Taoist world

Chapter 3474 The Tie Family Secret

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Within the seventh floor, there are thousands of rays of light!

What appeared in front of the railway carrier was a huge tower-shaped shelf with a huge area that could not be seen to the end. The shelf had a total of ninety-nine floors.

There are several grids on each shelf.

The bottom layer has at least a thousand grids.

The higher you go up, the fewer the number of grids are, and the number decreases layer by layer. At the highest level, the ninety-ninth floor, there is only one grid left.

The size of each grid is not large, and there is almost a bead the size of a longan and a jade slip placed in it!

Although these beads are the same size, they are colorful and show different lights.

And each bead emits one or more rays of light, forming apertures that wrap the beads.

At a glance, the number of beads on the entire shelf exceeds at least one hundred thousand!

With so many beads, although the light emitted by each one individually is not strong, when they are gathered together, they form thousands of rays of rays of light, illuminating this space extremely brightly.

Under the reflection of the light, Tie Chengyun's eyes gradually lit up.

Looking at these beads, he couldn't help but show a look of pride on his face!

These beads are one of the secrets of his Tie family.

He really wanted to tell this secret to all the Tie family, tell all the people in the world, and let people know the power and mystery of his Tie family.

But it's a pity that the Tie family has iron rules since ancient times.

Except for the head of the family, only the head of the family can tell these secrets to the next head of the family when he is dying.

Even if the next head of the family practices the art of blood and is unable to open the seventh level, then the next head of the family will also not know the situation of the seventh level and the secrets here.

These beads are called blood beads.

Each one represents an ethnic group in the All-Heaven Gathering Region, or the strongest bloodline of a race!

All beads are completely condensed from blood!

The Tie family's bloodline skills can be said to be unique. They are the only ones in the vast All-Heavens Domain who possess it, and they have been passed down from generation to generation!

Since the Tie family possesses this mysterious technique, it is natural that the Tie family cannot just use it as a cultivation method, but use it to collect the blood of all ethnic groups in the All-Heaven Gathering Area.

Their method of collection is not complicated. They only need the blood of the corresponding clan members of a certain ethnic group.

Of course, not every clan member’s blood can be condensed into beads.

The higher the seniority of the clan members, the stronger the bloodline power, and they can form such bloodline beads!

Although I dare not say that the bloodline beads collected by the Tie family include all the ethnic groups in the All-Heaven Gathering Area, there are at least 70% of them.

Although the later heads of the Tie family were always collecting, it was a pity that as time went by, the bloodline of any ethnic group would gradually become thinner.

No matter how senior they are, even if their blood is drained, it will be difficult to condense it into blood beads again.

After collecting the bloodline beads, the ancestors of the Tie family also classified certain levels and standards for various bloodlines based on their family's bloodline skills, and placed them here in different categories.

There are ninety-nine levels of the shelf, and every eleven levels is a level, which is the amount of light emitted by the blood beads themselves.

The one that emits a ray of light is the lowest first-level bloodline, and the highest level is the only bloodline bead that emits nine rays of light placed on the top of the shelf!

It sounds like collecting these blood beads is of little use, but the Tie family can use their blood art to reintegrate these blood beads into the bodies of the corresponding ethnic groups, or even people from different ethnic groups!

No matter which ethnic group or species they belong to, they all attach great importance to bloodline, but they believe that their bloodline is innate and cannot be changed.

Even if someone wants to change their bloodline, they can't get in. Over time, they don't care much about their bloodline.

As a result, some of their ancient skills, magical powers, etc. will not be able to be used at all.

This is also the reason why many magical powers and cultivation techniques will gradually be lost.

Because the blood concentration of the predecessors was high, the magical powers they created would naturally become unable to be used as the blood concentration weakened.

But if they knew that the Tie family could reintegrate the strongest bloodline of their ancestors into their bodies, then they would definitely go crazy for it and get it at any cost.

Naturally, the Tie family can understand this, so the Tie family has established an ancestral motto that, except for the head of the family, other members of the clan cannot practice bloodline techniques or know the secrets of the Tie family.

If these blood beads are used well, the Tie family can instantly rise and become a powerful force.

But if it is not used properly, it will bring disaster to the Tie family.

As for the Tie family, although they have mastered the art of bloodline and can change the bloodline of their own family members, it is precisely because of the existence of this ancestral precept that they deliberately allowed the bloodlines of their people to gradually become thinner, so that more and more clan members can practice the art of bloodline. The less.

Only clan members with outstanding qualifications, such as Tie Runan, can be selected. When they decide to train them to become the head of the family, the head of the family will secretly increase their bloodline concentration.

When Tie Chengyun learned about these things, in addition to being proud of being a member of the Tie family, he also had doubts.

Even if the head of the family cannot practice the bloodline skills to a higher level, or meets an accident and dies, then wouldn't the secrets of the Tie family be lost and no one can know them anymore?

It wasn't until he became the head of the family that he realized that there was always an ancestor in the Tie family!

Tie Chengyun has no idea which generation this ancestor is from and how powerful he is, but if the situation that he is worried about really arises.

Or, when the Tie family is facing life and death, the ancestor will naturally take action to ensure that the Tie family and the secrets of the Tie family can continue.

Today, Tie Chengyun came here just to ask to see this ancestor!

After looking at these blood beads, Tie Chengyun walked to the end of the space on the seventh floor, knelt down respectfully, and said in a deep voice, "Ancestor, Chengyun wants to see you!"

After a moment, an old voice came from the void, "What's the matter?"

Tie Chengyun simply told the story of Tie Runan's disappearance.

This is why he has no worries about Tie Runan.

Firstly, the iron-clad life stone has not been broken;

Secondly, Tie Runan, as the next head of the family, has a spiritual consciousness left by her ancestors in her soul.

Once Tie Runan is searched for his soul, or is really in danger, the ancestor's spiritual consciousness will naturally come to help.

After Tie Chengyun finished speaking, a long time passed before the old voice spoke again, "She is in Yaoyue City, in the city lord's palace. Although she is temporarily under restraint, she is not seriously injured."

"When necessary, we can naturally get out of trouble and come back."


The ancestor's answer made Tie Chengyun stunned.

He originally thought that Tie Runan was captured by the Xu family, but he didn't expect that it would be the city lord's mansion!

However, since the ancestor knew so clearly and gave him the guarantee, Tie Chengyun felt completely at ease. He lowered his head and worshiped again, "I understand. It must be the people from the Jiuxian Cult who still refuse to give up on me. The family’s wine-making rice, so I kidnapped Tie Runan and prepared to threaten me.”

"It's just that it's been half a month since Ru Nan was taken away. Why is there no movement from the City Lord's Mansion?"

This time, the ancestor's voice no longer sounded, and Tie Chengyun also understood that he had to deal with it himself.

Within the seventh floor, there are thousands of rays of light!

What appeared in front of the railway carrier was a huge tower-shaped shelf with a huge area that could not be seen to the end. The shelf had a total of ninety-nine floors.

There are several grids on each shelf.

The bottom layer has at least a thousand grids.

The higher you go up, the fewer the number of grids are, and the number decreases layer by layer. At the highest level, the ninety-ninth floor, there is only one grid left.

The size of each grid is not large, and there is almost a bead the size of a longan and a jade slip placed in it!

Although these beads are the same size, they are colorful and show different lights.

And each bead emits one or more rays of light, forming apertures that wrap the beads.

At a glance, the number of beads on the entire shelf exceeds at least one hundred thousand!

With so many beads, although the light emitted by each one individually is not strong, when they are gathered together, they form thousands of rays of rays of light, illuminating this space extremely brightly.

Under the reflection of the light, Tie Chengyun's eyes gradually lit up.

Looking at these beads, he couldn't help but show a look of pride on his face!

These beads are one of the secrets of his Tie family.

He really wanted to tell this secret to all the Tie family, tell all the people in the world, and let people know the power and mystery of his Tie family.

But it's a pity that the Tie family has iron rules since ancient times.

Except for the head of the family, only the head of the family can tell these secrets to the next head of the family when he is dying.

Even if the next head of the family practices the art of blood and is unable to open the seventh level, then the next head of the family will also not know the situation of the seventh level and the secrets here.

These beads are called blood beads.

Each one represents an ethnic group in the All-Heaven Gathering Region, or the strongest bloodline of a race!

All beads are completely condensed from blood!

The Tie family's bloodline skills can be said to be unique. They are the only ones in the vast All-Heavens Domain who possess it, and they have been passed down from generation to generation!

Since the Tie family possesses this mysterious technique, it is natural that the Tie family cannot just use it as a cultivation method, but use it to collect the blood of all ethnic groups in the All-Heaven Gathering Area.

Their method of collection is not complicated. They only need the blood of the corresponding clan members of a certain ethnic group.

Of course, not every clan member’s blood can be condensed into beads.

The higher the seniority of the clan members, the stronger the bloodline power, and they can form such bloodline beads!

Although I dare not say that the bloodline beads collected by the Tie family include all the ethnic groups in the All-Heaven Gathering Area, there are at least 70% of them.

Although the later heads of the Tie family were always collecting, it was a pity that as time went by, the bloodline of any ethnic group would gradually become thinner.

No matter how senior they are, even if their blood is drained, it will be difficult to condense it into blood beads again.

After collecting the bloodline beads, the ancestors of the Tie family also classified certain levels and standards for various bloodlines based on their family's bloodline skills, and placed them here in different categories.

There are ninety-nine levels of the shelf, and every eleven levels is a level, which is the amount of light emitted by the blood beads themselves.

The one that emits a ray of light is the lowest first-level bloodline, and the highest level is the only bloodline bead that emits nine rays of light placed on the top of the shelf!

It sounds like collecting these blood beads is of little use, but the Tie family can use their blood art to reintegrate these blood beads into the bodies of the corresponding ethnic groups, or even people from different ethnic groups!

No matter which ethnic group or species they belong to, they all attach great importance to bloodline, but they believe that their bloodline is innate and cannot be changed.

Even if someone wants to change their bloodline, they can't get in. Over time, they don't care much about their bloodline.

As a result, some of their ancient skills, magical powers, etc. will not be able to be used at all.

This is also the reason why many magical powers and cultivation techniques will gradually be lost.

Because the blood concentration of the predecessors was high, the magical powers they created would naturally become unable to be used as the blood concentration weakened.

But if they knew that the Tie family could reintegrate the strongest bloodline of their ancestors into their bodies, then they would definitely go crazy for it and get it at any cost.

Naturally, the Tie family can understand this, so the Tie family has established an ancestral motto that, except for the head of the family, other members of the clan cannot practice bloodline techniques or know the secrets of the Tie family.

If these blood beads are used well, the Tie family can instantly rise and become a powerful force.

But if it is not used properly, it will bring disaster to the Tie family.

As for the Tie family, although they have mastered the art of bloodline and can change the bloodline of their own family members, it is precisely because of the existence of this ancestral precept that they deliberately allowed the bloodlines of their people to gradually become thinner, so that more and more clan members can practice the art of bloodline. The less.

Only clan members with outstanding qualifications, such as Tie Runan, can be selected. When they decide to train them to become the head of the family, the head of the family will secretly increase their bloodline concentration.

When Tie Chengyun learned about these things, in addition to being proud of being a member of the Tie family, he also had doubts.

Even if the head of the family cannot practice the bloodline skills to a higher level, or meets an accident and dies, then wouldn't the secrets of the Tie family be lost and no one can know them anymore?

It wasn't until he became the head of the family that he realized that there was always an ancestor in the Tie family!

Tie Chengyun has no idea which generation this ancestor is from and how powerful he is, but if the situation that he is worried about really arises.

Or, when the Tie family is facing life and death, the ancestor will naturally take action to ensure that the Tie family and the secrets of the Tie family can continue.

Today, Tie Chengyun came here just to ask to see this ancestor!

After looking at these blood beads, Tie Chengyun walked to the end of the space on the seventh floor, knelt down respectfully, and said in a deep voice, "Ancestor, Chengyun wants to see you!"

After a moment, an old voice came from the void, "What's the matter?"

Tie Chengyun simply told the story of Tie Runan's disappearance.

This is why he has no worries about Tie Runan.

Firstly, the iron-clad life stone has not been broken;

Secondly, Tie Runan, as the next head of the family, has a spiritual consciousness left by her ancestors in her soul.

Once Tie Runan is searched for his soul, or is really in danger, the ancestor's spiritual consciousness will naturally come to help.

After Tie Chengyun finished speaking, a long time passed before the old voice spoke again, "She is in Yaoyue City, in the city lord's palace. Although she is temporarily under restraint, she is not seriously injured."

"When necessary, we can naturally get out of trouble and come back."


The ancestor's answer made Tie Chengyun stunned.

He originally thought that Tie Runan was captured by the Xu family, but he didn't expect that it would be the city lord's palace!

However, since the ancestor knew so clearly and gave him the guarantee, Tie Chengyun felt completely at ease. He lowered his head and worshiped again, "I understand. It must be the people from the Jiuxian Cult who still refuse to give up on me. The family’s wine-making rice, so I kidnapped Tie Runan and prepared to threaten me.”

"It's just that it's been half a month since Ru Nan was taken away. Why is there no movement from the City Lord's Mansion?"

This time, the ancestor's voice no longer sounded, and Tie Chengyun also understood that he had to deal with it himself.

After all, what the ancestors really care about is the inheritance of the Tie family's secrets.

As for the operation and safety of the Tie family, these matters must of course be the responsibility of the family head!

Therefore, Tie Chengyun said respectfully, "Thank you, ancestor, Chengyun will resign!"

After leaving the ancestral temple, Tie Chengyun sighed and said, "It's not appropriate for me to step in to rescue Ru Nan. It seems that I can only let Na Gu Si take action!"

"If Gu Si can rescue Ru Nan this time, then I will tell him about Ru Nan's doubts about his bloodline!"

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