his father seemed to be doing this to take revenge on Jiang Qiuyang, or on the Jiang family, but he did not dare to ask this question.

Moreover, what my father did was a bit despicable.

Even if there really is some grudge between his father and Jiang Qiuyang, he can definitely tell it and take revenge openly and openly, instead of pretending to be Jiang Yun, secretly sneaking into the Jiang family, and practicing the Jiang family like he is now. The skills become powerful.

What's more, he really felt that the probability of success of this approach was extremely low.

Just because Jiang Qiuyang can't see through the power of assimilation doesn't mean that no one from the Jiang family can see through it.

And once your identity is revealed, wait for the consequences...

Dao Tianyou smiled bitterly and shook his head, and did not continue to think about it.

At this moment, a nameless voice sounded in his ears: "Let's start!"

Dao Tianyou hurriedly calmed down. Although he was unwilling and did not believe that he would succeed in the end, now that he had reached this point, he had nothing else to do except follow his father's words and continue to do it with all his strength. choose.

In fact, even if the worst outcome did occur, at least he was very content with being able to live with his father almost day and night for decades.

Just as Dao Tianyou poured all his power into the place where he stood without reservation, in the other thirty-five places in the mountain and sea world, Dao Wuming's thirty-four assimilated clones, as well as Dao Wuming himself , also instilled their respective powers into the positions beneath them.

Suddenly, thirty-six people felt a vague vibration at the same time, spreading rapidly in a certain direction along their feet.

This is also the reason why Dao Wuming uses so many assimilated clones.

Because of this kind of vibration, except for Dao Wuming and his son, no other living being in the mountain and sea world can sense it.

But anyone who is on the thirty-six guidance points can sense this vibration and the passage leading to the Jiang clan.

As for the location of the passage, he must not let anyone except his father and son know, especially Jiang Yun!

Dao Wuming's consciousness spread all the way along the feeling of shock, until finally, thirty-six waves of shock converged at the same location.

"found it!"

At this moment, Dao Wuming's eyes lit up with a dazzling light, and he suppressed the excitement in his heart. He swayed and came to Dao Tianyou's side. His big sleeves were rolled up, and he appeared directly here with Dao Tianyou. Where shocks gather!

This is a place completely covered with ice and snow.

Dao Tianyou, who was also extremely familiar with the Shanhai Realm, glanced around and recognized that this was Beishan Prefecture in the Shanhai Realm!

Back then, in Beishan Prefecture, there was a sect as famous as the Taoist Sect, called Ten Thousand Demons Cave.

The demon lord of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave is named Huo Yanghui!

Dao Tianyou even vaguely remembered that Huo Yanghui seemed to have a son named Huo Duming!

However, what really made Dao Tianyou sigh was that there seemed to be some unknown providence.

Because the relationship between Jiang Yun and this place is actually very deep.

Because today, there is still an ethnic group living here, an ethnic group that has replaced Ten Thousand Monsters Cave and can be regarded as a group that has grown with the support of Jiang Yun - the Snow Clan!

Jiang Yun's wife is Xue Qing, a member of the Snow Clan.

Jiang Yun would never have imagined that the place where he met his wife was actually only a stone's throw away from the real clan of his Jiang family.

Now, disguised as Jiang Yun, he came to this place to replace Jiang Yun and return to the clan of the Jiang family.

Dao Wuming's voice sounded: "It's right here, but it's underground."

The vibration still did not disappear, but became more violent, so much so that Dao Tianyou felt as if a huge mountain was about to rush out from under the earth.

Dao Wuming took Dao Tianyou to the underground. What appeared in front of them was a river of flames, with countless flame flowers blooming on the river.

Regarding this place, Dao Wuming and his son have never been here before.

But if Jiang Yun were here, maybe he would be able to recognize that this is where Huo Yanghui practiced back then!

And the current shock comes from this river of flames, from those flame flowers!

All the flame flowers slowly gathered together, forming a flame stele about ten feet high.

But looking at this stone tablet, Dao Wuming and his son were all stunned!

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