Taoist world

Chapter 3511: Clouds can be chaotic

The words of the purple-robed patrol official were like thunder, which struck Xu Heng hard, and also hit everyone's hearts, setting off a huge wave!

The Xu family's construction of such a life-saving ship must be extremely obscure and secret, and they must use people whom the Xu family can trust.

But among them, there are still some people who have been bribed by the Xangtian lineage!

This gave everyone a chilling feeling, including Qiu Ge!

Except for the slight change in Qiu Ge's mood when he heard Rumeng tell him that Gu Si was Jiang Yun, his face had no expression at all from beginning to end and remained calm.

However, now, after hearing the words of the purple-robed patrol official, his expression changed slightly, his pupils shrank, and a sharp cold light shone in his eyes.

Ruyu on the side asked puzzledly: "Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Qiu Ge looked at the purple-robed patrol official, took a deep breath and said, "Among the people who built these twenty ships for the Xu family, there were also people from my Qiankun Auction."

This sentence made everyone's expressions change.

They were just guessing whether it was the Xu family that was stronger or the Qiankun Auction House.

At this moment, Qiu Ge's words had already given them the answer.

It turned out that people from the Qiankun Auction House participated in the construction of the twenty ships used by the Xu family to save their lives.

As for such a thing, actually everyone present was not too surprised.

Because they are each responsible for an area, and the tasks they need to perform include infiltrating into various large and small forces.

For example, what Ruying reported to Qiu Ge about the Tie family was because they bribed the Tie family members.

So it is not impossible that Qiu Ge secretly sent people to infiltrate the Xu family.

However, they really didn't expect that Qiu Ge would penetrate the Xu family so early and so deeply.

Even when the Xu family built these life-saving boats, Qiu Ge sent people to participate.

Naturally, this means that Qiu Ge actually knows everything about the Xu family and has a firm grasp of every move of the Xu family.

It can also be seen from this point that Qiankun Auction House is indeed well-deserved to be called the strongest force in the Taiyi world.

However, at this moment, Qiu Ge's purpose in telling this was not to show off to them, but to serve as a warning.

It was not just the Qiankun Auction House that had infiltrated the Xu family, but also people from the Xantian lineage.

More importantly, the Xantian lineage not only sent people to participate in the construction of the ship, but also secretly changed the prohibition formation on the ship.

Qiu Ge had no idea about this!

This shows that the penetration of Xantian's lineage is more obscure and deeper than that of Qiankun Auction House.

The Qiankun Auction House was able to infiltrate the Xu family because the two parties were in the same world, but the Xuntian lineage could also do it, even better than the Qiankun Auction House. This was really terrifying!

After all, this is the Cloud Territory, a lawless place that does not belong to the thirteen major forces.

Before today, I had almost never heard of anyone from Xantian's lineage entering the Chaos Cloud Territory!

Qiu Ge's brows were knitted tightly together, and he said in a voice that only he could hear: "There must be people from the Xantian lineage in our Qiankun Auction House, but I don't know how much information they have already grasped!"

"Also, if Gu Si is really Jiang Yun, and he is really the Heaven Patroller, then if the Angel Patroller asked him to come here to participate in the auction, is it really just for the Dream Fruit, or is there something else? Purpose."

Having said this, Qiu Ge quietly glanced at Rumeng, who was still distracted, with a worried look in his eyes.

Even Qiu Ge was shocked by the words of the purple-robed patrolman, let alone others.

By now, everyone naturally understands that in fact, every move of the Xu family is always in the hands of the Xantian lineage. That's why the seven Xuntian officials faced the Xu family's attack before and only defended themselves without any defense.

Because they had basically calculated that the Xu family would evacuate as quickly as possible, they deliberately waited for all the Xu family members to get on the big ship before blowing up the big ship and catching them all in one go!

At this moment, Xu Heng was as limp on the ground as a pile of mud.

He is a contemporary of the other Nine Heavenly Lords.

Precisely because he was no match for them and knew the principles of success and defeat, he stayed away from their territory and came to the Chaos Cloud Territory.

For countless years, the Xu family has always kept a low profile and gradually developed its power in a low-key manner, hoping to wait until it was strong enough to suddenly emerge and truly dominate the Chaos Cloud Territory.

By that time, the Xu family will become the fourteenth largest force in the All-Heaven Gathering Area, rivaling the Angel Patrollers and others.

But now, Xu Heng finally understood that everything he did was just a complete joke.

The angel patrol had actually noticed and monitored me countless years ago!

After a long time, Xu Heng suddenly murmured: "If they don't use the boat, then they might have a chance to escape!"

The purple-robed patrol official looked at Xu Heng lightly and said, "Your Xu family has prepared a total of four means of escape. No matter which one, it will not change the demise of your Xu family!"

This sentence once again shocked everyone, especially Xu Heng, who suddenly raised his head, stared at the patrol officer, clenched his hands into fists and said, "Then we should fight with you!"

The purple-clothed sky patrol official did not answer at all, but looked at the seam outside the Taiyi world, where the twenty fireballs had begun to weaken.

Although the purple-robed patrol official did not answer, everyone knew very well that if the Xu family gave up escaping and fought desperately, the outcome would not change at all.

The Xuantian lineage must have other ways to deal with the Xu family.

Seeing Xu Heng sitting helplessly on the ground with a look of despair on his face, Jiu Xian couldn't help but feel the sadness of the rabbit dying and the fox dying in his heart.

At the same time, he was also horrified in his heart.

Since the Xu family cannot escape the surveillance of the Xuantian lineage, then are there people from the Xuantian lineage in their own Jiuxian sect?

Not only the wine master, but also all the powerful monks present had the same idea in their hearts.

However, even though they thought of this, they were unable to make any changes at all.

Those who belong to the Xuntian lineage will never admit it themselves.

If you want to search for souls, I am afraid that the Xantian lineage has already prepared a way to deal with it.

What's more, every force, no matter how big or small, is intricately connected and full of various interests.

If we really want to thoroughly investigate everyone, even the head of the family may be unable to overcome the resistance encountered!

Finally, under everyone's gaze, the twenty blazing fireballs in the gap were completely extinguished.

Naturally, the huge Xu family, with more than hundreds of thousands of clan members, has all been reduced to ashes and nothingness.

Although there is still Xu Heng left, his fate will definitely be worse than that of his clansmen.

So far, this second-rate force in the Taiyi world has been wiped out.

And all this is just because the Xu family moved a black-clothed patrol official!

And during the whole process, almost none of the seven sky patrol officials actually took action!

This is the power and terror of the Xuantian lineage!

At this time, the six gold-clad sky patrol officials all put away the sky patrol orders in their hands and removed the golden light shield that had always protected them.

A gold-clad patrol official walked up to Xu Heng and lifted him up.

The purple-robed patrol official scanned all the people around him, and finally, whether intentionally or unintentionally, he stopped at Qiu Ge's face in the Qiankun Auction House, and said lightly: "Chaotic Cloud Territory, you can be chaotic!"

"However, if anyone thinks that they can transcend the jurisdiction of our Xuantian lineage and dare to challenge the majesty of our Xuantian lineage, then the Xu family will learn from their mistakes!"

"Also, if some people think they can get rid of the Xantian lineage, that is even more wishful thinking!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the purple-robed sky patrol suddenly looked at the huge black hole in front of him, which was thousands of feet in diameter!

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